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July 29, 2016

Title: Charges Dropped Against Pro-Life Activist!
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Peter Breen
with Thomas More Society (

When Planned Parenthood was exposed for selling baby body parts, the leadership in Texas requested the city of Houston, Harris County District Attorney’s office, to investigate. What went wrong?

Peter Breen is one of the lead attorneys on behalf of the defendants – the journalists who brought to light the illegal activities of Planned Parenthood. Peter will be discussing the recent victory for the defendants and all pro-life activists.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

One of the indictments against David Daleiden surrounded the fact that he (and others) used a fake ID to gain access to information within Planned Parenthood. Is this not a common practice among undercover journalists?

Weren’t the videos taken by Daleiden enough proof to indict Planned Parenthood for illegal activities?

Listen in as Peter Breen also discusses the inside transcripts from the courtroom, which detail the flip from indicting Planned Parenthood to instead indicting David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. He also reveals insider details about the dismissal of the case and what exactly transpired.

Will Planned Parenthood ever be indicted for their illegal activities of selling baby body parts?

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