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November 2, 2012

Title: Five Reasons To Vote For Mitt Romney!
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Janet Porter
with Faith 2 Action

We have an unprecedented attack on Life. Marriage. Israel. Freedom. &. America - Listen in or log on to  to hear the segment in its entirety. Share it with your friends and family members on Facebook! Remember - one person CAN make a difference!

Janet (Folger) Porter is the founder and president of Faith2Action - created to WIN the cultural war by working TOGETHER with the most effective organizations on the side of faith and family. She hosted a live daily radio program, Faith2Action with Janet Porter, from March 2003 until May 2010. She has a 60-second daily commentary that is heard on about 200 stations. The commentaries can also be heard anywhere on the Faith2Action website at

The Mission statement of Faith2Action is to turn people of faith into people of action to win the cultural war together for life, liberty, and the family. "Faith2Action exists to help provide an overview of what the different branches of the cultural war are doing before you choose to enlist. To sift through the key pro-life and pro-family organizations and highlight where they are taking the lead-on the battles that matter most. Those battles begin with sharing our faith-because where people spend eternity matters more than anything else. But, we also need to be salt and light in this decaying and dark culture. We need to speak up and stand up before our freedoms are stripped away."

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November 1, 2012

Title: Five Reasons To Vote For Mitt Romney!
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Janet Porter
with Faith 2 Action

We have an unprecedented attack on Life, Marriage, Israel, Freedom, and America. Listen in or log on to to hear the segment in its entirety. Share it with your friends and family members on Facebook! Remember that one person can make a difference!

Janet (Folger) Porter is the founder and president of Faith2Action - created to win the cultural war by working together with the most effective organizations on the side of faith and family. She hosted a live daily radio program, Faith2Action with Janet Porter, from March 2003 until May 2010. She has a 60-second daily commentary that is heard on about 200 stations. The commentaries can also be heard anywhere on the Faith2Action website at

The Mission statement of Faith2Action is to turn people of faith into people of action to win the cultural war together for life, liberty, and the family. "Faith2Action exists to help provide an overview of what the different branches of the cultural war are doing before you choose to enlist. To sift through the key pro-life and pro-family organizations and highlight where they are taking the lead-on the battles that matter most. Those battles begin with sharing our faith-because where people spend eternity matters more than anything else. But, we also need to be salt and light in this decaying and dark culture. We need to speak up and stand up before our freedoms are stripped away."

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Title: Five Reasons To Vote For Mitt Romney!
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Janet Porter
with Faith 2 Action

We have an unprecedented attack on Life, Marriage, Israel, Freedom, and America. Listen in or log on to to hear the segment in its entirety. Share it with your friends and family members on Facebook! Remember that one person can make a difference!

Janet (Folger) Porter is the founder and president of Faith2Action - created to win the cultural war by working together with the most effective organizations on the side of faith and family. She hosted a live daily radio program, Faith2Action with Janet Porter, from March 2003 until May 2010. She has a 60-second daily commentary that is heard on about 200 stations. The commentaries can also be heard anywhere on the Faith2Action website at

The Mission statement of Faith2Action is to turn people of faith into people of action to win the cultural war together for life, liberty, and the family. "Faith2Action exists to help provide an overview of what the different branches of the cultural war are doing before you choose to enlist. To sift through the key pro-life and pro-family organizations and highlight where they are taking the lead-on the battles that matter most. Those battles begin with sharing our faith-because where people spend eternity matters more than anything else. But, we also need to be salt and light in this decaying and dark culture. We need to speak up and stand up before our freedoms are stripped away."

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October 25, 2012

Title: Could The Presidential Election End In An Electoral College Tie?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Tara Ross

Just how likely is an Electoral College tie in the presidential elections? What are the mechanics of deciding the election in case of a tie?

Why did the Founders consider the Electoral College one of the great achievements of the Constitutional Convention?

Critics say the current system excludes everyone outside the "battleground states" from the political debate. Is that true?

What is the National Popular Vote initiative? Why does it pose an immediate threat to the Electoral College - and how close is it to success?

How is the Electoral College related to Federalism?

Have any presidents besides George W. Bush won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote? Doesn't that prove that the system doesn't work?

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September 20, 2012

Title: There Are Too Many Able Bodies In The Wagon!
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Gary Bauer
with Campaign for working families

Part 1 of 2

In 1996, Bauer launched the Campaign for Working Families, a political action committee dedicated to electing pro-family, pro-life conservatives to public office. In its first two years of operation, Campaign for Working Families raised $7 million with 90,000 individual contributors and today remains one of America’s largest conservative political action committees.

What is this "latest Romney scandal" all about? Can America continue to grow the numbers inside the wagon without growing the numbers of those outside the wagon?

What should Romney do now?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Gary Bauer
with Campaign for working families

Bauer is the author of Our Journey Home, published in October 1992; co-author of Children at Risk: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Our Kids written with Focus on the Family Chairman and Founder, Dr. James Dobson; author of Our Hopes, Our Dreams: A Vision for America, published in 1996, and Doing Things Right, published in 2001.

COUNTDOWN TO VICTORY! 49 days to the 2012 Elections! Follow Gary on Facebook & Twitter, Visit End of Day archives to share reports on Facebook!

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September 13, 2012

Title: Why Must R&R Stick With The Game Plan?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Dr. Charles Dunn
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Was there a knockout blow for either party at the conventions this year?

Did both parties make many errors? Will 2012 be a rerun of 2004?

Can Obama succeed in doing what "Dubya" did in 2004"

Can Romney successfully counter-attack the Obama strategy?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Dr. Charles Dunn
with Regent University (

Do you like our plan to get our voters to vote ten times?

 Is the best defense a good offense? Does Romney have the advantage of being on the offense?

Can you give a synopsis to our listeners of where we are politically now that the conventions are over?

Is money "the mother's milk of politics"?

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September 7, 2012

Title: Recent Poll Results: Obama Is Losing Support Among Catholics.
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Part 1 of 2

How many Catholics were called in a recent poll commissioned by the American Life League?

What questions were asked? What were the results of the poll? Do more Catholic women support Obama than Catholic men?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Why is Obama losing support of Catholics? Why are these results surprising for the Obama administration?

What do these results indicate? How important is it for our religious leaders to stand and say you cannot vote for a man who kills babies?

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August 21, 2012

Title: Does The 2012 November Election Look Promising for Romney & Ryan?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Who do you think will win the 2012 presidential election? How can our listeners vote ten times? How much advertising is a bumper sticker worth?

If the election was today, How many electoral votes are locked up for Obama? How about Mitt Romney? Which states will make a difference?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Regardless of what happens between now and November, will the red and blue states stay red and blue? Would California or Texas change sides? Has a presidential candidate in the recent history won without carrying two of the following three states - Florida , Michigan and Wisconsin? What are you going to do between now and November? How can our listeners vote ten times?

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August 7, 2012

Title: A Line Of Sight: Romney & Obama - Could The Difference Be Any Clearer?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Eric Weissmann
with A Line of Sight (

What has President Obama done to create distance between the United States and Israel? Has he been successful?

What is Mitt Romney's position on this issue? Has President Obama ever visited Israel?

How has the Obama administration avoided answering questions directly on this issue when they are brought up?

Where Obama apologizes to enemies, Romney bolsters friends.
Where Obama is guided by politics, Romney is guided by values.
Where Obama equivocates, Romney leads.

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April 13, 2012

Title: Presidential Leadership Expert Discusses Santorum's Departure!
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Dr. Charles Dunn
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dr. Charles Dunn answers:

Did Santorum see that there was no light at the end of the tunnel? Could he have easily lost his home state?

Did he suspend his campaign to preserve his hope of a political resurrection? Does Romney need Santorum more than Santorum needs Romney?

What is Romney's Achilles Heel in unifying the GOP? Could Santorum serve as Romney's bridge to Evangelicals?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Dr. Charles Dunn
with Regent University (

Was Santorum's candidacy miraculous? How should this encourage all believers in democracy?

What are some things that Romney can now set his sights on?

Which is America's most important geopolitical region? What does Romney need to find in a running mate?

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February 21, 2012

Title: Are We On a Yo-Yo String? Does Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, Paul or Cruz, have it locked up so tight that the rest should go home?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Dr. Charles Dunn
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dr. Charles Dunn answers:

Do any of the candidates have the race locked up so tight that no one else has a chance?

If Santorum wins Michigan, will that make him more formidable to Romney than ever?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Dr. Charles Dunn
with Regent University (

Will Rick Santorum be able to hold on to his lead in Michigan or will he be crucified on the airways because of Romney's millions?

Has the Mitt Romney campaign written off Michigan's delegate votes? Why was it easier to portray Gingrich negatively than Santorum?

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August 2, 2010

Title: HAS OBAMA MET HIS MATCH? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Erik Rush

Erik Rush discusses the possible candidacy of Herman Cain, an Atlantic radio talk-show host, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, and a 2004 Senate seeker. Has Obama met his match? Log on to for more info on Erik’s book “Negrophilia”.

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Title: HAS OBAMA MET HIS MATCH? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Erik Rush

Join Erik of Facebook! Search under “Erik Rush”. I’m a fan - are you?

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