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February 17, 2023

Title: Black History Month: Good or Bad?
Topic: Black History Month
Discussed by Dr. Professor Mary Grabar
with Dr. Professor Mary Grabar (

Part 1 of 2

Every year, Black History Month seems to focus less on black Americans who made good and more on the followers of Karl Marx.

Retired Professor Dr. Mary Grabar is a Resident Fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization. Dr. Grabar is the author of “Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America” (2019) and “Debunking The 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America” (2021).

Click here  to read Dr. Grabar’s op-ed on this issue.

Click here  for more information about Dr. Grabar and to order a copy of Dr. Grabar’s books.

Click here for more on her website “Dissident Prof”. Make sure you sign up for her FREE emails.

Click here for more information about the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Dr. Grabar write this particular op-ed? Dr. Grabar simply says: “Because it’s true!” She then goes on to explain further…

Does Black History Month praise black leaders who joined the Communist Party USA and who degrade America?

Why do most millennials embrace Communism and renounce Capitalism/private ownership of property? Dr. Grabar believes that most millennials simply do not know about the horrific practices of the Communist regime; they haven’t been told the truth.

Did some black leaders leave America to live in Russia? How did that work out for them? This is very interesting information that your teens and college kids need to know! Share with them!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Black History Month: Good or Bad?
Topic: Black History Month
Discussed by Dr. Professor Mary Grabar
with Dr. Professor Mary Grabar (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there millions of blacks who are proud to be Americans? Dr. Grabar discusses one black entrepreneur, George Schuyler, and his inspiring story.

This year’s theme for Black History Month is “Black Resistance”. What does this even mean? Dr. Grabar explains how the recognition of successful black men and women has strayed so far off from Carter Woodson’s vision that it is hardly recognizable.

Did Howard Zinn and the author of the 1916 Project both miss the good America has accomplished?

Has any nation – any person – been perfect – with no sins? Dr. Grabar kind of laughs at this question and reminds us that no person – no leader – no nation – is without sin, except for Jesus.

What would America be like today if the Germans had won WWII?

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February 7, 2019

Title: Black History Month
Topic: Black History Month
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Marilyn Singleton has broken down many barriers in her lifetime. Listen as she describes what life was like attending medical school as a black woman and lessons her mother taught her.

Dr. Singleton is a board-certified anesthesiologist and President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Dr. Singleton told when she applied to Stanford?

How did a 20 year old black man’s t-shirt trigger memories for Dr. Singleton?

What truths did her mother teach her? Dr. Singleton says: “Grow up. Get used to it. And guess what? You can be even prouder of yourself if you overcome something!” Yes! This!

What are young black people being taught today? In fact, are ALL races and ethnicities being told to play the victim if they don’t succeed in life?

For the most part, are most people happy with their lives and with each other? Are most people “not racist”?

Do we hear too much about the negative and not enough about the positive?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Black History Month
Topic: Black History Month
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is getting something for free the answer to life’s problems?

Instead of glorifying Malcom X, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and others, what leaders should be studied during Black History Month?

How important are the three R’s: reading, writing, and arithmetic?

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February 19, 2018

Title: More to Black History than Slavery
Topic: Black History Month
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Why do some rise to the top while others wallow in the mire?

Dr. Marilyn Singleton is a board-certified anesthesiologist. She is also a Board of Directors member and President-elect of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

One comment Dr. Singleton makes in this interview really affected me: “I made the last step. I can make the next step.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Dr. Marilyn Singleton become a distinguished physician, lawyer, and professor? “Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it,” she says.

Is anything in life free? Or must everything be earned?

Do too many children and millennials (of all races) today have a “give-me” attitude?

Discussion on Trump’s STOU: During his speech, many black elected officials sat with arms crossed and stern, unemotional expressions – even when Trump announced historic, positive numbers concerning black employment.

What is Dr. Singleton’s opinion of their behavior?

What should leaders be telling the next generation about success? Listen as Dr. Singleton shares a success story of a black man from the 1800’s…

Do too many black children grow up believing they must be a professional athlete or Hollywood start to be successful?

Dr. Singleton believes: “We’ve allowed the ‘welfare cartel’ to take over the narrative. We use history to learn, but we can’t let history bog you down. You move forward.”

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February 20, 2015

Title: Reflections during Black History Month: Welfare Policy and Marriage
Topic: Black History Month
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

The National Center for Policy Analysis has compiled a new report detailing the many government policies that are actually hurting black Americans. For example, marriage and stable families are key to keeping people out of poverty, yet government welfare policies lack incentives to encourage two-parent families. Out-of-wedlock births are the second key to causing poverty.

It’s not just about race, though; these statistics are wide-spread across every race in the nation. Something is wrong, people. Something is very, very wrong. Listen in as Devon discusses what must be done to turn these negative effects around and restore the family to what it was meant to be.

You can read Devon Herrick’s full article [here].

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