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July 12, 2021

Title: Education Matters Especially in the Church
Topic: Education and the Church
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

The world is winning the hearts and minds of our children through our education system. Dr. Josh Mulvihill, with the Gospel Shaped Family, believes the Church MUST be an essential part of educating the next generation.

Click here to read Josh’s article on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the world taught our children and grandchildren:
God did not create the universe?
Sex with whomever is okay at any time?
Environment’s biggest threat is from human activity?
White Americans must pay for everything?

Josh makes a great point: “If it’s not okay to teach our kids that 2+2=7, why would we want any of those other things that have eternal implications and major life implications to be taught to our kids?”

Do Christians believe that education matters? If it IS important, WHY is it important?

Why aren’t pastors preaching about the importance of education? Josh makes another great point: Just because the Bible doesn’t specifically mention the words “education” or “school”, that doesn’t mean it’s not important. The Bible does, however, mentions the importance of raising a child in a godly household, according to Biblical morals and principles. In the next segment, Josh says education is discipleship….

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Education Matters Especially in the Church
Topic: Education and the Church
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the education system teaching that God is irrelevant, even non-existent, while instructing children in secular morality and unbiblical ideas? Has this been happening for decades in small, subtle ways?

Do Christian teachers have concerns over what they are required to teach?

Are Conservative states immune from secular education? HINT: NOPE! Josh says: “The Bible teaches a lot about having the right foundation. With the wrong foundation, it crumbles.”

Why is education overlooked, under-valued, and ignored at many churches?

Many Christian parents send their children to public school to be “missionaries and evangelists”. BUT are they REALLY equipped with the knowledge and the courage they need to stand up to their teachers and fellow classmates when something unbiblical is being taught? NO they aren’t! Josh says: “The school is the evangelist and our kids are the converts.”

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Education Matters Especially in the Church
Topic: Education and the Church
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

God created three institutions: The Church, The Family, and Government. Did God give government the mandate to educate our children and grandchildren? Or does this responsibility belong to the parents? Josh says: “If God has given us the task, we need to make sure that we are being faithful stewards of that which God has asked of us.” AMEN!

Is the Church and Christian school dependent on one another?

How do we begin to turn the education of God’s children back to the home and the Church?

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