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January 16, 2008

Title: Lessons Learned Serving Texans. Part One
Topic: Lessons Learned Serving Texans
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale shares lessons learned while serving Texas and its citizens. Lessons such as praying more and listening to God more; how to disagree agreeably; the fact that God made him with one mouth and two ears and it is better to listen twice as much as you speak…and more.

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Title: Lessons Learned Serving Texans. Part Two
Topic: Lessons Learned Serving Texans
Discussed by State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale
with Elected Officials

State Representative Corbin Van Arsdale shares lessons learned while serving Texas and its citizens. Other lessons learned: the more a politician is a talker the less likely they are to listen; to be human is to make mistakes; how better to communicate; issues are not as simple as right vs. wrong, black vs. white…issues have many sides and affect Texans differently; a 30-second sound bite is not enough time to explain complex issues…and much more.

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