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October 19, 2009

Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Aricka Flowers
with Heartland Institute (

Aricka Flowers discusses how many Americans are uninsured and who makes up this group. Should Americans be allowed the opportunity to go “across state lines” to find better, cheaper insurance in a state other than their own? Log onto for more information on this and other issues.

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September 8, 2008

Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Aricka Flowers
with Heartland Institute (

Aricka Flowers discusses how many Americans are uninsured and who makes up this group. Should Americans be allowed the opportunity to go “across state lines” to find better, cheaper insurance in a state other than their own? Log onto for more information on this and other issues.

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September 3, 2008

Title: Unfounded Crisis of the Uninsured
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dr. Devon Herrick, with the National Center for Policy Analysis –, discusses the unfounded “Crisis of the Uninsured: 2008”. 2007 Facts: 85 % of U.S. residents were privately insured or enrolled in a government health program. Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000…why should I pay for theirs if they choose not to purchasem their own? And other interesting facts.

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October 3, 2007

Title: Really: How Many Americans Do Not Have Access to Health Insurance Part One
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Progressives and the ‘drive-by media’ always state there are 45 million uninsured Americans. But why are they uninsured and is it government’s responsibility to forcibly insure them?

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Title: Really: How Many Americans Do Not Have Access to Health Insurance Part Two
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Why do progressives desire national health insurance? Progressives and the ‘drive-by media’ always state there are 45 million uninsured Americans. But why are they uninsured and is it government’s responsibility to forcibly insure them?

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Title: Is the Canadian and British Health Care System “Sicko”? Part One
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

John Goodman, PhD, compares our health care system with those of our neighbors to the north and across the pond. Dr. Goodman correctly points out how Michael Moore takes some of our worst case scenarios and compares them to some of the best examples of health care in Canada and across the Atlantic. Question: if the Cuban system is so good, why did Castro call in Doctors from Spain to treat him recently?

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Title: Is the Canadian and British Health Care System “Sicko”? Part Two
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by John Goodman
with National Center for Policy Analysis

John Goodman, PhD, compares our health care system with those of our neighbors to the north and across the pond. Dr. Goodman correctly points out how Michael Moore takes some of our worst case scenarios and compares them to some of the best examples of health care in Canada and across the Atlantic. Question: if the Cuban system is so good, why did Castro call in Doctors from Spain to treat him recently?

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August 8, 2007

Title: Dem’s Want You To Pay For Middle Class White Kid’s Health Insurance Part One
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dem’s want the American Taxpayers to fund health insurance for kids who’s parents make up to $82,600. This is insanity. I can’t believe they want my mother and your mothers, and you other seniors, to pay for it. Act now!

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Title: Dem’s Want You To Pay For Middle Class White Kid’s Health Insurance Part Two
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

Dem’s want the American Taxpayers to fund health insurance for kids who’s parents make up to $82,600. This is insanity. I can’t believe they want my mother and your mothers, and you other seniors, to pay for it. Get informed and Act Now!

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Title: Big Government Health Care Scheme Pits Children Against Their Grandparents Part One
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Jerry Barton
with American Seniors Association

Fostering intergenerational warfare, Democrats in Congress press plan to finance government run universal health care for kids on the backs of America’s Seniors. Why should America’s senior citizens have to pay for health insurance for kids whose parents make up to $82,600 per year? Aren’t most of these considered ‘rich white kids’? What’s the reason behind the madness of the Democrats? Please get informed. For more log onto

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Title: Big Government Health Care Scheme Pits Children Against Their Grandparents Part Two
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Jerry Barton
with American Seniors Association

Fostering intergenerational warfare, Democrats in Congress press plan to finance government run universal health care for kids on the backs of America’s Seniors. Why should America’s senior citizens have to pay for health insurance for kids whose parents make up to $82,600 per year? Aren’t most of these considered ‘rich white kids’? What’s the reason behind the madness of the Democrats? Please get informed. For more log onto

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October 5, 2006

Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Devon Herrick
with National Center for Policy Analysis

How do Health Savings Accounts work? Could they help you and your family? Visit for more information.

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September 25, 2006

Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Greg Scandlen
with Consumers for Health Care Choices

About the same number of people who do not have health insurance also do not have required automobile insurance. Should we force people to get health insurance, too? For more information, log onto

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August 9, 2005

Title: Health Insurance
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by KB Forbes
with Counsel of United Latinos,

Hospitals Charge the unisured up to 400% more than those with a health insurance card! Why and What can you do? Log on to

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August 8, 2005

Title: Health Insurance
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by KB Forbes
with Counsel of United Latinos,

Hospitals Charge the unisured up to 400% more than those with a health insurance card! Why and What can you do? Log on to

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April 29, 2005

Title: What Could Cause You To Loose Your Health Insurance?
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Mary Katherine Stout
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

State mandated health benefits are causing many to loose their health insurance. Because of the higher prices for health insurance, that include the state mandates, many small businesses can not afford health insurance and many mid to large companies are shifting more of the costs to their employees, many who say they cannot afford it. What can we do?

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April 28, 2005

Title: Will You Loose Your Health Insurance Someday?
Topic: Health Insurance
Discussed by Amanda Austin
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Many businesses cannot affortd health insurance for their employees and many more are simply cancelling their coverage. What can be done? The Small Business Health Fairness Act in WDC (S. 406) is a good start. Sen. Hutchison is a co-sponsor. What about Sen. Cornyn?

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