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February 22, 2005

Title: Why not re-import drugs from Canada?
Topic: Drug reimportation
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

In an effort to save money, some Americans re-import prescription drugs from contries that have government price controls, such as Canada. A little known fact is Canada reserves the right to ignore US drug patents and reserves the right to allow Canadian firms to produce (copy) a generic equivalent unless the US firm agrees to a set price. This forces Americans to pay all the research and development costs for new drugs, estimated at over $800,000,000 per drug! "This is not fair!" to quote a famous line used by former President Clinton. Why should we pay the R&D costs for Canadians, Europeans, and others? Dr. Devon Herrick is a Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. Log Left column: NCPA Publications look for # 270 We will do more segments on this topic in the future.

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