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February 19, 2015

Title: What is Most Important to You?
Topic: Keystone Pipeline
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

The Economy. Obamacare. ISIS. Education. The Keystone Pipeline. What is important to you? Or, maybe the question should be: What should be important to you?

When it comes to the Keystone Pipeline, many people tune out. They don’t care. Patrick Hedger says they should most definitely care! This issue not only effects the oil and gas industry, it effects America as a whole. It effects our entire way of life.

This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he says. The Obama administration has placed so many mandates on companies that they simply cannot function properly, the way that they were meant to. That is why allowing the completion of the Keystone Pipeline is so essential. Listen in as Patrick Hedger explains the correlation. Don’t be afraid to call your Congressman and tell them what your most important issue it. They want to know, but they won’t know unless you tell them!

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