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December 26, 2016

Title: An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

MARRIpedia is a great new internet tool that everyone should save to their desktop – or even use as your homepage when you log on to the internet every day! Created by The Family Research Council, MARRIpedia is an online social science encyclopedia on all matters related to family, marriage, religion, and sexuality. The purpose of MARRIpedia is to let the data do the talking. The numerous cross-links illustrate the overlap of family and religion and a vast array of issues such as education, the economy, poverty, crime, and abuse.

Dr. Patrick Fagan is the Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute with The Family Research Council. Dr. Fagan is also the Editor and creator of MARRIpedia. He is here today to explain just what MARRIpedia is and why the FRC designed the new website.

Through observation of the data, researchers have concluded that the intact married family that worships God weekly is the core strength of any nation,” declares Dr. Fagan. The weakest family unit is the unmarried mother/father with children who do not worship God at all. In between, there are two other categories: the intact married family who does not worship and the broken family who worships regularly.

Listen in to the next segment with Dr. Fagan as he discusses more about MARRIpedia and how to use the website to learn more about family issues.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

At MARRIpedia, you will find information on an array of issues and how they relate directly to marriage and the family. Even the economy and the market place are affected by marriage and family issues! Dr. Fagan says that MARRIpedia is a great resource for everyone – from pastors and counselors to high school and college students doing research for papers.

Let the data do the talking,” Dr. Fagan says. MARRIpedia is adding new research studies and social science data almost daily. Check it out with your kids and teens. Share the information with your friends and neighbors. Use the resources on MARRIpedia on social media cites like Facebook and Twitter to prove that God, marriage, and family really are the best combinations for success.

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December 1, 2015

Title: An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

MARRIpedia is a great new internet tool that everyone should save to their desktop – or even use as your homepage when you log on to the internet every day! Created by The Family Research Council, MARRIpedia is an online social science encyclopedia on all matters related to family, marriage, religion, and sexuality. The purpose of MARRIpedia is to let the data do the talking. The numerous cross-links illustrate the overlap of family and religion and a vast array of issues such as education, the economy, poverty, crime, and abuse.

Dr. Patrick Fagan is the Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute with The Family Research Council. Dr. Fagan is also the Editor and creator of MARRIpedia. He is here today to explain just what MARRIpedia is and why the FRC designed the new website.

Through observation of the data, researchers have concluded that the intact married family that worships God weekly is the core strength of any nation,” declares Dr. Fagan. The weakest family unit is the unmarried mother/father with children who do not worship God at all. In between, there are two other categories: the intact married family who does not worship and the broken family who worships regularly.

Listen in to the next segment with Dr. Fagan as he discusses more about MARRIpedia and how to use the website to learn more about family issues.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

At MARRIpedia, you will find information on an array of issues and how they relate directly to marriage and the family. Even the economy and the market place are affected by marriage and family issues! Dr. Fagan says that MARRIpedia is a great resource for everyone – from pastors and counselors to high school and college students doing research for papers.

Let the data do the talking,” Dr. Fagan says. MARRIpedia is adding new research studies and social science data almost daily. Check it out with your kids and teens. Share the information with your friends and neighbors. Use the resources on MARRIpedia on social media cites like Facebook and Twitter to prove that God, marriage, and family really are the best combinations for success.

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February 24, 2015

Title: The State of Marriage and the Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

We’ve gone from courting, dating, graduating from college, becoming engaged, getting married, and then children to meeting someone, having sex, getting pregnant but not married, then moving on to someone else. Young people these days don’t value marriage the same way we do or like our parents did.

Are we rewarding bad behavior? Out of wedlock births are on the rise, and climbing every year. The same goes for the divorce rate. Dr. Patrick Fagan, with the Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute (found [here] ), reports that 54% of kids do not live with both of their biological parents.

MARRI has issued its 7th annual “Index of Family Belonging and Rejection” report. Dr. Fagan discusses some of the differences between black, Hispanic, Asian, and white families in all areas of country. Why have the family structures changed so drastically since the 1950’s? Is society to blame? Government? There are more black men in prison now than there were half a century ago. Where were there fathers? Were they absent, too?

Listen in as Dr. Fagan gives more details and reveals the one group of people who are actually holding the country together.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The State of Marriage and the Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Dr. Fagan poses this convicting question: “If our churches are not teaching teens the consequences, why should the government?” Ouch! Slap in the face! Unless our pastors really preach the Word and tell the truth about the life-long consequences of pre-marital sex, there is little hope that our country will change.

As a group, the majority of children raised in a single-parent family or without their biological parents have less chance of succeeding in life. Many do not graduate. Most do not attend/graduate college. Most females become pregnant out of wedlock. Many males turn to a life of crime. Of course, there are always exceptions to this, but this cycle just repeats generation after generation.

The breakup of the family boils down to lack of knowledge about sex, according to Dr. Fagan. Society has just twisted the sacred significance of sex to something flippant and meaningless. Even many Christians see nothing wrong with living together before marriage.

If we reward marriage instead of single-parenting, what would happen? Would more couples actually stay together to raise their kids instead of running to divorce court at the first sign of a struggle? Should we require people to have a job, even part-time, in order to qualify for welfare? This worked in the past – it can work again! But the liberals will never allow any positive changes because they want to be reelected!

Click [here]  for the full report from the Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute.

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May 15, 2014

Title: Independence or In Dependence? The War on Poverty.
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 3

Fighting poverty has been an excuse to expand bureaucracy for decades. In fact, America now has over 92 programs dedicated to the epidemic.

Epidemic. That is what it is. We have more people – individuals and families alike – receiving government assistance than ever before.

What started out as a simple, quick fix, has now become a way of life for so many. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) wants to know what Americans have to show for it. Listen in as Dr. Patrick Fagan, with the Family Research Council, explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Independence or In Dependence? The War on Poverty.
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Food stamps, Medicare, Social Security, and housing assistance, while well-intentioned, aren't solving the problem. Rep. Ryan says, “Federal programs are not only failing to address the problem, they are also, in some significant respects, making it worse."

For too long,” Ryan continues, "we have measured compassion by how much we spend instead of how many people get out of poverty.

Well, in my opinion, spending $800 BILLION dollars every year on anti-poverty programs is far too much money to spend on a broken and battered system. But, how do we fix it? Is it too late to even bother?

Dr. Fagan says financial breakdown isn’t the issue. The real issue is…….Listen in to find out!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Independence or In Dependence? The War on Poverty.
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Conservatives like Rick Santorum understand that reducing poverty is as simple as this: "Work, graduate from high school, and get married before you have children."  Do that and your chances of ending up in poverty are about 2 percent.

It’s time for Congress to make the connection between America's financial mess and our cultural one. While the left looks for the answer to poverty in welfare programs, our nation's greatest hope continues to be in the home. What is necessary is a married mother and father -- an advantage only 45% of this generation enjoy.

Listen in as Dr. Fagan concludes his interview with how we can all help right what’s wrong in America.

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January 27, 2014

Title: At What Age do Girls Begin Having Abortions?
Topic: Abortion: The Reality
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

A project of the Family Research Council (FRC) released an analysis paper entitled, "Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion." Some results might shock you; some are pretty “ordinary”.

Girls as young as 12 years have reported having at least one abortion. And women who reported having had one or more abortions, nearly half are 20 years old or younger.

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Title: At What Age do Girls Begin Having Abortions?
Topic: Abortion: The Reality
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 2 of 2

The recent findings on abortion further demonstrate why this issue remains at the forefront of our nation's policy debates. Abortion causes enduring pain to millions of American women, and the revelation that so many of them are so young is tragic.

Also, the abortion rate is lower among women from biologically intact or intact, adoptive families. Approximately 26 percent of women from broken families report some abortion history. While only 16 percent of women from biologically intact families or intact, adoptive families report abortion history.

For more on this and other issues, log on to

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May 11, 2012

Title: A Best of Segment: The Roman Turtle Shell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall - The Family Unit Breakdown.
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 4

Do the actions of the parents affect their children?

Does rejection caused by divorce affect their children?

Is the “family unit” the building block of society?

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Title: A Best of Segment: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Are the majority of the nation’s children affected negatively by the breakdown of the family unit across America?

Will the major institutions of the future: the family, churches, schools, the marketplace and even our government be similarly weakened as these children gradually take their roles of leadership within these institutions?

Let’s look at the second annual Index of Family Belonging and Rejection: what are the prognosis and projection for future trends and outcomes?

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Title: A Best of Segment: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

First, what is the prognosis of the family unit in America?

Is the family unit strongest in the south?

Is the out-of-wedlock birthrate overwhelming all ethnic groups in America?

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Title: A Best of Segment: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

What are some of the consequences of the out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

How do we break the cycle of divorce?

How do we break the cycle of out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

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February 15, 2012

Title: Does Divorce Affect Children?
Topic: Divorce 2
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dr. Patrick Fagan answers:

About how many American children suffer from divorce each year?

How do children's relationships with their parents worsen after a divorce?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Divorce 2
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

How does divorce affect the Grandparent-Grandchild relationship?

What is the child's view of divorce? How does divorce weaken the child's capacity to handle conflict?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Divorce 2
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

How does virginity among teenagers of all ages correlate closely with the presence of married parents?

What are some behavioral effects of divorce on children in the home and at school?

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December 1, 2011

Title: The Roman Turtle Shell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall - The Family Unit Breakdown.
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 4

Do the actions of the parents affect their children?

Does rejection caused by divorce affect their children?

Is the “family unit” the building block of society?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Are the majority of the nation’s children affected negatively by the breakdown of the family unit across America?

Will the major institutions of the future: the family, churches, schools, the marketplace and even our government be similarly weakened as these children gradually take their roles of leadership within these institutions?

Let’s look at the second annual Index of Family Belonging and Rejection: what are the prognosis and projection for future trends and outcomes?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

First, what is the prognosis of the family unit in America?

Is the family unit strongest in the south?

Is the out-of-wedlock birthrate overwhelming all ethnic groups in America?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

What are some of the consequences of the out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

How do we break the cycle of divorce?

How do we break the cycle of out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

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June 6, 2011

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

The Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute recently released a synthesis paper showing that economic well-being in the US is strongly related to marriage. Married men make more money and stay in one job longer than their counterparts. And this directly affects women and children. Log on to  for more.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

The rate of poverty among children whose mothers remarry after divorce is reduced by 66 percent. We’re not saying that all single moms and dads should rush out and get remarried ASAP. We’re just showing the facts. Log on to  for more.

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January 12, 2011

Title: MARRI Report
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Segment 1 of 2

Fifty-five percent of American teenagers’ parents have rejected each other, either through divorce, separation, or choosing not to marry. How does this breakdown by ethnicity? What are we doing to our kids?

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Title: MARRI Report
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Segment 2 of 2

“The American society is dysfunctional, characterized by a faulty understanding of the male-female relationship. Our culture needs a ‘compass change’, a course change, but where do we begin?” Dr. Patrick Fagan continues discussing the MARRI Report.

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