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May 9, 2016

Title: They Did Sell Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Arina Grossu is the Director for the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. Her areas of expertise include abortion, women's health, bioethics, pornography, and sex trafficking. Today, she will be discussing Planned Parenthood’s blatant disrespect for human life – and the law. Arina says, “We have to take a real hard look at this as a nation.

There has been two hearings in Congress over the issue of Planned Parenthood buying and selling baby body parts. The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives is led by Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee. Many other Congress members, including Mia Love of Utah, gave compelling testimonies in favor of the sanctity of life.

Arina goes on to explain the evidence that three prosecutors have presented to the committee against Planned Parenthood and Stem Express. This evidence includes: invoices, order form, emails, compensation policies, a list of baby body parts that are valuable, brochures, donations and financial contributions, and instructions on how to ship baby parts.

Arina Grossu’s editorial on this topic, with links to information above, can be found here.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - They Did Sell Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Stem Express, the company which worked with Planned Parenthood regarding the controversial – and illegal – activity of buying and selling baby body parts, was ordered by Congress to relinquish all records and testify before the Congressional panel. However, Arina reveals that Stem Express will only release a portion of their records.

Arina Grossu explains that there are 513 surgical abortion centers in the United States, including both Planned Parenthood and “mom and pop” clinics. Stem Express had agreements with 100 of these surgical abortion centers to procure dead baby body parts and had plans to increase that to half of the centers by 2016. Thankfully, the Center for Medical Progress began their undercover investigation of both companies, placing a halt to their illegal actions.

Arina goes on to offer compelling quotes from various attorneys concerning this issue, including Brian Lennon, who is a former US Attorney from Michigan. Lennon said, “Based on my review of the exhibits, a competent, ethical Federal prosecutor would establish probable cause that both the abortion clinic and the procurement business violated in the statute, aided and abetted each other in the statute, and likely conspired together to violate the statute…There is sufficient evidence to launch a Federal grand jury investigation.” Listen in Arina offers more statements from people.

Arina reveals even more disturbing information about the actual agreement between the two companies which will make your stomach turn. How did we get here? Why are we turning a blind eye to the fact that our government is permitting this horrific practice to continue, while we prosecute the good guys who exposed it? Friends, we need to urge every Congress member to file charges against Stem Express and Planned Parenthood and drop all charges – and expunge the records – of the Center for Medical Progress.

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August 27, 2015

Title: Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Arina O. Grossu, M.A. is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity where she focuses on sanctity of human life issues, ranging from conception to natural death. Her areas of expertise include abortion, women's health, bioethics, pornography, sex trafficking, assisted suicide, and euthanasia.

Discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts.

The video – the seventh released by the Center for Medical Progress – underscored revelations made in previous videos that Planned Parenthood officials alter the method of abortions they perform - not out of medical necessity for the mother - but in order to obtain a baby's body intact.

Exposed for: wanting intact fetal cadavers [which] fetch higher fees, as they maximize the amount of organs and fetal tissue available for experimentation by biotech companies.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Arina O. Grossu, with the Family Research Council, continues discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts:

Today’s video contains heartrending admissions about the absolute barbarism of Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and baby parts sales in which fetuses are sometimes delivered intact and alive," said CMP lead investigator David Daleiden. "Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization from the top down and should be immediately stripped of taxpayer funding and prosecuted for their atrocities against humanity.”

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August 25, 2015

Title: Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Arina O. Grossu, M.A. is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity where she focuses on sanctity of human life issues, ranging from conception to natural death. Her areas of expertise include abortion, women's health, bioethics, pornography, sex trafficking, assisted suicide, and euthanasia.

Discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts:

The video – the seventh released by the Center for Medical Progress – underscored revelations made in previous videos that Planned Parenthood officials alter the method of abortions they perform - not out of medical necessity for the mother - but in order to obtain a baby's body intact.

Exposed for: wanting intact fetal cadavers [which] fetch higher fees, as they maximize the amount of organs and fetal tissue available for experimentation by biotech companies.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Arina O. Grossu, with the Family Research Council, continues discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts:

Today’s video contains heartrending admissions about the absolute barbarism of Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and baby parts sales in which fetuses are sometimes delivered intact and alive," said CMP lead investigator David Daleiden. "Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization from the top down and should be immediately stripped of taxpayer funding and prosecuted for their atrocities against humanity.”

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