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October 16, 2014

Title: Pre-Election Smear Machine Go Crazy!
Topic: Election Smear Tactics
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Low information voters don’t need much convincing. They just go with the flow. They believe anything. They assume every smear tactic is fact. And that isn’t the only scary part.

Art Robinson is a candidate for Congress in Oregon. Why do we, in Texas, care about what’s going on in Oregon? Well, Art is running against a 14-year incumbent, Peter DeFazio, who is a Progressive Democrat, which essentially means he is a Marxist who loves Obama, Obamacare, Saul Alinsky, and Al Gore.

DeFazio is accusing Art Robinson of being insane. Literally insane. Why? Well, listen in as David Kupelian, with World Net Daily, explains! It is ludicrous! Almost as ludicrous as Houston Mayor Annise Parker demanding to see the sermon notes, Tweets, and Facebook postings of pastors in regards to the Peeping Tom Ordinance.

David’s full article on this issue is entitled Pre-Election Smear Machine Go Crazy and can be found at

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May 12, 2014

Title: God and the GOP
Topic: God and the GOP
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Part 1 of 3

America at war – within its own border. On one side are forces for limited, constitutional government, unfettered free-market capitalism, and traditional Judeo-Christian morality. This side knows that, as government enlarges, liberty diminishes. This side still believes in American exceptionalism, Reagan’s “shining city on a hill”. This America is rooted in and dependent upon self-governing, self-disciplined, moral and religious citizens.

Is this still achievable? Will America recover from this down-ward spiral?

Listen in as David Kupelian discusses God and the GOP.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - God and the GOP
Topic: God and the GOP
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

So what about the other side? Those forces consider the first group to be unfair, unjust, unfeeling, unrealistic, greedy, selfish, intolerant, racist, parasitic, predatory – even evil. This side is full of perceived grievances against the first. This side currently dominates American government, media, education, and culture.

The Conservative base is being told to keep away from the divisive “social issues” – by other Republicans. Who are these Republicans? Are they the moneyed GOP establishment, and their advisers and strategists? Are they the calculating RINO’s comfortably nestled in Washington’s elite society? Are they “libertarian-leaning conservatives” and even many tea-party spokesmen?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - God and the GOP
Topic: God and the GOP
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Ronald Reagan had a three-part strategy: the defense hawks, the Conservative businessmen and groups wanting smaller government and less taxes, and those who favored traditional family values.

Can the Republican Party win nationally (the Presidency) without all three of the legs of Reagan's Majority? Or, by embracing the homosexual agenda, and promoting its lifestyle through the ‘spiral of silence’, will this be the final nail in the coffin carrying the ‘Greatness of America’ to her grave?

Remember how the majority of the delegates attending the latest National Democrat Convention voted to take GOD out of their platform. Can the GOP survive as a national force with acknowledging God?

Log on to  for more on David Kupelian, and award-winning journalist and managing editor of World Net Daily.

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April 30, 2014

Title: God and the GOP
Topic: God and the GOP
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Part 1 of 3

America at war – within its own border. On one side are forces for limited, constitutional government, unfettered free-market capitalism, and traditional Judeo-Christian morality. This side knows that, as government enlarges, liberty diminishes. This side still believes in American exceptionalism, Reagan’s “shining city on a hill”. This America is rooted in and dependent upon self-governing, self-disciplined, moral and religious citizens.

Is this still achievable? Will America recover from this down-ward spiral?

Listen in as David Kupelian discusses God and the GOP.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - God and the GOP
Topic: God and the GOP
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

So what about the other side? Those forces consider the first group to be unfair, unjust, unfeeling, unrealistic, greedy, selfish, intolerant, racist, parasitic, predatory – even evil. This side is full of perceived grievances against the first. This side currently dominates American government, media, education, and culture.

The Conservative base is being told to keep away from the divisive “social issues” – by other Republicans. Who are these Republicans? Are they the moneyed GOP establishment, and their advisers and strategists? Are they the calculating RINO’s comfortably nestled in Washington’s elite society? Are they “libertarian-leaning conservatives” and even many tea-party spokesmen?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - God and the GOP
Topic: God and the GOP
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Ronald Reagan had a three-part strategy: the defense hawks, the Conservative businessmen and groups wanting smaller government and less taxes, and those who favored traditional family values.

Can the Republican Party win nationally (the Presidency) without all three of the legs of Reagan's Majority? Or, by embracing the homosexual agenda, and promoting its lifestyle through the ‘spiral of silence’, will this be the final nail in the coffin carrying the ‘Greatness of America’ to her grave?

Remember how the majority of the delegates attending the latest National Democrat Convention voted to take GOD out of their platform. Can the GOP survive as a national force with acknowledging God?

Log on to  for more on David Kupelian, and award-winning journalist and managing editor of World Net Daily.

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March 2, 2011

Title: Judge Orders Rape Victim Whipped Under Shariah Law
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Segment 1 of 2

After Being Raped, Judge Had Her Whipped. Then She Died. Why?   After a 14-year-old-Bangladesh girl was forcibly raped by a 40-year-old man, the next day a Shariah court sentenced her – the rape victim – to 100 lashes. She had no appeal and the sentence was carried out immediately. But after about 70 to 80 lashes, she collapsed and later bled to death in a local hospital. In some countries, those charged with a crime have no right to a trial by jury. Aren’t you glad we still have that right in America?!

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Title: How Precious Are the 6th and 7th Amendments? Ask This Rape Victim Tried Under Shariah Law.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Segment 2 of 2

Most people around the world lack 6th and 7th Amendment Rights to a Trial by Jury.  Aren’t you glad you live in America?  David Kupelian, managing editor for World Net Daily, found at , continues discussing the criminally insane behavior of those who live under Shariah Law.  Are you going to just sit there and let Shariah Law invade America?  Wake up people!  It’s already happening!

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