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January 31, 2023

Title: The Battle Beneath the Battle
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Do the divisions in America go beyond Republican vs Democrat? Are there some in the Republican Party who are undermining traditional family values and the sanctity of life? Do well-intentioned people (even Christians and church leaders) implore us to end all the division and “just get along”?

Robert H. Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times and a Senior Fellow for Bishop E.W. Jackson’s Staying True to America’s National Destiny. Today, Robert encourages Conservatives to stay in the fight; if you’re not in the fight yet, then join it now!

Click here to read Robert’s article on this topic.

Click here for more on Robert H. Knight.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the battles being waged in America today between good and evil – right vs wrong? Robert explains why he compares the evil of today to Sodom and Gomorrah and why he believes much of the evil stems from abortion and the killing of innocent life.

Is the recent vote in WDC on the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” a clear example of right vs. wrong? NOTE: The “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act”, which mandates medical care for babies who survive abortions, passed 220-210. All Republicans voted yes. All but one Democrat voted no.

Is right worth defending? Is wrong meant to be exposed?

What is their end game? Robert believes that many on Left want to destroy the family and ultimately destroy Christianity in America.

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September 7, 2022

Title: The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

In the midst of the storms that we face today, too many Republican office holders and candidates are clueless, fearful, and man a ship without a rudder and with no captain.

Today, Lt. Col. Allen West sounds a clarion call for Republican leaders to step in and step up.

Click here to read more on this issue from Lt. Col. Allen West.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Lt. Col. Allen West compare the current political war to combat?

Did Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell recently surrender the fall elections? Using a great musical analogy, Lt. Col. Allen West discusses what McConnell should be doing to unite the Party instead of “surrendering”.

Inflation and gas prices… Is it really “that bad”? What does Lt. Col. Allen West’s suggest Republicans do?

Who are “800,000 got-aways”? Does this number compare to the size of the active US Army and Marine Corp? How do these “got-aways” affect us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the Biden Administration sabotaging the oil and gas industry? Are Democrat Governors joining in? Lt. Col. Allen West discusses California Governor Newsom, Biden and Saudi Arabia, and European sanctions.

Fentanyl is the greatest killer of 18-45-year-olds in America. How and where is it manufactured? Who is bringing it into the US?

What are Republicans doing to stop the exploding crime rate in our cities? Lt. Col. Allen West uses this time to urge all Christians to rally together and vote this November, referencing Deuteronomy 30:19.

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September 2, 2022

Title: The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

In the midst of the storms that we face today, too many Republican office holders and candidates are clueless, fearful, and man a ship without a rudder and with no captain.

Today, Lt. Col. Allen West sounds a clarion call for Republican leaders to step in and step up.

Click here to read more on this issue from Lt. Col. Allen West.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Lt. Col. Allen West compare the current political war to combat?

Did Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell recently surrender the fall elections? Using a great musical analogy, Lt. Col. Allen West discusses what McConnell should be doing to unite the Party instead of “surrendering”.

Inflation and gas prices… Is it really “that bad”? What does Lt. Col. Allen West’s suggest Republicans do?

Who are “800,000 got-aways”? Does this number compare to the size of the active US Army and Marine Corp? How do these “got-aways” affect us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the Biden Administration sabotaging the oil and gas industry? Are Democrat Governors joining in? Lt. Col. Allen West discusses California Governor Newsom, Biden and Saudi Arabia, and European sanctions.

Fentanyl is the greatest killer of 18-45-year-olds in America. How and where is it manufactured? Who is bringing it into the US?

What are Republicans doing to stop the exploding crime rate in our cities? Lt. Col. Allen West uses this time to urge all Christians to rally together and vote this November, referencing Deuteronomy 30:19.

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May 4, 2012

Title: What should the United States do with $1.6 Billion in frozen Iranian funds? Sign the petition to help Congress decide.
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Judson Phillips describes the Beirut Marine bombing and the facts that came out in the suit against Iran brought by the families of the Marines that were killed and maimed by that terrorist act.

He encourages you to log on to and sign the Beirut Marine Families Petition to encourage Congress to release the $1.6 billion in frozen Iranian funds to the Beirut Marine Families instead of returning it to Iran.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Judson Phillips explains what a “Paper Judgment” is and why  that was what the Iranian suit verdict was until the $1.6 Billion in frozen Iranian assets were found in a New York Bank, and how that discovery changed the status of the verdict of the trial.

He goes on to explain how you, our listeners, could very well change the final outcome of that verdict.

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April 11, 2012

Title: The Truth Hurts - Chu: Not The Brightest Bulb In The Administration's Lamp!
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Congressman Bob Beauprez answers:

What has the Republican controlled Congress done to save the average family's budget?

What 'could' the Republican controlled congress have done to save the average family's budget?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

Why does the spineless Republican leadership need to either find a 'back-bone' or simply retire?

What should Congress be doing instead of legislating what kind of light bulb the American people can and cannot buy?

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