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November 3, 2016

Title: Humans as Guinea Pigs
Topic: Experimental Drugs
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Part 1 of 2

After the government experiment with rural black Americans in the Tuskegee Experiment, the federal government and states all across America passed laws against using humans as test subjects.

Dr. Devon Herrick is with us today to expand on a segment from yesterday. Devon will also explain why our elected officials must fix the out-of-control healthcare costs quickly.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would you be willing to take an experimental drug?

Will allowing Americans to use experimental drugs violate the Tuskegee Experiment Law?

In a desperate attempt to live, should those with terminal illnesses be allowed to use experimental drugs?

Listen in as Dr. Herrick explains why he and others are supporting an effort to overhaul the strict laws regarding experimental drugs.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Humans as Guinea Pigs
Topic: Experimental Drugs
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the FDA approval process the bottleneck in slowing new drugs from entering the consumer market in America?

Listen in as Dr. Herrick offers suggestions for how to help more Americans with their healthcare costs.

Would a bill allowing pharmaceutical companies to provide experimental drugs be useful?

For more on this issue, click here.

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November 2, 2016

Title: How to Stop Increasing Healthcare Costs
Topic: Health Insurance Costs
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Are you sick and tired of your health insurance and prescription drug costs increasing? Dr. Devon Herrick, Senior Fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis, is here today to discuss how the government can improve access to new drugs – and make them more affordable, too.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the overall health of Americans gotten better or worse over the last 50 years?

How much has the cost of health insurance really increased?

What is the biggest burden to receiving care?

How are American’s health being effected by health insurance mandates and red tape?

What is Hillary Clinton’s answer to the healthcare crisis?

What is cost-sharing? Are Health Savings Accounts worth it?

How can the government offer consumers affordable healthcare in a more timely manner?

Should patients question their doctor when a new drug, treatment, or test is suggested?

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September 19, 2016

Title: The Saga of the EpiPen
Topic: Health Care Costs
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Americans throw away unused epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPens) worth more than $1 billion annually. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that Americans waste more than $1 billion annually on $50 million worth of EpiPens that are discarded unused. The devices should only cost $20 a pair. So, why do they cost $608 instead?

Dr. Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis, is here today to discuss the sudden rise in costs and what must be done to reverse it. You can find his article on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is epinephrine?

Why do some people need to have an EpiPen handy 24/7/365?

Why do Americans throw away $1 billion worth of EpiPens annually?

Why is a 40-year old technology still so expensive?

Did government action cause much of the increase?

If the FDA would approve a generic, over-the-counter version, would $20 buy an “EpiPen two-pack”?

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August 23, 2016

Title: More Expensive….Everything
Topic: Health Care Costs
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

It’s about time that our elected officials admitted healthcare costs are out-of-control. Obamacare has done nothing to help; in fact, it has made the situation worse!

Devon Herrick is with the National Center for Policy Analysis. Devon is an expert on all things related to medicine and medical care. He will be answering some questions today about the rising healthcare costs and also giving some suggestions for curbing the costs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What has happened to the out-of-pocket costs for families and individuals over the past few decades?

Who is paying the most for their care? Where is the most burden?

Are higher deductibles and co-pays decreasing patient’s health?

There are good and bad consequences to cost-sharing and caps. Devon Herrick has some great recommendations for improving these programs and redirecting the money that is wasted on them. He discusses Medicare, health savings accounts, Hillary’s plan, and YOUR part in the process.

NOTE: Devon Herrick mentioned a company – Good RX – which can help lower the cost of some prescriptions. Click here  for more details.

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August 10, 2016

Title: Yes, We Can Defeat Terrorism
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by David Grantham
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Part 1 of 2

Can we defeat terrorism? What will it take to win the war?

David A. Grantham, Ph.D., is a leading expert in national security matters and international affairs with specializations in Latin America and the Middle East. Dr. Grantham’s expertise engages the nation’s most pressing issues, such as terrorism, international security, and military affairs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The legendary Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu once stated: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. But, if you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Right now, our current strategy suggests we know neither the enemy nor ourselves. How does David Grantham view our situation?

How do we defeat an enemy who believes death in battle with the infidels assures him 72 virgins and an eternity in paradise? David has three key points in response to this which are vital to improving the defense of our nation. NOTE: David will discuss the third key point in the second segment, so make sure you don’t skip it!

Who dismantled our intelligence gathering?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Yes, We Can Defeat Terrorism
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by David Grantham
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Questions/Issues Discussed:

David Grantham continues to outline what our military must do in order to defeat the enemy. Listen in as he explains his third key point.

After a successful attack resulting in the death of one or more “infidels”, the enemy is encouraged and emboldened. How can we fight that kind of evil?

Do Jihadists distinguish between black and white, gay or straight, young or old, rich or poor, male or female?

We are at war,” David says. “Even if we don’t declare it ourselves, it has been declared on us.” What responsibilities do our local, state, and federal governments have to keep us safe from terrorists?

How can our local, state, and federal governments discover if Imams in America are preaching and/or distributing literature that may encourage followers to kill the infidel?

How do we defeat our enemy?

You can view a video and read David Grantham’s commentary on this topic here.

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July 15, 2016

Title: More Expensive….Everything
Topic: Health Care Costs
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

It’s about time that our elected officials admitted healthcare costs are out-of-control. Obamacare has done nothing to help; in fact, it has made the situation worse!

Devon Herrick is with the National Center for Policy Analysis. Devon is an expert on all things related to medicine and medical care. He will be answering some questions today about the rising healthcare costs and also giving some suggestions for curbing the costs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What has happened to the out-of-pocket costs for families and individuals over the past few decades?

Who is paying the most for their care? Where is the most burden?

Are higher deductibles and co-pays decreasing patient’s health?

There are good and bad consequences to cost-sharing and caps. Devon Herrick has some great recommendations for improving these programs and redirecting the money that is wasted on them. He discusses Medicare, health savings accounts, Hillary’s plan, and YOUR part in the process.

NOTE: Devon Herrick mentioned a company – Good RX – which can help lower the cost of some prescriptions. Click here  for more details.

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March 21, 2016

Title: Trumpcare Explained
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Part 1 of 4

Much of what Donald Trump utters on screen is pure nonsense. He was pressured to release a detailed outline of his healthcare plan,  but he contradicts himself constantly when asked questions concerning his position. Every Presidential candidate since Truman has promised great healthcare coverage for all, so how does Trump’s proposal differ from others?

Donald Trump’s healthcare plan is as much of an enigma as his popularity,” says Dr. Devon Herrick, Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. Trump has stated he will repeal Obamacare in its entirety, but he still supports universal healthcare for all and a single-payer Medicare program. What has been released on Trump’s website is what Dr. Herrick calls a “garden variety Republican plan”.

Dr. Herrick explains “Universal Access”. Under all Federal Law, everyone is entitled to healthcare access, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into payment for services by the patient who doesn’t have healthcare coverage. Listen in as Dr. Herrick expounds in further detail what this means and if pre-existing conditions would still be covered under Trumpcare.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Trumpcare Explained
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Early on, Donald Trump has made statements that seem kind of odd,” Dr. Devon Herrick and other health economists believe. Trump has contradicted himself so many times that it’s hard to keep the lies straight! As mentioned in the first segment, Trump (under pressure) released his “comprehensive” healthcare plan. (Note: It’s not really comprehensive. It’s more just regular lines of bull that every candidate has spewed for the last eighty years or so.)

Devon explains more of Trumpcare in this second segment.

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Trumpcare Explained
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Politicians in Washington just don’t understand insurance markets. They don’t understand the ins and outs of medication distribution. They don’t understand who needs what kind of coverage for their family needs. They don’t understand because they are politicians – not health economists.

There is no doubt that Obamacare is broken and must be either repealed completely or fixed. Dr. Herrick believes that the majority of Democrats who voted for Obamacare truly believed it was the best thing for all Americans. However, he also believes that there were some who secretly wanted Obamacare to fail in order to implement a single-payer Universal healthcare program. What a bold statement from a health economist!

But can Congress really repeal Obamacare without replacing it with something else? Listen in to hear Dr. Herrick’s opinion!

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Trumpcare Explained
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Health insurance became popular in America during World War II as an incentive to hire workers. Dr. Devon Herrick explains how health insurance became a “fringe benefit” in the early 1950’s through a law passed by Congress. Most employees choose to receive their health insurance through their employer.

Democrats say they want to improve health insurance coverage for all Americans. However, they continue to block small business owners from receiving a tax deduction for providing benefits. They also do not allow employees or the self-employed this option. Listen in as he explains his opinion.

Special interest lobbyists have convinced politicians not to allow the employee to choose their coverage options. Democrats say allowing choice, al-a-cart, is a bad idea. But this is the best option for all Americans! In addition, health savings accounts enable individuals to choose where to spend their money. The Democrats are, once again, blocking these money-saving alternative! “As an economist, let individuals choose their own healthcare…300 million consumers can do a better job than a few dozen health plans,” Dr. Herrick explains.

Listen in as Dr. Devon Herrick discusses other options for healthcare that are much more affordable, such as price transparency (fixed, out-of-pocket expenses). He also explains in more detail how we must alter the way we import and export drugs to and from other countries. For more on this issue, click here.

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February 20, 2015

Title: Reflections during Black History Month: Welfare Policy and Marriage
Topic: Black History Month
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

The National Center for Policy Analysis has compiled a new report detailing the many government policies that are actually hurting black Americans. For example, marriage and stable families are key to keeping people out of poverty, yet government welfare policies lack incentives to encourage two-parent families. Out-of-wedlock births are the second key to causing poverty.

It’s not just about race, though; these statistics are wide-spread across every race in the nation. Something is wrong, people. Something is very, very wrong. Listen in as Devon discusses what must be done to turn these negative effects around and restore the family to what it was meant to be.

You can read Devon Herrick’s full article [here].

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November 5, 2014

Title: They Just Won't Quit
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Fred Singer
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Fred Singer was among the first – and is still – the most prominent scientists in the world speaking out against global warming alarmism. He is the author, coauthor, and editor of many books, including Climate Change Reconsidered (several volumes), a comprehensive critique of the assessment reports of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Dr. Singer argues there is no evidence that global warming is attributable to human-caused increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Dr. Singer also claims that humanity would benefit if temperatures do rise and is an opponent of the Kyoto Protocol.

Dr. Singer furthers states that climate models environmental scientists use to predict future trends are “very nice but they are not reality and they are not evidence." Dr. Singer goes back to the beginning of the 20th century and discusses his opinion of warming trends and what he believes is the cause of the rise and fall of temperatures. Hint: It’s not fossil fuels!

So, what’s the difference between the human-haters who make the climate models and realists like Dr. Singer who trust the data? Dr. Singer doesn’t blame the models; he blames the model makers. The government just keeps paying these people to make more and more models which essentially show the same thing. The models are rigged to show rising CO2 levels, the rise and fall of the temperature, and the correlation between the two.

Listen in as Dr. Singer also gives a brief physics lesson regarding the ocean, clouds, the sun, moisture, warming, and cooling. And don’t miss out on the next segment with Dr. Singer as he discusses fossil fuels.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - They Just Won't Quit
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Fred Singer
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Al Gore, the UN, and the human-haters are using scare tactics in our public schools and colleges to frighten the next generation regarding the use of fossil fuels as a reliable, inexpensive form of electricity. Abolishing or even reducing the use of fossil fuels is not the route America, the UN, and the world needs to travel. Dr. Singer is humble when he says he is just following the data. He is an expert in this field; in fact, he is one of the top scientists. He has been studying atmospheric data for years.

Dr. Singer says if the environmentalists have their way, more and more money will be spent on electricity for our homes and gasoline for our cars, making families poorer and poorer. Hey environmentalists – guess what! You won’t even be able to use your smart cars because those use electricity! Dr. Singer points out that low-cost electricity makes us healthier, happier, and wealthier. All the other stuff is just “hype” and has no merit.

You can find more information on this issue from the experts at

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November 29, 2012

Title: Obamacare - What it Means Now
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Part 1 of 4

We all had hoped that Obamacare would be repealed if Mitt Romney and more Republicans had won the election. But, that didn’t happen, and now Obama and the Dems have 4 more years to drive Obamacare into the homes of everyone in America.

Over the next 4 segments, Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis, will give us some insight as to what the next 4 years - and 5 or 10 or 20 - might look like.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Obamacare, as a whole, is a messy bill. There are aspects of the bill that are very hard to swallow. But what are the 6 major flaws in Obamacare? And just who is going to be paying for all of it? If you think you know, you just might be surprised…

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Other countries that have universal healthcare see long waiting times, even for general practitioners, and longer wait times for serious conditions, such as diabetes and heart problems. Obama and Pelosi and other Dems have promised this will never occur in America. But, will it? Experts are expecting the quality of care to be drastically compromised because Big Brother Government will be looking over physician’s shoulders.

And what will happen if Obamacare can’t deliver on its promises? Can America go back to the “old ways”?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

In this final segment, Devon Herrick discusses some alternatives that Washington should consider before implementing Obamacare. But will they listen? Probably not.

Also, just how much is your family budget going to need to be stretched thanks to Obamacare?

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August 10, 2010

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

If you are a legal resident alien, you will be required to obtain the same government mandated health coverage that US citizens must obtain. However, if you have been here for less than 5 years, and if your income falls below 133 % of the federal poverty level, you will not be allowed to enroll in Medicaid - as US citizens must do. Instead, you will be able to obtain highly subsidized insurance (paying a premium of, say, 10 cents on the dollar) in a health insurance exchange. What does this mean? Legal residents (who are still basically illegal aliens) will be able to obtain better quality insurance than LEGAL citizens. For all this information, log on to cuz it just keeps getting better and better…

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April 23, 2010

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

More bad news about Obama Care is emerging every day. The key is the individual mandate. But isn’t health insurance supposed to be a good thing? Visit to learn more.

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February 17, 2010

Topic: Government Controlled Healthcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

“Most proposals for dealing with the problems of pre-existing conditions would completely divorce health insurance premiums from expected health care costs, requiring health plans to enroll individuals regardless of their health status,” writes John C. Goodman with the NCPA. “Yet,” he continues, “a policy of trying to force health plans to take enrollees they do not want risks jeopardizing the quality of care they receive.” Guest Devon Herrick explains this concept further in 10 ways health care reform can include individuals with pre-existing conditions. Log on to for more.

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December 10, 2009

Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Today’s life expectancy is much longer than 80, 60, or even just 30 years ago. This is one major cause of the social security crisis in the nation. So, what’s Al Gore’s solution?

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Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

So, if life expectancy for Americans has never been longer, food has never been cheaper, and the US economy has never been more energy efficient than today, what’s all the fuss about? The “good old days” are now - not 100 years ago!

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October 19, 2009

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dr. Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis –, discusses the unfounded “Crisis of the Uninsured: 2008”. 2007 Facts: 85 % of U.S. residents were privately insured or enrolled in a government health program. Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000…why should I pay for theirs if they choose not to purchase their own? And other interesting facts.

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June 22, 2009

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Most people have heard about the Messiah Obama’s proposed health plan and how “great” it will be for the millions upon millions of uninsured Americans. NOT! Dr. Devon Herrcik, with the National Center for Policy Analysis, answers some of the most debated questions. Why are prescription drugs made and patented in America so much cheaper in other countries? What is cost shifting? Does it work? Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Are Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements really below cost? Do hospitals and doctors shift the difference on to you? Are more and more hospitals and doctors refusing to treat patients with Medicare/Medicaid because they lose so much money? Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

THE PHANTOM UNINSURED AMERICAN - WHO ARE THEY AND HOW MANY? According to the US CENSUS BUREAU, there is an estimated 46 million uninsured Americans, but who are they? When you break it down, how many Americans are really uninsured? Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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April 29, 2009

Topic: Government Controlled Healthcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

The Main Stream Media, economists, government officials, insurers, and academics are beating the drum for a far larger government role in health care. And, sadly, many Americans believe their lies. Dr. Devon Herrick, the National Center for Policy Analysis, discusses “10 Surprising Facts About American Healthcare”. Log on to www.ncpa.og and search for Brief Analysis No. 649 to view the report in its entirety.

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Topic: Government Controlled Healthcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

In this segment, Dr. Devon Herrick discusses the first 6 “Surprising Facts About American Healthcare”. Do Americans have a better cancer survival rate than Europeans? Than Canadians? Do Americans have better access to treatment for chronic diseases than patients in other developed countries? Do Americans have better access to preventive cancer screening tests? Are lower income Americans in better health than comparable Canadians? Do Americans spend less time waiting for care than patients in the UK or Canada? Log on to www.ncpa.og and search for Brief Analysis No. 649 to view the report in its entirety.

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Topic: Government Controlled Healthcare
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dr. Devon Herrick, a healthcare economist, concludes this segment with the last 4 “Surprising Facts About American Healthcare”. Are people in countries with more government control of health care dissatisfied and believe more reform is needed? Are Americans more satisfied with the care they receive than Canadians? Do Americans have much better access to important, new technologies than patients in Canada or the UK? Are Americans responsible for the vast majority of healthcare innovations? Log on to www.ncpa.og and search for Brief Analysis No. 649 to view the report in its entirety.

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September 3, 2008

Title: Unfounded Crisis of the Uninsured
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dr. Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis –, discusses the unfounded “Crisis of the Uninsured: 2008”. 2007 Facts: 85 % of U.S. residents were privately insured or enrolled in a government health program. Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000…why should I pay for theirs if they choose not to purchasem their own? And other interesting facts.

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August 28, 2008

Title: Five Family Friendly Policies
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Terry Neese
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Terry Neese, with the National Center for Policy Analysis – discusses “Five Family Friendly Policies”. Log onto their website and search for Brief No. 620.

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August 15, 2008

Title: Medical Tourism: Health Care Free Trade Now!
Topic: Medical Tourism
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Global competition in health care is allowing more patients from developed countries to travel for medical reasons to regions once characterized as “third world” for medical care. Dr. Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis shares ways we can save a bundle, obtain needed health care, and improve our quality of life. For more log onto

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April 9, 2008

Title: Global Warming: Man-Made or Natural? Part Two Today (Part One Yesterday) – A best of segment
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Fred Singer
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Are you ready to shower only once a week? How about a real small car, do you really want to drive a ‘death trap’? What will it cost you for America to reduce “greenhouse gases”?

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April 8, 2008

Title: Global Warming: Man-Made or Natural? Part One Today (Part Two tomorrow) – A best of segment
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Fred Singer
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Is the observed warming of the past 30 years due to natural causes or are human activities a main or even a contributing factor? For the complete 7 page report log onto

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December 6, 2007

Title: Controlling and then reducing health care costs. Part One
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Can using technology help control and then reduce health care costs? Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis, examines ways to use technology in delivering health care services. For more log onto This is report No. 305

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Title: Controlling and then reducing health care costs. Part Two
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Can using technology help control and then reduce health care costs? Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis, examines ways to use technology in delivering health care services. For more log onto This is report No. 305

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October 23, 2007

Title: Global Warming: Man-Made or Natural? Part One of Two
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Fred Singer
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Is the observed warming of the past 30 years due to natural causes or are human activities a main or even a contributing factor? For the complete 7 page report log onto

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Title: Global Warming: Man-Made or Natural? Part Two of Two
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Fred Singer
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Is the observed warming of the past 30 years due to natural causes or are human activities a main or even a contributing factor? For the complete 7 page report log onto

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October 3, 2007

Title: Really: How Many Americans Do Not Have Access to Health Insurance Part One
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Progressives and the ‘drive-by media’ always state there are 45 million uninsured Americans. But why are they uninsured and is it government’s responsibility to forcibly insure them?

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Title: Really: How Many Americans Do Not Have Access to Health Insurance Part Two
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Why do progressives desire national health insurance? Progressives and the ‘drive-by media’ always state there are 45 million uninsured Americans. But why are they uninsured and is it government’s responsibility to forcibly insure them?

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Title: Is the Canadian and British Health Care System “Sicko”? Part One
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

John Goodman, PhD, compares our health care system with those of our neighbors to the north and across the pond. Dr. Goodman correctly points out how Michael Moore takes some of our worst case scenarios and compares them to some of the best examples of health care in Canada and across the Atlantic. Question: if the Cuban system is so good, why did Castro call in Doctors from Spain to treat him recently?

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Title: Is the Canadian and British Health Care System “Sicko”? Part Two
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

John Goodman, PhD, compares our health care system with those of our neighbors to the north and across the pond. Dr. Goodman correctly points out how Michael Moore takes some of our worst case scenarios and compares them to some of the best examples of health care in Canada and across the Atlantic. Question: if the Cuban system is so good, why did Castro call in Doctors from Spain to treat him recently?

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September 6, 2007

Title: How Many Americans Really Do Not Have Health Insurance Part One of Two
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Why dismantle the best health care system in the world just to provide health insurance for less than 6% of our population? Main Stream Media is not telling the complete truth about this topic.

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Title: Should Mothers Bring Their Sick Children To Your Grocery Store For Medical Care? Part Two of Two
Topic: Health Care Clinics inside grocery stores
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Entrepreneurs are creating innovative practices to help reduce health care costs by placing clinics in big box retail stores. But, should mothers bring their sick children to your grocery store for medical care? If the truth were known, sick adults and children already walk the isles of your favorite store – sometimes right beside you.

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August 8, 2007

Title: Dem’s Want You To Pay For Middle Class White Kid’s Health Insurance Part One
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dem’s want the American Taxpayers to fund health insurance for kids who’s parents make up to $82,600. This is insanity. I can’t believe they want my mother and your mothers, and you other seniors, to pay for it. Act now!

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Title: Dem’s Want You To Pay For Middle Class White Kid’s Health Insurance Part Two
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dem’s want the American Taxpayers to fund health insurance for kids who’s parents make up to $82,600. This is insanity. I can’t believe they want my mother and your mothers, and you other seniors, to pay for it. Get informed and Act Now!

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July 30, 2007

Title: Is the Canadian and British Health Care System “Sicko”? Part One
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

John Goodman, PhD, compares our health care system with those of our neighbors to the north and across the pond. Dr. Goodman correctly points out how Michael Moore takes some of our worst case scenarios and compares them to some of the best examples of health care in Canada and across the Atlantic. Question: if the Cuban system is so good, why did Castro call in Doctors from Spain to treat him recently?

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Title: Is the Canadian and British Health Care System “Sicko”? Part Two
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

John Goodman, PhD, compares our health care system with those of our neighbors to the north and across the pond. Dr. Goodman correctly points out how Michael Moore takes some of our worst case scenarios and compares them to some of the best examples of health care in Canada and across the Atlantic. Question: if the Cuban system is so good, why did Castro call in Doctors from Spain to treat him recently?

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February 20, 2007

Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by David Deming
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dr. David Deming is the Associate Professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, and is an expert on geology and hydrogeology. Dr. Deming discusses: 1. Is global warming really occurring? 2. If so, is this good or bad? 3. How much do the global warming alarmists want us to spend and is it worth it? Log onto for more information.

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February 2, 2007

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

We are on a train heading toward a massive, deadly train wreck. If we do not change the current system of paying for health care, soon those without it will not have enough money to pay the bills. Log onto for more information.

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January 25, 2007

Topic: Prescription Drugs
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Smart shopping can help everyone save money. Discuss these various options with your doctor: Is a generic drug available? Should I buy a larger quantity? Can I split the pills?

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January 4, 2007

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

"Wait your turn" is what most Canadians hear when they need a specialist doctor. The average amount of time spent waiting to receive non-emergency medical treatment by a specialist is 17.8 weeks in Canada! Do you really want this to happen in the United States? Log onto for more information.

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October 26, 2006

Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by David Deming
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dr. David Deming is the Associate Professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, and is an expert on geology and hydrogeology. Dr. Deming discusses: 1. Is global warming really occurring? 2. If so, is this good or bad? 3. How much do the global warming alarmists want us to spend and is it worth it? Log onto for more information.

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October 5, 2006

Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

How do Health Savings Accounts work? Could they help you and your family? Visit for more information.

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October 2, 2006

Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Pete Geddes
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Access to cheap and dependable energy is critical to 3rd world countries in order to increase their quality of life. Likewise, the US needs to have access to cost effective and dependable energy sources to maintain and improve our quality of life.

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September 26, 2006

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Why are health care costs rising in some area faster than others? For more information, log onto

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September 15, 2006

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Are there more uninsured motorists than those without health insurance? Dr. Herrick discusses how to negotiate with your healthcare provider. This segment could help you reduce the cost of your health care. Visit to learn more.

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June 23, 2006

Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Do you want to understand what the “Flat tax” is and how it will impact your life? Dr. John Goodman discusses with Terry if a “Flat tax” would decrease the amount you pay today. Would you experience a true tax break? Would Federal income tax receipts decline? Listen to this important discussion and then visit to learn more.

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June 20, 2006

Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Do you want to understand what the “Flat tax” is and how it will impact your life? Dr. John Goodman discusses with Terry if a “Flat tax” would decrease the amount you pay today. Would you experience a true tax break? Would Federal income tax receipts decline? Listen to this important discussion and then visit to learn more.

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March 29, 2006

Topic: Retirement: Can we afford to retire?
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Will we be able to afford our health insurance tomorrow? What can be done to insure more individuals share the costs? Can we depend on the government to help us when we retire? We all know the answer to that one! Visit to learn more.

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Topic: Retirement: Can we afford to retire?
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Can you afford to retire? Why should the government tax us at a 50% rate on income we earn after we retire? Visit for the complete report.

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December 13, 2005

Title: Ten Easy Health Care Reforms
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

The President of the National Center for Policy Analysis, John Goodman, discloses some of the "Ten Easy Health Care Reforms" and what you can do to help. Log onto

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August 25, 2005

Title: The housing market in a bubble
Topic: The Economy
Discussed by Bruce Bartlett
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Is the housing market rise about to fall and what it means to you and me. and

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August 19, 2005

Title: Facts about Social Security
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Social Security: Past, Present and Future. Population, life expectancy, taxes paid and benefits. For Fast Facts log

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August 15, 2005

Title: Fast Facts about Social Security
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Social Security: Past, Present and Future. Population, life expectancy, taxes paid and benefits. For Fast Facts log

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March 14, 2005

Title: Social Security: the problem and some solutions. Part 1
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

America's entitlement programs for senior citizens are unsustainable without: 1. Raising Taxes 2. Increasing the retirement age 3. Reducing benefits paid by the government Plain facts. For more, log onto on left side click on NCPA Publications and search for # 272...

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Title: Social Security: the problem and some solutions. Part 2
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

America's entitlement programs for senior citizens are unsustainable without: 1. Raising Taxes 2. Increasing the retirement age 3. Reducing benefits paid by the government Plan facts. For more, log onto and on the left side, click on NCPA Publications and serach for #272

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Title: Social Security: the problem and some solutions. Part 3
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

America's entitlement programs for senior citizens are unsustainable without: 1. Raising Taxes 2. Increasing the retirement age 3. Reducing benefits paid by the government. Plain facts. For more, log onto and on the left side click on NCPA Publications and search for # 272

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February 25, 2005

Title: Social Security - Part One
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

The current Social Security shortfall is pegged out at $11 TRILLION! What is wrong with SS and what is being done to fix it? When I pay my taxes, does some of this money really go into my retirement fund? (this is part of 1 of 2)

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Title: Social Security - Part Two
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

The current Social Security shortfall is pegged out at $11 TRILLION! What is wrong with SS and what is being done to fix it? When I pay my taxes, does some of this money really go into my retirement fund? (this is part of 2 of 2)

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February 22, 2005

Title: Why not re-import drugs from Canada?
Topic: Drug reimportation
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

In an effort to save money, some Americans re-import prescription drugs from contries that have government price controls, such as Canada. A little known fact is Canada reserves the right to ignore US drug patents and reserves the right to allow Canadian firms to produce (copy) a generic equivalent unless the US firm agrees to a set price. This forces Americans to pay all the research and development costs for new drugs, estimated at over $800,000,000 per drug! "This is not fair!" to quote a famous line used by former President Clinton. Why should we pay the R&D costs for Canadians, Europeans, and others? Dr. Devon Herrick is a Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. Log Left column: NCPA Publications look for # 270 We will do more segments on this topic in the future.

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January 25, 2005

Title: I will be dead before the system goes belly up - so why should I care?
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Matt Moore
with National Center for Policy Analysis

With no money stuffed between the mattresses, where will the Social Security System find the cash to make payments due when it takes in less than it pays out? Just how soon will this happen? What will our children and grandchildren face?

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