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August 16, 2023

Title: How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

Most religious beliefs change over the course of generations, not a few years. How has the faith of Americans changed over the last three years since the start of the COVID Pandemic?

Today, Dr. Adam Rasmussen discusses the latest research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University: “How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic.” Dr. Rasmussen is a fellow at the Cultural Research Center and Associate Professor of Humanities at Arizona Christian University.

Click here for more information about Dr. Adam Rasmussen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the pandemic significantly change religious beliefs and behaviors of US adults? Dr. Rasmussen discusses the physical, psychological, economic, and lifestyle changes.

The 2023 American Worldview Inventory found 15 million fewer Americans are attending church weekly as compared to the 2020 survey. What contributed to the decline in attendance? Should churches be concerned?

Did the belief in God as omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, just, and the Creator of all stay almost constant from 2020 to the 2023 survey?

Did the belief that humans are not basically good and everyone is a sinner stay constant from 2020 to the 2023 survey?

How did the belief that knowing Christ as the only means to salvation change from 2020 to the 2023 survey? What do people believe “saves” them if Christ doesn’t? Dr. Rasmussen reminds us that we cannot save ourselves, so we need a Savior.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the purpose of the Worldview Inventory Surveys that the Cultural Research Center conducts? Dr. Rasmussen says: “Biblical Worldview is at the heart of what it means for an individual, a community, and a society to flourish… We want to put forward the Bible… We need to get back to what the Bible says in Colossians 3:23-24.”

BOTTOM LINE: Did the pandemic shake the faith of many Christians?

How should church leaders respond?

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July 11, 2023

Title: How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

Most religious beliefs change over the course of generations, not a few years. How has the faith of Americans changed over the last three years since the start of the COVID Pandemic?

Today, Dr. Adam Rasmussen discusses the latest research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University: “How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic.” Dr. Rasmussen is a fellow at the Cultural Research Center and Associate Professor of Humanities at Arizona Christian University.

Click here for more information about Dr. Adam Rasmussen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the pandemic significantly change religious beliefs and behaviors of US adults? Dr. Rasmussen discusses the physical, psychological, economic, and lifestyle changes.

The 2023 American Worldview Inventory found 15 million fewer Americans are attending church weekly as compared to the 2020 survey. What contributed to the decline in attendance? Should churches be concerned?

Did the belief in God as omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, just, and the Creator of all stay almost constant from 2020 to the 2023 survey?

Did the belief that humans are not basically good and everyone is a sinner stay constant from 2020 to the 2023 survey?

How did the belief that knowing Christ as the only means to salvation change from 2020 to the 2023 survey? What do people believe “saves” them if Christ doesn’t? Dr. Rasmussen reminds us that we cannot save ourselves, so we need a Savior.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the purpose of the Worldview Inventory Surveys that the Cultural Research Center conducts? Dr. Rasmussen says: “Biblical Worldview is at the heart of what it means for an individual, a community, and a society to flourish… We want to put forward the Bible… We need to get back to what the Bible says in Colossians 3:23-24.”

BOTTOM LINE: Did the pandemic shake the faith of many Christians?

How should church leaders respond?

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June 20, 2023

Title: Decline of Biblical Worldview since COVID Pandemic
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Every person has a worldview – a sum total of our beliefs about the world which leads to real-life actions.

Dr. Adam Rassmussen is a fellow at the Cultural Research Center and Associate Professor of Humanities at Arizona Christian University. Today, Dr. Rassmussen discusses the decline of adults who possess a Biblical Worldview since the COVID pandemic began. He teaches his students that “worldview drives behavior.”

Click here for the latest research from the Cultural Research Center.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Adam Rassmussen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do people shape their worldview around what is happening in culture?

How often does the Cultural Research Center question Americans about their worldview? Dr. Rassmussen discusses the timeline, how they conduct their surveys, and questions they ask responders.

According to the latest survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, most Americans identify as “World Citizens”. What is a “World Citizen”?

What is an “Emergent Follower”? How many Americans fall under this worldview?

What is an “Integrated Disciple”? How many Americans fall under this worldview? Dr. Rassmussen explains that Integrated Disciples believe in basic Biblical truth. Concerning these numbers, he says: “This is a very disturbing fact…the incidents of Biblical Worldview, those that we would call Integrated Disciples, are down from 6% in 2020 now are only 3% in 2023.” This is very, very disturbing indeed.

Why should Christians – Integrated Disciples – never stop sharing the Gospel to everyone around us?

Click here to subscribe for FREE updates from the Cultural Research Center.

Click here to become a supporter of the work the Cultural Research Center as they advance the Kingdom of God by conducting cultural and biblical worldview studies that will provide research and resources to inform and mobilize strategic engagement in cultural transformation.

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May 10, 2023

Title: How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

Most religious beliefs change over the course of generations, not a few years. How has the faith of Americans changed over the last three years since the start of the COVID Pandemic?

Today, Dr. Adam Rasmussen discusses the latest research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University: “How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic.” Dr. Rasmussen is a fellow at the Cultural Research Center and Associate Professor of Humanities at Arizona Christian University.

Click here for more information about Dr. Adam Rasmussen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the pandemic significantly change religious beliefs and behaviors of US adults? Dr. Rasmussen discusses the physical, psychological, economic, and lifestyle changes.

The 2023 American Worldview Inventory found 15 million fewer Americans are attending church weekly as compared to the 2020 survey. What contributed to the decline in attendance? Should churches be concerned?

Did the belief in God as omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, just, and the Creator of all stay almost constant from 2020 to the 2023 survey?

Did the belief that humans are not basically good and everyone is a sinner stay constant from 2020 to the 2023 survey?

How did the belief that knowing Christ as the only means to salvation change from 2020 to the 2023 survey? What do people believe “saves” them if Christ doesn’t? Dr. Rasmussen reminds us that we cannot save ourselves, so we need a Savior.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - How the Faith of Americans has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the purpose of the Worldview Inventory Surveys that the Cultural Research Center conducts? Dr. Rasmussen says: “Biblical Worldview is at the heart of what it means for an individual, a community, and a society to flourish… We want to put forward the Bible… We need to get back to what the Bible says in Colossians 3:23-24.”

BOTTOM LINE: Did the pandemic shake the faith of many Christians?

How should church leaders respond?

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March 27, 2023

Title: Seven Cornerstones that Form a Biblical Worldview
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

Can a person develop a consistently Biblical life of thought and action without the seven cornerstones of a Biblical Worldview? Dr. Geroge Barna, Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center doesn’t believe it’s possible.

Dr. Adam Rasmussen discusses the Cultural Research Center’s latest findings - some of which may shock and surprise you! Dr. Rasmussen is a fellow at the Cultural Research Center and an Associate Professor of Humanities at Arizona Christian University.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Adam Rasmussen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many US adults hold a Biblical Worldview according to all seven cornerstones?

Cornerstone #1: An orthodox, Biblical understanding of God. How many US adults have an orthodox, biblical understanding of God?

Cornerstone #2: Man is sinful by nature. How many US adults believe in this important, foundational cornerstone?

Cornerstone #3: Forgiveness of sin is only possible through Jesus Christ. How many US adults believe that Jesus Christ is the only way for forgiveness of sin?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Seven Cornerstones that Form a Biblical Worldview
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Cornerstone #4: The entire Bible is true, reliable and relevant, making it the best moral guide for every person, in all situations. How many US adults believe that the Bible is the true and accurate Word of God to His people?

SIDE NOTE: What is the difference between a “world citizen”, “emergent follower”, and an “integrated disciple”? Is it imperative that a believer acknowledge and follow all seven cornerstones to grow in their faith?

Cornerstone #5: Absolute moral truth exists and those truths are defined by God, described in the Bible, and are unchanging across time and cultures. How many US adults believe absolute moral truths exist?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Seven Cornerstones that Form a Biblical Worldview
Topic: Biblical Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Cornerstone #6: The ultimate purpose of human life is to know, love, and serve God with all your heart, mind, strength, and soul. How many US adults presently see their purpose for living is to know, love, and serve their Creator with all of their heart, mind, strength, and soul?

Cornerstone #7: Success on earth is best understood as consistent obedience to God – in thoughts, words, and actions. How many US adults believe this cornerstone?

Closing Questions:

Can God’s Holy Word really guide our path?
Will every human being spend eternity somewhere? Dr. Rasmussen says: “When we die, we don’t go to the ‘afterlife’. When we die, we go to LIFE! I call this place “pre-life’; it’s just a vapor. Our long-term plan is the be in Christ’s Kingdom forever [and] to live together forever with him.”
How many Millennials and Gen Z-er’s (age 18-42) hold a Biblical Worldview with all seven cornerstones?

Click here to support the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.

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March 14, 2023

Title: Decline of Biblical Worldview since COVID Pandemic
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. Adam Rasmussen
with Cultural Research Center (

Every person has a worldview – a sum total of our beliefs about the world which leads to real-life actions.

Dr. Adam Rassmussen is a fellow at the Cultural Research Center and Associate Professor of Humanities at Arizona Christian University. Today, Dr. Rassmussen discusses the decline of adults who possess a Biblical Worldview since the COVID pandemic began. He teaches his students that “worldview drives behavior.”

Click here for the latest research from the Cultural Research Center.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Adam Rassmussen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do people shape their worldview around what is happening in culture?

How often does the Cultural Research Center question Americans about their worldview? Dr. Rassmussen discusses the timeline, how they conduct their surveys, and questions they ask responders.

According to the latest survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, most Americans identify as “World Citizens”. What is a “World Citizen”?

What is an “Emergent Follower”? How many Americans fall under this worldview?

What is an “Integrated Disciple”? How many Americans fall under this worldview? Dr. Rassmussen explains that Integrated Disciples believe in basic Biblical truth. Concerning these numbers, he says: “This is a very disturbing fact…the incidents of Biblical Worldview, those that we would call Integrated Disciples, are down from 6% in 2020 now are only 3% in 2023.” This is very, very disturbing indeed.

Why should Christians – Integrated Disciples – never stop sharing the Gospel to everyone around us?

Click here to subscribe for FREE updates from the Cultural Research Center.

Click here to become a supporter of the work the Cultural Research Center as they advance the Kingdom of God by conducting cultural and biblical worldview studies that will provide research and resources to inform and mobilize strategic engagement in cultural transformation.

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