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August 20, 2010

Title: What is “Liberation Theology”?
Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

A Best Of Segment

Barak Obama gave an eloquent speech, but one that did not address the underlying nature of Senator Obama’s beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. His speech was magnificent in its elegance and rhetoric, but Mr. Obama reminded everyone yet again of his worldview that embraces, among other things, partial-birth abortion, military weakness, and economic socialism. Mark Tooley further explains Liberation Theology.

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June 28, 2010

Title: What is “Liberation Theology”?
Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Barak Obama gave an eloquent speech, but one that did not address the underlying nature of Senator Obama’s beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. His speech was magnificent in its elegance and rhetoric, but Mr. Obama reminded everyone yet again of his worldview that embraces, among other things, partial-birth abortion, military weakness, and economic socialism. Mark Tooley further explains Liberation Theology.

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June 11, 2010

Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Mark Tooley, with The Institute on Religion and Democracy, describes “Libertarian Theology”. Log on to for more.

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Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

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August 25, 2008

Title: What is “Liberation Theology”?
Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Barak Obama gave an eloquent speech, but one that did not address the underlying nature of Senator Obama’s beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. His speech was magnificent in its elegance and rhetoric, but Mr. Obama reminded everyone yet again of his worldview that embraces, among other things, partial-birth abortion, military weakness, and economic socialism. Mark Tooley further explains Liberation Theology.

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March 26, 2008

Title: What is “Liberation Theology”?
Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Barak Obama gave an eloquent speech, but one that did not address the underlying nature of Senator Obama’s beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. His speech was magnificent in its elegance and rhetoric, but Mr. Obama reminded everyone yet again of his worldview that embraces, among other things, partial-birth abortion, military weakness, and economic socialism. Mark Tooley further explains Liberation Theology.

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March 25, 2008

Title: What is “Liberation Theology”?
Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Barak Obama gave an eloquent speech, but one that did not address the underlying nature of Senator Obama’s beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. His speech was magnificent in its elegance and rhetoric, but Mr. Obama reminded everyone yet again of his worldview that embraces, among other things, partial-birth abortion, military weakness, and economic socialism.

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