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June 27, 2019

Title: Teaching the Whole Bible to Little Ones
Topic: Children and The Bible
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 2

Before a child becomes a teenager, his understanding of the world, views of God, perspectives about morality, convictions about Jesus, and a long list of other topics is nearly complete. This is exactly why Dr. Josh Mulvihill says parents and grandparents should begin as early as possible teaching the WHOLE Bible to little ones. Don’t wait for the hard stuff. Teach them NOW.

Dr. Mulvihill is with the Gospel Shaped Family. You can read more from Dr. Josh here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do pastors and ministers often mistakenly tell parents and grandparents to NOT teach the whole Bible to their little ones? Why is this not the right approach?

What did Jesus teach on this subject?

If our children are not taught topics such of morality, humanity, creation, government, family, and economics until they are 11, will the culture teach them the ways of the world?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Teaching the Whole Bible to Little Ones
Topic: Children and The Bible
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is delaying doctrinal training and avoiding difficult topics a recipe for spiritual disaster?

Facts and Statistics from the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)
1. 63% of individuals become a Christian between the age of 4-14, with the median age being 11.
2. 34% of individuals become a Christian between the age of 15-29.
3. 97% of individuals become a Christian before the age of 30.

Should these survey results be discouraging or encouraging as we witness to adults?

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