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September 11, 2015

Title: Has Congress Gone Deaf?
Topic: Congress and Money
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Congress just doesn’t seem to care about the government deficit anymore. The next session begins in October and they better do something about the ever-increasing debt this country has – or else many will be back working in the private sector come 2016.

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American EncoreHe is also the author of Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session,  which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare. Patrick discusses what passing a budget entails and how it’s not as easy as you may think. However, Congress does like to drag their feet and bicker over every little line item, which prolongs the process and infuriates everyone. “What we’re lacking right now is principal members,” Patrick declares. And he’s right.

But even if Congress does pass a good budget, Obama has threatened a veto if it doesn’t increase federal spending. Why can’t Obama and his minions realize we cannot afford to increase spending? We need to cut the budget! We need to reduce our deficit dramatically! Listen in as Patrick Hedger explains the “Penny Plan” which could easily decrease the deficit and balance the budget in less than two years! Why can’t Congress understand this simple plan?

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