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July 19, 2013

Title: Bettencourt: From Taxman to Senator
Topic: Bettencourt: From Taxman to Senator
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

When was Paul Bettencourt first elected countywide in Harris County? How many times did he win and were they by wide margins?

Paul Bettencourt stood by the ‘Bible Monument’ downtown defending its right to remain in front of the Court House.

Paul Bettencourt stood for defining marriage as between one man and one woman. He was only one of three elected officials to take this public stand.

When many just talk a good game, Paul has stood with the Pro-Life / Pro-Family conservatives for decades. He is not a newbie or a want-a-be. He is a true statesman.

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