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March 17, 2021

Title: What if Christians Stop Voting?
Topic: What if Christians Stop Voting?
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

The 2020 Election saw widespread allegations of voting irregularities, mistakes, fraud, and constitutional violations. As a result, many Americans have lost faith in our democratic process.

Today, FRC Action’s Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance Ken Blackwell discusses some of the bad election laws being proposed in WDC and across the nation.

For more from the Family Research Council’s ACTION group, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What would be the outcome if Christian Conservatives become so disillusioned with Election Integrity that they stop voting entirely?

Should all voters be required to prove US citizenship? Ken reminds us that Americans are accustomed to showing their ID for practically everything they do. Why is it not required for voting?

Can American citizens travel to Canada or Mexico and vote?

Are voter rolls horribly outdated? Has it been PROVEN that many people vote in two (or more!) states?

Ken says: “We, as Christians, cannot put our light under a bushel. We must put it on a candlestick and rush the darkness.”

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