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November 12, 2018

Title: Life after the Election
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Although the Elections are over, with not-so-great results across the country, the violent outrage we witnessed from the Left is only going to accelerate. David Christensen, Vice President of the Family Research Council, encourages us to not stop our efforts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We survived the Clinton and Obama Presidencies – barely. Will we survive another Democrat-led House?

Some say we need to change our message and drop the emphasis on the social issues. Listen as David offers his opinion…

With the current make-up of the Supreme Court, will our religious liberties be upheld?

What must we do NOW to continue to protect more babies, help more families, and protect our God-given rights?

Click here  for more information about the Family Research Council and how you can help the fight for our religious freedom in America.

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November 10, 2014

Title: Who Decided to Exercise their Right to Vote?
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

Did only old, white men vote in the 2014 Mid-Term Election? While elderly people, those over the age of 65, did account for just under 25 percent of the electorate, there was a surprising turn-out among the younger crowd. Corie Whalen Stephens says while most voters under the age of 30 do still tend to vote Democrat, more and more are leaning to the Republican side. They feel betrayed by Obama and the Democrats.

Corie talks about several races around the country, like North Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, and Ohio. For example, in Ohio, there was a 26-point swing in favor of the Republican candidate for Governor among 18-29 year old. That’s huge!

How did they do it? Are Republicans getting smarter? Are young people just mad because they cannot get a job? Is it the message or the messenger? Or is it a combination of both?

That’s a lot of questions to mull over and Corie, who is in the younger generation, gives her opinion on every issue. She says more young people definitely need to get involved and start paying attention to the issues or 2016 could be a disaster.

Corie says there are three issues the newly elected Republican Congress must focus on and get the younger generation fire up about. First, the Republicans must pass tax reforms, especially for the middle class. Secondly, they must address the ever-increasing student loan rates. And finally, the Republicans need to examine the import-export bank, which is basically a corporate welfare bank that is stealing from the younger generation.

When it comes to illegal immigration, however, Generation Opportunity doesn’t really see it as an “issue”. Should they be concerned? It greatly effects the black and even the Hispanic (legal immigrant) employment rate, especially among younger people.

If you have a teen or college student, encourage them to research these issues and become involved before it’s too late. Have them contact Generation Opportunity at  to learn more.

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December 11, 2012

Title: Who’s Fault Is It?
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

The Conservatives up north think Southern Conservatives are too radical. Southern Conservatives think those up north are too liberal.

Each side is blaming the other for Romney’s loss. Shouldn’t we be working together? Kenneth Blackwell warns that we are falling into the trap that the left has set up for us. How can we avoid the claws?

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November 28, 2012

Title: Rebranding the 2 Major Political Parties is a Must
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Thanks to the news outlets and the Obama campaign, many Republicans felt disconnected from Mitt Romney and didn’t think he could relate to the middle class. Is this why the Republicans lost the election?

Phyllis Schlafly, with Eagle Forum, thinks both the Republican and Democratic parties need a complete rebranding. Should we try to unite? Or are the differences present for a reason?

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Title: Why the Republicans Lost
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Part 2 of 2

Although many people ages 22-26 are unemployed or underemployed after 4-6 years in college due to the economy that Obama has sent into the toilet, quite a few still voted for Obama, for reasons other than the economy - women’s health, same-sex marriage, equal pay.  How can we convince the younger generation that these issues are minute compared to the big picture - gun rights, free speech, right to a trial by jury…?

There were also 11 million FEWER Americans who voted in 2012 than in 2008. Why? Did all the negativity - from both sides - turn people off? Do people just not care anymore?

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