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February 24, 2017

Title: Can We Save Healthcare in America?
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Kenneth Blackwell is a Senior Fellow at the American Civil Rights Union and the Family Research Council. He was also a Senior Domestic Policy Adviser to the Trump transition team.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should we repeal and replace Obamacare with Trumpcare? Would a better name be Republicancare? Or should we allow states to decide and open the healthcare system back up to those who desire it?

Are business owners having a difficult time finding affordable health insurance for themselves and their employees?

Should everyone be allowed to purchase a-la-carte health insurance instead of a one-size-fits-all policy?

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August 11, 2014

Title: Energy Drinks: The Ugly Truth
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Budge Collinson
with Infusion Sciences (

Part 1 of 2

Some of us have done it. Some of us do it all the time. Some of us only do it occasionally. Some of us love them. Some of us hate them. Some of us have even given them to our kids.

Some are fruity. Some taste like coffee. Some are supposedly sugar-free. Some are big and some are small-er.

Energy drinks. They seem harmless. You “need” one in the afternoon to prepare for that long drive home after a hard day at work. You “need” one to wake up in the morning, because coffee just doesn’t cut it anymore. Or, maybe the barista at the coffee shop adds a shot to your morning cup every day, because that’s how you like it.

You may have even given your kids one on the occasion. They might “need” it to keep up with the competition on the football field or for that big gymnastics meet. They might “need” one to stay awake all night to study for the “big test”.

But what are you really putting in your body – or in your kids’ body? We know smoking is bad for our health and too much alcohol. You wouldn’t let your kids eat junk food all the time or drink 30 cups of coffee in a row. Listen in as Budge Collinson explains just how dangerous these “energy drinks” really are.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Energy Drinks: The Ugly Truth
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Budge Collinson
with Infusion Sciences (

Budge Collinson is the founder of Infusion Sciences. Budge doesn’t want to knock Gatorade off the shelf, but he says it really is not as good for you as you may think. While Gatorade does contain electrolytes and will help give your body a slight energy boost, it is also loaded with sugar and other junk.

Here’s a big one: Budge says children should never, ever have soda or caffeinated drinks. Gulp! How old was your kid when he or she had their first taste of the tea of the South: Dr. Pepper?

Budge has developed healthy alternatives to Gatorade, energy drinks, soda, and even vitamin supplements that are all-natural and actually taste good!

Log on to  to learn more.

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August 14, 2012

Title: What Grows In Your Classroom During The Summer? Here Are Seven Simple Principles to Beating Asthma!
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Apiliski

Part 1 of 2

What grows in classrooms and school busses during the summer that aggravates kids who suffer from asthma the instant they enter the zone?

How do the guilty allergens affect teachers, students, and workers who come in contact with them?

What can parents take away from this interview and from your website?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Apiliski

If parents have a child that suffers from asthma or allergies, should they call ahead of time the teachers and nurses to prepare them for the opening week of school?

How important is it for an asthma sufferer who is new to a school district to get prepared beforehand for what the first few weeks of class may bring?

As an MD, is America and are Americans more prone to asthma attacks than they were twenty years ago? If so, why?

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August 8, 2012

Title: Back To School Interview: Learning/Behavioral Misdiagnosis In Children - What Parents Need To Know!
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Dr. Joel Warshowsky

Part 1 of 4

Statistically speaking, how many listeners across the board might have a child that has a visual problem that affects their comprehension and behavior?

Is it really that sometimes it is a visual dysfunction that causes poor self esteem, as well as performing poorly academically?

Do schools get more money with disabled kids? Are the guidance counselors qualified to diagnose and to prescribe?

Where can our listeners find your book?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Dr. Joel Warshowsky

What type of visual dysfunction can a student have, and can they really be the root of behavior and learning disabilities?

Are guidance counselors and the visual testers trained and capable of looking at how the students eyes track, how they focus, and how the two eyes coordinate together?

Can children have 20-20 vision and still have the tracking, focusing and coordination problems?

When school starts and a child is exhibiting a problem, is it just easier for them to pop pills?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Dr. Joel Warshowsky

How many years have you been a practicing behavior optometrist in the New York, New Jersey area?

Have you seen many misdiagnosed students in your practice?

For our listeners just now joining in, can you go over "track, focus, and coordination"?

n schools today, are guidance counselors encouraged and rewarded for saying children need to pop pills?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Dr. Joel Warshowsky

Is there hope? Tell us about the proper treatment! What are some activities that can be done to help struggling children?

How many children have a visual problem? Are you the only optometrist that can help? What is the College of Visual Development (COVD), and Optometric Extension Program (OEP)?

If a parent puts in the effort to find real help instead of running to the pill, could the reward be the unlocking of the potential of their child?

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June 7, 2006

Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Jim Sedlack
with American Life League (

Jim Sedlak guides us through the maze of information about HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and how it is impacting our children. There are 100 different strains of HPV and 30 of them are transmitted sexually. The danger is real. Where do you want your children to get their information? Get informed and then take the time to talk to your children! Visit to learn more.

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