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January 16, 2008

Title: Lessons Learned Serving Texans. Part One
Topic: Lessons Learned Serving Texans
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale shares lessons learned while serving Texas and its citizens. Lessons such as praying more and listening to God more; how to disagree agreeably; the fact that God made him with one mouth and two ears and it is better to listen twice as much as you speak…and more.

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Title: Lessons Learned Serving Texans. Part Two
Topic: Lessons Learned Serving Texans
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale shares lessons learned while serving Texas and its citizens. Other lessons learned: the more a politician is a talker the less likely they are to listen; to be human is to make mistakes; how better to communicate; issues are not as simple as right vs. wrong, black vs. white…issues have many sides and affect Texans differently; a 30-second sound bite is not enough time to explain complex issues…and much more.

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December 5, 2007

Title: Combating Illegal Immigration on a State Level
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale discusses the 2007 Texas State budget in regards to spending for border security.

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Title: Ways To Reduce Property Taxes
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale discusses ways to reduce property taxes.

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Title: All Politicians Say “Let’s Cut Wasteful Government Spending”. Will Corbin Deliver?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale discusses ways to cut government spending.

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Title: Can the Trans-Texas Corridor Be Stopped?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale discusses ways to stop foreign control of our highway system in Texas.

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November 13, 2007

Title: Has the portion of your property taxes for public education gone up, stayed the same or gone down?
Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale would like to know the answer to this question: Has the portion of your property taxes for public education gone up, stayed the same or gone down? E-mail him at: "Corbin Van Arsdale"

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October 8, 2007

Title: To Grow, A Seed Must Die. Can We Grow Without Pain?
Topic: Growing Through Pain
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale discusses how we grow through pain.

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September 19, 2007

Title: Town Hall Meeting: Topic – Combating Illegal Immigration Part One
Topic: Current Events
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Join State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale and other legislators from around Texas to discuss how Texas can combat illegal immigration Friday, September 21 starting at 10:00 AM at the Cy-Fair College Conference Center at 9191 Barker Cypress Road in Cypress. For more log onto

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Title: Town Hall Meeting: Topic – Combating Illegal Immigration Part Two
Topic: Current Events
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Join State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale and other legislators from around Texas to discuss how Texas can combat illegal immigration Friday, September 21 starting at 10:00 AM at the Cy-Fair College Conference Center at 9191 Barker Cypress Road in Cypress. For more log onto

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August 31, 2007

Title: From Mohammad To Jose – But Why?
Topic: From Mohammad To Jose – But Why?
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

How many Mohammad’s are changing their surnames to Hispanic last names? The more important question: “Why”? Israeli intelligence reports that ‘they’ are now showing up at gun shows and buying weapons. What is our government doing about this?

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Title: Town hall Meeting Announced for September 21
Topic: Current Events
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

The Texas Conservative Coalition will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting / Hearing at the Cy-Fair College Barker-Cypress Campus on Friday September 21, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. All invited to attend. Topics: immigration, taxation, Trans Texas Corridor and many other issues. For more information log onto The Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute.

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Title: Faith in the Work Place
Topic: Faith in the Workplace
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

As a Christian, I am the only glimpse of God that many people see. But what do they see? I fall in my witness too often… What about you?

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July 24, 2007

Title: Faith in the Work Place
Topic: Faith in the Workplace
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

As a Christian, I am the only glimpse of God that many people see. But what do they see? I fall in my witness too often… What about you?

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July 17, 2007

Title: Faith in the Work Place
Topic: Faith in the Workplace
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

As a Christian, I am the only glimpse of God that many people see. But what do they see? I fall in my witness too often… What about you?

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January 29, 2007

Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Representative Corbin Van Arsdale discusses the issue of "billboards on our highways". Are they really neccessary? What do you think? Contact your Representative to let them know your opinion.

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Title: UPDATE FROM AUSTIN, TEXAS Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

What's going to happen in Austin this Legislative Session that will effect your pocket book? Rep. Van Arsdale gives us an idea.

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October 26, 2006

Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

What are the key difference between conservatives and liberals? Will they make a difference in eternity? Corbin Van Arsdale is the current Texas State Representative for District 130 in Houston.

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October 2, 2006

Topic: Higher Education
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale shares the results of the "Oreo Test". What is the "Oreo Test" and why is it so important?

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Topic: Higher Education
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale shares the results of the "Oreo Test". What is the "Oreo Test" and why is it so important?

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April 17, 2006

Topic: Special Session of the Texas Legislature
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Who will pay more taxes in Texas? Will the new system be fair? Will small businesses, like The What’s Up Radio Program and The Link Letter, be forced to lay off someone?

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January 11, 2006

Title: If property taxes go down, what taxes will go up?
Topic: Conversation with an Elected Official
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

If property owners receive a "property tax cut", who will pay more? Will it be an easy decision? And why is a Democrat chairing the committee responsible for deciding "who will pay more"?

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October 26, 2005

Title: The false Pro-marriage group: Save Texas Marriage
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

The deceptiveness of "Save Texas Marriage". Beware of this group and the lies in thier message.

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August 22, 2005

Title: Is it a Left vs. Right battle; Farmers/Ranchers vs. Suburbanites? Yes and a whole lot more!
Topic: Education
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Variables in the equation to "change" who funds public education in Texas: Farmers and Ranchers, Urbanites, Suburbanites, rich school districts, poor school districts, differant business intrests, and Rebublicans vs. Democrates

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August 19, 2005

Title: Is it a Left vs. Right battle; Farmers/Ranchers vs. Suburbanites? Yes and a whole lot more!
Topic: Education: spending and taxes
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Variables in the equation to "change" who funds public education in Texas: Farmers and Ranchers, Urbanites, Suburbanites, rich school districts, poor school districts, differant business intrests, and Rebublicans vs. Democrates

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August 17, 2005

Title: Is it a Left vs. Right battle; Farmers/Ranchers vs. Suburbanites? Yes and a whole lot more!
Topic: Education: spending and taxes
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Variables in the equation to "change" who funds public education in Texas: Farmers and Ranchers, Urbanites, Suburbanites, rich school districts, poor school districts, differant business intrests, and Rebublicans vs. Democrates

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February 16, 2005

Title: A local State Senator wants to tax blacks almost 3 times as much as whites!
Topic: Gambling
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

Whites on average spend $30.76 per month playing the lottery; blacks: $88.98 per month; Hispanics: $64.83; and Asians: $72.73 per month. If I called for a tax that would tax other ethnic groups at a higher rate, I would be run off the air... This is a serious issue... What would Jesus do?

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February 10, 2005

Title: Public Education, New Hospitals, New Schools, and New Roads?
Topic: Conversation with an Elected Official
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

As we focus on family, church, and work, our elected officials are now focused on a new way to pay for public education. Will the state have enough money to fund education, build new hospitals, schools, and roads - with enough left over for everything else? What about new forms of gambling?

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January 13, 2005

Title: Communicating with an Elected Official
Topic: Conversation with an Elected Official
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale explains the best ways to communicate with an elected official.

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