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October 17, 2011

Title: Should Shariah Law Replace Our Constitution? Some Want the Head of Pastor Youcef. And, Is Genocide Occurring In Egypt Today?
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Karen Lugo
with Author / Writer / Blogger / Professor

Part 1 of 3

There are many that would give their lives, fame and fortune to implement Shariah Law throughout America. What will you give to preserve our Constitution?

Karen Lugo describes how Muslim enclaves spread in Western Europe where shadow justices systems and separate enclaves with no assimilation became zones where ‘first responders’ avoided.

Now Europeans have embraced a culture opposed to Western mores because of tolerance and now the tsunami of Shariah dominated communities have spread throughout Europe like a run-away-freight train.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Karen Lugo
with Author / Writer / Blogger / Professor

Migrant workers have settled in enclaves throughout Western Europe and the governments have enabled the ‘aliens within their lands’ to be governed by Shariah Law.

Now, this planned movement to implement Shariah Law in all countries around the world has surfaced throughout America.

Our Western mores will be replaced with mandates from Imam’s who bow to the idol, allah. Your neck may be safe today, but what about the necks of your children and grandchildren?

Women are treated worse than dogs by many practicing Muslims, Christians are treated worse, and Jews will be eliminated. Wake up oh slumbering America before it’s too late!

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Karen Lugo
with Author / Writer / Blogger / Professor

Shariah Law is a real danger to our freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.

Shariah Law is applied by Mullahs and Imams which can vary by person to person, region to region. We need to take our blinders off, especially the female leaders of Liberal/Progressive groups in America.

Karen Lugo concludes describing the genocide occurring in Egypt today. Remember: their first target is the Saturday Child…. Then they will target the Sunday Child.

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