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April 13, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Fighting Back
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Sam Kazman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is being sued by Claude Walker, the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands. This is strange enough, but when you hear the reason why, your blood will boil! If you doubt that Christianity is being attacked, then hopefully this interview will open your eyes. The group of seventeen Attorney Generals (sixteen Democrats, one Independent and fifteen from US states and two from territories) call themselves the Attorney Generals United for Clean Power.

Sam Kazman is General Counsel for CEI. He is with us today to discuss the case they are involved in concerning this issue. The environmentalists want to squash any debate or disagreement with their theory of “climate change”. In his opinion, Al Gore is the real celebrity cheerleader behind the entire effort to silence CEI and others from revealing the truth to the masses.

What if the AG’s are successful in the effort to suppress the First Amendment? Who will the losers be? Sam says, “Everyone who values free speech and anyone who can use affordable and reliable energy will lose as well.” Any person who dares to disagree with their global warming agenda is a threat and must be stopped.

Why is CEI fighting back against the Al Gore bullies? Why not just give the AG’s the information they want and be done with it? Sam believes that if CEI gives in, it paves the way for more and more lawsuits in the future against companies and organizations which dare to question the government’s plan for halting all use of fossil fuels.

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December 30, 2014

Title: When is Lying Okay?
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Sam Kazman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Jonathan Gruber. Oh, Jonathan Gruber. How has the world turned without your wonderful presence? How have we survived this long without your all-knowing amazing gift?

Satire, folks. Pure, sarcasm.

The American people are not stupid. Well, some are – but not the awesome people who listen to the What’s UP Radio Program! We know What’s UP! And we certainly know when we are being lied to.

Obama’s good friend Mr. Gruber has been paid upwards of $4 MILLION over the last decade to sell Obamacare to the very people who were footing the bill. In fact, The Washington Times even reported that “Gruber got a $300,000 paycheck from the Department of Health and Human Services to sing the praises of the health care scheme”.

Lying is never ok. Ever. Politicians have been given a free pass to lie to us – the American people. No strings attached. No consequences. No fines. They can lie about anything and everything and it’s up to us to determine what is true and what is false.

There are a lot people in this world with ulterior motives and politicians seem to be the worst. This is true for not only Obamacare, but illegal immigration, increase in minimum wage, global warming. And it’s not only the Democrats – Republicans are just as guilty! The difference is that the Democrats use OUR money and the Republicans use THEIRS.

Listen in as Sam Kazman, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), discusses whether or not people (politician or not) should be required to testify under oath before Congress. CEI is currently pursuing litigation in the Supreme Court concerning Obamacare and Gruber is actually a huge asset to their case – not in favor of him, though, obviously! Because Gruber lied!

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November 20, 2014

Title: When is Lying Okay?
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Sam Kazman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Jonathan Gruber. Oh, Jonathan Gruber. How has the world turned without your wonderful presence? How have we survived this long without your all-knowing amazing gift?

Satire, folks. Pure, sarcasm.

The American people are not stupid. Well, some are – but not the awesome people who listen to the What’s UP Radio Program! We know What’s UP! And we certainly know when we are being lied to.

Obama’s good friend Mr. Gruber has been paid upwards of $4 MILLION over the last decade to sell Obamacare to the very people who were footing the bill. In fact, The Washington Times even reported that “Gruber got a $300,000 paycheck from the Department of Health and Human Services to sing the praises of the health care scheme”.

Lying is never ok. Ever. Politicians have been given a free pass to lie to us – the American people. No strings attached. No consequences. No fines. They can lie about anything and everything and it’s up to us to determine what is true and what is false.

There are a lot people in this world with ulterior motives and politicians seem to be the worst. This is true for not only Obamacare, but illegal immigration, increase in minimum wage, global warming. And it’s not only the Democrats – Republicans are just as guilty! The difference is that the Democrats use OUR money and the Republicans use THEIRS.

Listen in as Sam Kazman, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), discusses whether or not people (politician or not) should be required to testify under oath before Congress. CEI is currently pursuing litigation in the Supreme Court concerning Obamacare and Gruber is actually a huge asset to their case – not in favor of him, though, obviously! Because Gruber lied!

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February 6, 2013

Title: Advocates for Global Warming are Trying to Freeze Debates!
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Sam Kazman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Who is Michael Mann? And why is he trying to censor advocates against global warming?

Sam Kazman is General Counsel with CEI. He warns bloggers that not everything you put out on the internet can be considered “free speech”, even if it should be.

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December 27, 2005

Title: CAFE is bad for your health
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Sam Kazman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Big Car vs. Smaller Car: Who wins in a head-on collision? Is the government forcing us to buy smaller cars through the program called CAFE? Are the CAFE standards being rewritten? Aren't larger, heavier vehicles safer? Sam Kazman, the General Counsel of Competetive Enterprise Institute, also heads their Death by Regulation Project.

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November 22, 2005

Title: CAFE is bad for your health
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Sam Kazman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Big Car vs. Smaller Car: who wins in a head-on collision? Is the government forcing us to buy smaller cars through the program called CAFE? Are the CAFE standards being rewritten? Aren't larger, heavier vehicles safer? Sam Kazman, the General Counsel of Competetive Enterprise Institute, also heads their Death by Regulation Project.

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