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October 17, 2017

Title: The GOP’s “Tax the Rich” Temptation
Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The top 10% of earners already pay 71% of federal income taxes, the highest in the developed world; in France, less than 25%. Since Sweden and France both have large value-added taxes, a regressive levy, their top 10% earners bear an even smaller share of the total tax burden. The next time Bernie Sanders demands that the rich pay their fair share, somebody should ask him if he would be satisfied if the American rich paid the same as their counterparts in Sweden and France.

Dr. Vance Ginn is an Economist with the Center for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Listen in as he answers some of the tough questions concerning this issue – questions that might cause you to rethink your opinion on the matter.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Fact or Fiction: The latest data indicates that the top 10% of earners pay 71% of the federal income taxes collected.

Will there always be a cry for the wealthy to pay more?

In addition to paying 71% of the federal income taxes collected, the top 10% of earners do most of the saving, investing and innovating that fuel America’s economic growth? Does it take capital to create jobs?

Should somebody ask Bernie Sanders if he would be satisfied if the American rich paid the same share as their counterparts in Sweden and France? (see above statistics)

The Obama Administration passed huge tax hikes in an effort to bring in over 600 billion more in revenue. What happened?

Presidents Kennedy and Reagan both cut taxes. What happened to the economy and tax receipts under both?

Is President Trump proposing to emulate Kennedy and Reagan or Obama?

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May 29, 2012

Title: Is There A Secure Account With My Name On It Containing All The Money I Have Paid Into Social Security?
Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Part 1 of 2

Is there a secure account with my name on it containing all the money I have paid into Social Security? Help our listener’s understand the truth!

Instead of hard cash, is it stored in special issue bonds that are squirreled away? Is there cash and gold to back these IOU's? Become a member today! Only $16.00 a year for both husband and wife, call 888-262-2006 now!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

How many members does AMAC have nationwide? What happened when AMAC went to Washington this week?

How can Social Security be fixed? What does your plan entail?

Become a member today! Only $16.00 a year for both husband and wife, call 888-262-2006 now!

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February 22, 2012

Title: From Tax Reform to Impeaching a Judge Gone Wild - Just Another Day in The Neighborhood!
Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dan Weber answers:

Is Tax Reform at the top of the list of hot-button issues for all Americans, particularly older taxpayers?  How many hours do Americans, each year, spend complying with the existing tax laws?

What is  What can our listeners do with it?  And how should we replace the current code?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

What did Justice Ruth Bader Gingsburg have the gall to tell the Egyptians on National Television?

Did her views of the U.S. Constitution sit well with senior voters?

Tell us about some of the comments being posted on the web!

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April 19, 2007

Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Completing the IRS tax return on your own can cause more then heartburn and headaches! What does it cost in time and money? Pete Sepp, VP for Communications with NTU, reports on this and other issues facing taxpayers today. Log onto to see if the IRS owes you money.

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June 23, 2006

Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Do you want to understand what the “Flat tax” is and how it will impact your life? Dr. John Goodman discusses with Terry if a “Flat tax” would decrease the amount you pay today. Would you experience a true tax break? Would Federal income tax receipts decline? Listen to this important discussion and then visit to learn more.

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June 20, 2006

Topic: Tax Reform
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Do you want to understand what the “Flat tax” is and how it will impact your life? Dr. John Goodman discusses with Terry if a “Flat tax” would decrease the amount you pay today. Would you experience a true tax break? Would Federal income tax receipts decline? Listen to this important discussion and then visit to learn more.

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