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March 7, 2019

Title: Last Trip: Will It Be Heaven Bound?
Topic: Heaven Bound
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 2

What does church leadership look like within your own family? Are you serving the Lord at your church individually or as a family?

Dr. Josh Mulvihill is the author of several books on grandparenting. He is also the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at Renew a Nation.

Today, Dr. Mulvihill will be discussing the importance of raising a family in church to keep them in church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it God’s plan that none be lost? Dr. Mulvihill quotes Colossians 1:28-29…

Are some lost nonetheless?

Is it dangerous for parents and grandparents to assume their kids/grandkids are Christians and will stay in the church?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Last Trip: Will It Be Heaven Bound?
Topic: Heaven Bound
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are parents relying too heavily on the church for the spiritual training of their children? Are families attending church less often than previous generations?

Who are the four primary spiritual influences of young people?

What is meant by “church-based with home support”?

What is meant by “home-based with church support”?

To learn more about Gospel Shaped Family, click here.

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