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May 24, 2024

Title: Recognizing the Signs of Mental Health Disorders in TEENS AND CHILDREN
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Joannie DeBrito
with Alive to Thrive (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Joannie DeBrito is the co-founder and creator of Alive to Thrive, a free online Biblically-based suicide prevention and response program for parents, pastors, teachers, coaches, and other adult influencers. She has over 30 years of diverse experience as a parent, educator, family life educator, school social worker, administrator, and licensed mental health professional.

Click here for all the information about Alive to Thrive.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do nearly half of all adolescents suffer from a mental health disorder?

Are we often too consumed with our own lives to notice the pain and suffering of those around us – even family members? Dr. DeBrito uses the term “disconnected” to describe society today.

What are some of the signs that a person is suffering from a mental disorder? Listen closely, because some of the signs might surprise you!

Many adolescents who suffer from mental health disorders also have anger issues and display out-of-control behavior. What is the first step we should take in helping them?

Should we not be afraid or embarrassed to ask for or seek help? Dr. DeBrito admits that even she still needs help sometimes, so we should never be afraid to seek guidance and help!

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Title: Recognizing the Signs of Mental Health Disorders IN YOUR SPOUSE
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Joannie DeBrito
with Alive to Thrive (

Part 2 of 2

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have more than 50% of couples experienced a marriage crisis?

Can feelings of loneliness and being disconnected lead to stress or anxiety? Dr. DeBrito discusses how the many changes we experience throughout our lives can be difficult to manage and that is completely normal. “Sometimes you can do everything right in terms of adjusting and still things continue to fall apart around you,” she reminds us.

Can a therapist help with our mental health when we face depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, and PTSD?

Click here to help support Focus on the Family, the parent company of Alive to Thrive.

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May 16, 2024

Title: Pastors and Mental Health: What You Need to Know
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Mark Dance
with Dr. Mark Dance (

Dr. Mark Dance is the Director of Pastoral Wellness for Guidestone Financial Resources (SBC). He was a lead pastor and planter for 30 years before becoming an associate vice president at Lifeway, the director of pastoral development for Oklahoma Baptists, and the co-founder/leader of the Care4Pastors Network.

Today, Dr. Dance offers hope and encouragement to pastors who may be struggling with mental health issues. He also gives advice to church members on how they can pray for their pastors.

Click here for the latest blog posts from Dr. Mark Dance.

Click here  and here for more resources.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does regular church attendance improve/help a congregants’ mental health? Is it even more beneficial to become connected within a local church through small groups? Dr. Dance reminds us that “those who invest more, get more back.”

What contributes to depression in pastors? Dr. Dance discusses a Lifeway survey of 1,000 pastors and offers advice from his own personal struggle with depression.

How can church members best assist/encourage their pastor?

Click here to receive FREE weekly encouraging emails from Dr. Mark Dance.

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May 10, 2024

Title: Pastors and Mental Health: What You Need to Know
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Mark Dance
with Dr. Mark Dance (

Dr. Mark Dance is the Director of Pastoral Wellness for Guidestone Financial Resources (SBC). He was a lead pastor and planter for 30 years before becoming an associate vice president at Lifeway, the director of pastoral development for Oklahoma Baptists, and the co-founder/leader of the Care4Pastors Network.

Today, Dr. Dance offers hope and encouragement to pastors who may be struggling with mental health issues. He also gives advice to church members on how they can pray for their pastors.

Click here for the latest blog posts from Dr. Mark Dance.

Click here  and here for more resources.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does regular church attendance improve/help a congregants’ mental health? Is it even more beneficial to become connected within a local church through small groups? Dr. Dance reminds us that “those who invest more, get more back.”

What contributes to depression in pastors? Dr. Dance discusses a Lifeway survey of 1,000 pastors and offers advice from his own personal struggle with depression.

How can church members best assist/encourage their pastor?

Click here to receive FREE weekly encouraging emails from Dr. Mark Dance.

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February 29, 2024

Title: Teens and Mental Health
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Joannie DeBrito
with Alive to Thrive (

Dr. Joannie DeBrito is the co-founder and creator of Alive to Thrive, a free online Biblically-based suicide prevention and response program for parents, pastors, teachers, coaches, and other adult influencers. She has over 30 years of diverse experience as a parent, educator, family life educator, school social worker, administrator, and licensed mental health professional.

Today, Dr. DeBrito discusses the escalating mental health crisis among our youth and how you can be an encouraging part of recovery.

Click here for more information on the 6 Alive to Thrive Modules about preventing suicide and to get a free copy of the book.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are mental health struggles common in teens? Dr. DeBrito discusses the negative effects of the pandemic/isolation and the many resources that are now available for recovery and stabilization. She also discusses some contributing factors to adolescent and teenage mental health issues.

How can we as parents and grandparents come along-side the teens in our lives as they work through these struggles? Are teens and parents alone during these struggles? NOTE: Click the link above for Alive to Thrive for more help and information. You can also call 855.771.4357 (M-F 7 am-9 pm).

What is the purpose of World Teen Mental Health Day (Saturday, March 2)?

No matter how dark the day may be, is there always hope in Jesus?

Click here to help support Alive to Thrive, a division of Focus on the Family.

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May 17, 2023

Title: COVID, Mental Health, and the Future
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

Phil Kerpen is the President of the American Commitment and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Today, he discusses results from a study about the long-term effects of closing the school doors during the COVID pandemic.

Click here to read the op-ed by Phil Kerpen and Stephen Moore.

Click here to donate to the American Commitment.

Click here for more information about the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the biggest policy blunder of the COVID pandemic? Phil Kerpen discusses all the negative effects of closing down public schools across the nation that, in his opinion, were a direct result of the Left wanting to embarrass President Donald Trump.

Do studies show that school closings will affect life expectancy and wealth attainment?

Do studies show that those who receive less learning during their childhood and teenage years usually have a lower economic status?

Is there any way to reverse these economic losses? Phil Kerpen is hopeful and has some suggestions on how to attain this.

Did the school closings affect the mental health of students causing anxiety and depression?

What influence did the teacher unions exert over the school closures? Phil Kerpen reminds us that medical professionals first recommended no masks, no social distancing, and no closures for kids and teens. Then – BAM! Ten days later, they made a complete 180 turn on this decision in lock-step with two major teacher unions. He goes on to discuss what happened over the next year and the outrageous restrictions placed on some schools in liberal cities and counties.

Some studies shows that as many as 250,000 students are completely unaccounted for since the 2020 school closures. Where are they? What happened to them?

Should the government ever consider closing down schools again in the future?

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April 19, 2023

Title: What’s Driving the Rise in Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 3

All across America, we experiencing a sharp rise in mental health problems and suicide attempts in teens and tweens. The CDC reports a higher incidence of mental health issues in girls with respect to boys their age. What is causing the rise?

Linda Harvey, founder of Mission:America, blames the LGBTQ movement – and she is not the only expert who does. She says: “As there is more acceptance, the problem is getting worse! … Everybody needs to do something. You don’t have to do it all, but do something to push back.”

Click here for Linda’s latest op-ed on this serious issue.

Click here for more about Mission:America, an organization Linda started to bring awareness to the American people about many issues, including homosexuality, transgenderism, and pedophilia. There are many great FREE resources on the website, as well.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are America’s kids living in wealth and abundance as compared to most kids around the world?

Should America’s kids be happy, healthy, wholesome, brave, virtuous, respectful, and grateful?

Why does Linda Harvey blame the LGBTQ movement? Linda discusses the CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (link above), explaining why she believes the aggressive indoctrination and recruitment of the LGBTQ movement is not just a coincidental in the rise of mental health problems and suicide attempts in teens and tweens. NOTE: The report does NOT include questions or information about “transgender” issues – only lesbian, gay, and bi-sexual issues.

Is spiritual darkness consuming our children and grandchildren?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What’s Driving the Rise in Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With the laser focus on the rights of women, why isn’t there more hope in and for our young girls? What has happened with the feminist movement? Linda discusses the horrible, negative effects of abortion. She says: “We need to reach out with true blessings of authentic womanhood to our girls… We need to be telling girls early on about the value of human life.”

LGBTQ activists claim that “coming out” will produce more happiness. What does the data suggest?

FACT: Nearly 70% of students in a same-sex relationship report feelings of sadness or hopelessness and roughly 25% of them also state that they have attempted suicide.

Do many in a same-sex relationship report being forced into sex-acts? Do they also report using drugs and alcohol and being abused by their partners? REMEMBER: THESE ARE TEENAGERS!!!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What’s Driving the Rise in Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many people blame the rise in teen mental health issues and suicide attempts on the COVID lockdowns. Why does Linda believe the LGBTQ movement is to blame? Linda discussed this briefly in the first segment, but explains further here…

Are our kids taught sexual avoidance techniques in public schools?

Are teens who report more parental involvement less likely to have mental health struggles? Again – this is information reported directly from the CDC!

Why should we never stop praying, speaking out, standing up, and seeking the best for our kids? Linda encourages parents and grandparents to keep fighting, reminding us of 2 Timothy 1:7 “…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Please consider a donation to Mission:America so Linda can continue to speak the truth about the indoctrination of the homosexual and transgender agenda.

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March 9, 2023

Title: What’s Driving the Rise in Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 3

All across America, we experiencing a sharp rise in mental health problems and suicide attempts in teens and tweens. The CDC reports a higher incidence of mental health issues in girls with respect to boys their age. What is causing the rise?

Linda Harvey, founder of Mission:America, blames the LGBTQ movement – and she is not the only expert who does. She says: “As there is more acceptance, the problem is getting worse! … Everybody needs to do something. You don’t have to do it all, but do something to push back.”

Click here for Linda’s latest op-ed on this serious issue.

Click here for more about Mission:America, an organization Linda started to bring awareness to the American people about many issues, including homosexuality, transgenderism, and pedophilia. There are many great FREE resources on the website, as well.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are America’s kids living in wealth and abundance as compared to most kids around the world?

Should America’s kids be happy, healthy, wholesome, brave, virtuous, respectful, and grateful?

Why does Linda Harvey blame the LGBTQ movement? Linda discusses the CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (link above), explaining why she believes the aggressive indoctrination and recruitment of the LGBTQ movement is not just a coincidental in the rise of mental health problems and suicide attempts in teens and tweens. NOTE: The report does NOT include questions or information about “transgender” issues – only lesbian, gay, and bi-sexual issues.

Is spiritual darkness consuming our children and grandchildren?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What’s Driving the Rise in Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With the laser focus on the rights of women, why isn’t there more hope in and for our young girls? What has happened with the feminist movement? Linda discusses the horrible, negative effects of abortion. She says: “We need to reach out with true blessings of authentic womanhood to our girls… We need to be telling girls early on about the value of human life.”

LGBTQ activists claim that “coming out” will produce more happiness. What does the data suggest?
FACT: Nearly 70% of students in a same-sex relationship report feelings of sadness or hopelessness and roughly 25% of them also state that they have attempted suicide.

Do many in a same-sex relationship report being forced into sex-acts? Do they also report using drugs and alcohol and being abused by their partners? REMEMBER: THESE ARE TEENAGERS!!!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What’s Driving the Rise in Teen Mental Health Disorders?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many people blame the rise in teen mental health issues and suicide attempts on the COVID lockdowns. Why does Linda believe the LGBTQ movement is to blame? Linda discussed this briefly in the first segment, but explains further here…

Are our kids taught sexual avoidance techniques in public schools?

Are teens who report more parental involvement less likely to have mental health struggles? Again – this is information reported directly from the CDC!

Why should we never stop praying, speaking out, standing up, and seeking the best for our kids? Linda encourages parents and grandparents to keep fighting, reminding us of 2 Timothy 1:7 “…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Please consider a donation to Mission:America so Linda can continue to speak the truth about the indoctrination of the homosexual and transgender agenda.

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December 20, 2022

Title: Managing Stress During the Holidays
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Rob Jackson
with Focus on the Family

The holidays are an extra-busy time for most people, causing overwhelming stress in the young and old alike.

Rob Jackson is a licensed counselor with Focus on the Family. Today, Rob offers some helpful advice on how to keep our stress levels down during the holidays, urging “self-care habits” – getting enough sleep, eating reasonably well, and regular exercise.

Click here for help from Focus on the Family or call 1.800.AFAMILY.

Click here for more from Rob Jackson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we manage the build-up of stress in our lives?

How can we navigate this busy season? Rob reminds us to have realistic expectations and stresses the importance of “living in the moment”.

Must we give up control of the things we can’t control?

How can we help other family members cope? Rob discusses what he does to help his own family reduce their stress levels.

Do our children and grandchildren become stressed, too?

How can rest/stillness help keep our stress levels down? Rob reminds us that even adults need a “time-out!” Go outside and regroup. Find a quiet room and rest.

Click here to donate to Focus on the Family.

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August 30, 2022

Title: Are Selfies Really Bad for Our Mental Health?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Paul Asay
with Plugged In (

Selfitis” is a term coined to describe the cultural habit of taking an overabundance of photos of oneself and posting them on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and other social media sites.

Senior Associate Editor of Plugged In, Paul Asay, discusses how we can balance social media usage while surviving the selfie culture without falling into the comparison trap.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has “selfitis” been a problem for many people for a while now? Paul reveals that the average person takes more than 450 selfies per year!

Can posting the most perfect, most current selfie become an addiction?

Are our youth and young adults becoming so preoccupied with being seen on social media that they no longer enjoy real-life experiences? Paul believes it’s a danger for adults, too. He says: “Sometimes we are so used to taking lots of pictures, not only of ourselves but of the world around us, that we begin to live our lives on screen.”

If we don’t get the right response/comment to our post on social media, can we become depressed?

Experts urge limiting our daily exposure to social media. How can we take tangible steps to be more “present”? Paul has some great suggestions, especially for kids and teens. First and foremost, though, parents need to be good examples.

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August 23, 2022

Title: Helping Teens Navigate Life
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Jessica Peck
with Dr. Nurse Mama (

Part 1 of 3

Between 2008 and 2017, the suicide rate among teens ages eighteen to nineteen increased by 56%.

Dr. Jessica Peck is a Clinical Professor at the Baylor University School of Nursing and past President of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.

She is the author of “Behind Closed Doors: A Guide to Help Parents and Teens Navigate through Life’s Toughest Issues”. Click here to pre-order your copy.

Click here for more information about Dr. Jessica Peck.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the purpose and goal of Dr. Peck’s website: Dr. Nurse Mama? Dr. Peck likes to remind parents that “teens want your presence – not your perfection” and the website helps parents navigate the tough years with their teens, especially depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. “My mission is to see happy parents and healthy kids,” she says.

Are teens feeling more isolated, anxious, and depressed as compared to 10-20-30 years ago?

How can grandparents begin to build a line of communication with their teenage grandchildren?

How can a parent begin to build a line of communication with their teenager?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Helping Teens Navigate Life
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Jessica Peck
with Dr. Nurse Mama (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do parents need to seek advice and help to navigate the teen years?

Every teenager is different; there is no “right way”. How can Dr. Peck’s book, “Behind Closed Doors: A Guide to Help Parents and Teens Navigate through Life’s Toughest Issues”, help parents and teens through emotional rollercoasters?

Dr. Peck explains why she has divided her book into three sections:

Behind the Clinic Door
Behind the Home Door
Behind the Heart Door

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Helping Teens Navigate Life
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Dr. Jessica Peck
with Dr. Nurse Mama (

Questions/Issues Discussed

How can parents and grandparents help teens handle social media?

How can parents and grandparents help teens handle substance abuse?

How can parents and grandparents help teens handle self-harm and suicide attempts?

How is “Behind Closed Doors: A Guide to Help Parents and Teens Navigate through Life’s Toughest Issues” different than other typical self-help books?

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August 18, 2022

Title: Hope and Help for Mental Health
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Rob Jackson
with Focus on the Family

Over 27 million adults with mental health issues in the US are going without treatment. Whether one is struggling with depression, battling trauma, or working through marital or family conflict, finding a good therapist can be tough.

Rob Jackson is a licensed counselor with Focus on the Family. Today he offers hope and encouragement to those who are battling mental health issues, reminding us that we are not alone.

Click here for help from Focus on the Family or call 1.800.AFAMILY.

Click here for more from Rob Jackson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many people think they are all alone – that no one else is struggling like they are?

Are there specifics signs of depression and anxiety to look for in our friends and family – and even in ourselves? Rob discusses constant worry, sudden weight loss or gain, trouble sleeping, loss of concentration, feelings of despair, mood swings, and anger issues.

Where is a good place to begin seeking help? Rob explains how Focus on the Family can help.

Should Christians look for a Christian counselor and/or treatment center?

What questions should a person ask a potential counselor? Rob has some great suggestions, including asking the therapist if they have ever been in counseling themselves.

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January 3, 2022

Title: Winning Against Anxiety, OCD, and Suicidal Thoughts
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Paul Gallagher
with Paul Gallagher (

Author Paul M. Gallagher has gone from “a mess to a miracle in the making”. If it wasn’t for fear of God, he wouldn’t be here. Paul says: “Mental health is a journey that requires attention to every aspect of one’s lifestyle: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is isolation one of the worst things a person in depression can choose?

How was Paul’s sister a lifeline on his journey?

What is social anxiety? Paul shares some of his own story…

When did Paul start to seek spiritual answers to his mental struggles? Did it help?

Why is suicide among young people skyrocketing?

Is attending church good for mental health? Paul discusses several ways church has helped him personally…

Click here to order your copy of Paul’s book, “A Perfect Walk”, about his struggles with social anxiety, OCD, and suicidal thoughts.

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May 29, 2018

Title: Changing Our Approach to Mental Illness
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Jarrett Stepman
with The Daily Signal (

Part 1 of 2

The Liberals thought closing mental hospitals would be a good idea. After all, being freed would clear their minds. What happened?

It is estimated that 1 in 5 people in homeless shelters and approximately 20% of those in jail or prison are classified as having a severe mental illness.

Here to discuss the enormous problem this has caused is Jarrett Stepman, a contributor for “The Daily Signal” and host of the podcast “The Right Side of History”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have communities across America experienced an increase of people with untreated, severe mental illness?

Even though we are pouring billions of taxpayer dollars into treating mental illness, are patients better and citizens safer?

Listen as Jarrett Stepman discusses the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill during the 1950’s and 60’s.   What are the numbers like today?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Changing Our Approach to Mental Illness
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Jarrett Stepman
with The Daily Signal (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who changed the definition of mental illness and treatment options?

Where and how did Jarrett Stepman and others obtain the following information: “1 in 5 people in homeless shelters and approximately 20% of those in jail or prison are classified as having a severe mental illness”?

Can those with severe mental illness function and participate in life? Listen as Jarrett Stepman discusses the mental state of many of those responsible for mass shootings across America…

Are tax dollars being allocated in the wrong areas?

How can we help educate policy makers?

You can read Jarrett’s article on this subject here.

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February 21, 2013

Title: What Was Christopher Dorner Thinking?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Former LAPD office, Christopher Dorner, claimed to be the target of department racism when he was fired 5 years ago. Was this the only event in his life which led to his killing spree and the crazy manifesto he posted on Facebook?

What is the thought process of mass shooters? Are there any similarities? What are the warning signs that someone might be close to the edge of reason?

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September 21, 2006

Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Mary Ellen Nudd
with Mental Health Association in Texas

Mary Ellen Nudd discusses various mental disorders plaguing children in Texas. Ms. Nudd shares who is being served and, more importantly, what more can be done. Visit for information on the excellent Child and Adolescent Mental Health Toolkit.

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January 11, 2006

Title: Does Abortion Impact the Mental Health of Women?
Topic: Mental Health
Discussed by Professor Dr. Warren Throckmorton
with Grove City College (

A New Zealand study raises important questions about the impact of abortion on the mental health of women. The study is virtually ignored in the US. Why? For more info, log onto

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