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June 12, 2019

Title: UPDATE: Victory over Contraceptive Mandate!
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Great News! In a sweeping and dramatic victory for religious freedom, a federal court in Fort Worth permanently blocked the federal government from enforcing the Obama Administration’s “Contraceptive Mandate” against any employer or individual who objects to the provision of contraception on religious grounds.

Dr. Steve Hotze has more details about this victory…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Dr. Hotze use is own money to sue the government over the “Contraceptive Mandate”?

If we don’t stand today, who will tomorrow? We need YOU to take a stand and help us. Dr. Hotze offers some encouragement and suggestions…

How will this ruling affect businesses and employees?

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July 29, 2016

Title: Charges Dropped Against Pro-Life Activist!
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Peter Breen
with Thomas More Society (

When Planned Parenthood was exposed for selling baby body parts, the leadership in Texas requested the city of Houston, Harris County District Attorney’s office, to investigate. What went wrong?

Peter Breen is one of the lead attorneys on behalf of the defendants – the journalists who brought to light the illegal activities of Planned Parenthood. Peter will be discussing the recent victory for the defendants and all pro-life activists.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

One of the indictments against David Daleiden surrounded the fact that he (and others) used a fake ID to gain access to information within Planned Parenthood. Is this not a common practice among undercover journalists?

Weren’t the videos taken by Daleiden enough proof to indict Planned Parenthood for illegal activities?

Listen in as Peter Breen also discusses the inside transcripts from the courtroom, which detail the flip from indicting Planned Parenthood to instead indicting David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. He also reveals insider details about the dismissal of the case and what exactly transpired.

Will Planned Parenthood ever be indicted for their illegal activities of selling baby body parts?

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August 8, 2014

Title: The Liberal Media says Pro-Lifers are Winning
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

More and more men and women are beginning to see abortion for what it really is – MURDER.  With advances in technology, people can see that there is an actual baby inside a mother’s womb, not just a blob of tissue. They see the fingers and toes. They see the facial features. They hear the heartbeat.  And they realize that is a baby – a living human life.

Arina Grossu is the Director for the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, where she focuses on sanctity of human life issues ranging from conception to end of life care.

More young people are saying they are “pro-life”, but still believe it is a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. Folks, I have news for you. If you are in this category, you are pro-choice. Period.

Listen in as Arina explains why.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Liberal Media says Pro-Lifers are Winning
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Arina says that the pro-choice crowd know they are losing the battle so they are trying new phrases and tactics to win people back to their side.

This “War on Women” the left is accusing the right of is not only ridiculous, it’s outright lies. Your teens are learning about it in high school. Your college kids will be bombarded with the lies at college. How do you teach them about the truth now? What can you tell them so they will hold on to that truth?

Arina shares some excellent statistics in this second segment.

Listen in and share these segments with your “pro-life/choice” friends.

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April 3, 2014

Title: Three Women Saved More Babies
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Part 1 of 2

Recently the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals released its opinion upholding two provisions of the Texas abortion regulation law passed last summer. The panel is comprised of three female appellate judges. More babies will live because of this.

"We are pleased that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals agrees with the overwhelming majority of the Texas Legislature that the state has a right to increase safety standards at abortion facilities to protect the health and safety of women," said Joe Pojman, Ph.D., executive director of Texas Alliance for Life.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

The Texas Alliance for Life 20th Annual Walk for Life is coming up on May 10, 2014. There are four locations across Texas to choose from.

Proceeds for the “Walk for Life” benefit pro-life activities, such as education, defending policies in court, and promoting the Choose Life Texas license plates. Some proceeds also promote compassionate alternatives to abortion through grants. Log on to

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March 17, 2014

Title: The Cause. The Battles. The Defeats. And The Victories
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Joe Pojman has been fighting to save the lives of babies for nearly two decades. He has helped win countless battles and has mourned the losses. He has been subjected to hateful words and threats.

Listen in as Dr. Pojman discusses the hard-fought battles he has won and lost. 

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Not everyone who is pro-life agrees on how to “handle” pro-life legislation. Should there be exceptions? Should there be restrictions?

There have been times when Dr. Pojman has just wanted to give up. Why does he keep fighting?

To learn how you can help save the lives of more babies, log on to

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January 23, 2014

Title: The Window to the Womb Changes Lives
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Kelly Rosati
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved by providing a “Window to the Womb” to moms who would have otherwise chosen abortion.

Kelly Rosati, with Focus on the Family, talks about this “Gospel of Life” that is saving lives and saving souls.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Kelly Rosati
with Focus on the Family

Ultrasound machines are not cheap, but the impact on women – and men – is priceless.

The program that Focus on the Family uses not only provides the ultrasound machines, but they also train the workers on the devices.
Will you help save more babies?

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January 13, 2014

Title: The Window to the Womb Changes Lives
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Kelly Rosati
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved by providing a “Window to the Womb” to moms who would have otherwise chosen abortion.

Kelly Rosati, with Focus on the Family, talks about this “Gospel of Life” that is saving lives and saving souls.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Kelly Rosati
with Focus on the Family

Ultrasound machines are not cheap, but the impact on women – and men – is priceless.

The program that Focus on the Family uses not only provides the ultrasound machines, but they also train the workers on the devices.
Will you help save more babies?

Log on to  to see what you can do.

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February 21, 2013

Title: Does “Choice” Go Both Ways?
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Stephen Casey
with Texas Center for Defense of Life (

In Texas, without a Parental Bypass signed by a Judge, a minor cannot obtain a legal abortion.

Now, can a minor seek a Judge’s assistance in challenging a parent who wants their child to have an abortion?

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December 2, 2010

Title: Decision Point: George W. Bush’s Pro-Life
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Segment 1 of 2

At the end of his presidency, most Americans deemed President Bush a failure. His record on domestic policy, the economy, Iraq, on Katrina and the War on Terror engendered much heated debate. But from a Pro-Life Standpoint, Dr. Kengor states that President Bush was the best Pro-Life President to date. Why?

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Title: Decision Point: George W. Bush’s Pro-Life Path
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Segment 2 of 2

Dr. Kengor further explains why he believes President Bush has been our best Pro-Life President. Do you agree? Send us your comments via our contact link on our home page at

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November 6, 2009

Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Rita Diller
with Stop Planned Parenthood (

Is America becoming more pro-life once again? Rita Diller is the National Director of American Life League’s STOP Planned Parenthood project. To become a member of ALL and to help fight Planned Parenthood, log on to

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