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May 5, 2015

Title: Stop Honor Killings
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Daniel Akbari
with Stop Honor Killings (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Shariah Law and Honor Killings are often confusing to most people who do not know the full extent of the law. They do not know the signs of abuse Muslim women suffer, therefore they do not know how to help, either. Daniel Akbari practiced law in Iran until his mid-thirties. The Iranian Bar Association certified him as a “Number One Attorney” giving him the right to try death penalty cases on his own. He now lives in America and has graduated from Texas State University with a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He also holds a Graduate Degree from the Bush School of Government and Public Service.

Daniel has written a must-read book for everyone to add to their home, school, and church libraries: “HONOR KILLING: A Professional’s Guide to Sexual Relations and Ghayra Violence from the Islamic Sources.”

Many people do not know that there have been several honor killings right here in America – one in HOUSTON!! Even the media doesn’t know enough about Shariah Law and honor killings to report what is really happening. Not only does Shariah Law allow old men to marry (and have sex with) very young girls, parents (usually the father) often sell their daughters to these men. Women, under Shariah Law, are still not permitted to venture outside their home without a male family member present. And although female genital mutilation is banned world-wide, many Islamist nations still allow the practice to occur to honor Allah.

Listen in as Daniel explains “Ghayra” and why it is so important for non-Muslims to study Shariah Law and understand their laws regarding honor killings. Tune in to the next segment with Daniel as he discusses this topic further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Stop Honor Killings
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Daniel Akbari
with Stop Honor Killings (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The goal of the Islamists is to implement Shariah Law in every nation across the globe. They will kill everyone who will not bow before Allah. And they are very, very patient. In his book, “Honor Killing”, Daniel Akbari takes the Qur’an and breaks it down in easy-to-understand language so Americans can truly know what the Ghayra is.

Where are the liberal feminists when it comes to Muslims? Why aren’t they fighting for women who are beaten and killed in the name Allah? Are they so afraid of being labeled a racist and an Islamaphobe that they actually defend these horrible men? The devil has blinded them from seeing the truth.

Please click [here]  for more on Daniel’s new book, “Honor Killing”.

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