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December 30, 2015

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them.

Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama's Strategy Worked. Karl Rove's Failed - 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong....but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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December 30, 2014

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them.

Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama's Strategy Worked. Karl Rove's Failed - 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong....but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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December 1, 2014

Title: The Executive Order has been Made. What's Next?
Topic: Executive Orders
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

While an Executive Order is not in the actual Constitution, it is not un-Constitutional. An Executive Order is usually just the President trying to clarify a law – not actually writing the law itself. That’s the problem with Obama’s Amnesty order – he wrote a new law into existence.

Yes, practically every other US President issued Executive Orders; however, they were not rewriting the law or establishing a new one. Even Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation is not an Executive Order. Listen in as historian and best-selling author Dr. Jerome Corsi explains the difference.

Do the state’s challenges to Obama’s Amnesty Order stand a chance? What are some of the areas that have been declared “legal” by Obama? Is there anything still “illegal”? What about Congress? Very few Executive Orders have ever been overturned by Congress. Can the new Congress strike Obama’s Amnesty plan down? Should they even try? During the “Lame Duck Session”, current Republicans have a chance to stop all funding for the Amnesty plan. Will they?

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November 11, 2014

Title: No Greater Valor
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Jerome Corsi has another great book out: “No Greater Valor”. It is a perfect book to review today on Veteran’s Day. Dr. Corsi discusses details surrounding the Battle of the Bulge and the Siege of Bastogne. Hitler was losing; he knew he needed to work fast if he had any hope of winning. The American soldiers were cold, wet, and hungry. They were losing hope quickly. And that’s when the miracles started happening!

It’s a great story of faith and courage in the face of fear and adversity. Listen in as Dr. Corsi gives more details about this historic battle.

You can order a copy of Dr. Corsi’s new book at

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - No Greater Valor
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

The enemy always attacks when you least expect it. Dr. Jerome Corsi continues to talk about the Battle of the Bulge with the Germans in December 1944. Even though they were in a foreign land, the American soldiers were preparing for Christmas, and the Germans took advantage of this. In fact, they came across the border in Bastogne with a white flag!

But wait! Were the Germans conceding or where they demanding the Americans’ surrender? Dr. Corsi describes the next sequence of events which led to a burst of confidence in the American soldiers and their allies.

The need to beat Hitler was necessary to save the freedom of Americans and to preserve the goodness of the world. Listen in as Dr. Corsi details the Siege of Bastogne and why the faith, courage, and determination of the American soldiers were so vital and important to the outcome of the war.

You can order a copy of Dr. Corsi’s new book at

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - No Greater Valor
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

One chapter in Dr. Jerome Corsi’s new book is entitled, “A Prayer for Victory”. General Patton wrote a letter to the chaplain, asking for prayer for good weather and supplies. Men were huddling together, praying, and preparing to celebrate Christmas with what little they had – mostly through song and prayer.

Then, Hitler sent a massive bomb to the city of Bastogne on Christmas Eve, destroying the hospital and killing everyone in it. General Patton could have simply given up. He could have called it quits. He could have waved the little white flag. Then, the day after Christmas, General Patton saw a breakthrough.

Dr. Corsi describes these last few days of battle as “providential”. One thing after another just fell into place: the weather cleared, the soldiers received fresh supplies, the right troops were placed where they needed to be. Historians have even said that it appeared as though God’s hand was upon them and intervened to ensure their victory.

You don’t want to miss the endorsement that General William G. Boykin made about Dr. Jerome Corsi’s new book, “No Greater Valor”. Listen in!

You can order a copy of Dr. Corsi’s new book at

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October 17, 2014

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them.

Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama's Strategy Worked. Karl Rove's Failed - 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong....but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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September 5, 2014

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them.

Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama's Strategy Worked. Karl Rove's Failed - 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong....but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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July 30, 2014

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them. Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama's Strategy Worked. Karl Rove's Failed - 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong...But He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints, they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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March 6, 2014

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them. Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama’s Strategy Worked. Karl Rove’s Failed – 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong…but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints, they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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January 24, 2014

Title: Shocking Evidence that Hitler Escaped Germany
Topic: Hitler Escaped Germany
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 2

Did our government help smuggle Hitler to South America aboard U-boat 530? We have all been told that Hitler committed suicide in his bunker with his mistress.

Renowned author Dr. Jerome Corsi asks: “Did they find bodies? Bones?” Some people doubt that the skull that was “found” actually belonged to Hitler.

Listen in as Dr. Corsi discusses.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Hitler Escaped Germany
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi digs deeper into the mystery surrounding Hitler’s “suicide” in his new book: “Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Germany”.

Allen Dulles, then an agent of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS, the predecessor agency to the CIA, was communicating secretly with top Nazis from his office in Bern, Switzerland. Furthermore, Argentinean media reported Hitler arrived in the country and it continued to report his presence.

For more from Dr. Corsi, log on to

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November 1, 2013

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them. Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama’s Strategy Worked. Karl Rove’s Failed – 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong…but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints, they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong…but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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September 24, 2013

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them.

Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama’s Strategy Worked. Karl Rove’s Failed – 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

    1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
    2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
    3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
    4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
    5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
    6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong…but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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August 26, 2013

Title: Obama’s Brother Linked to Muslim Brotherhood
Topic: Obama's Brother Malik
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

New evidence links Obama’s half-brother Malik with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and ties to the controversial IRS supervisor Lois Lerner.

Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, a group created by the government of Sudan, which is considered by the U.S. State Department to be a terrorist state.

Do Obama’s relatives run charities that fund Islamic extremism, run sex slaves, and support polygamy?

Listen in.

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July 31, 2013

Title: Obama Advised To Go More Hard Core Left
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Corsi co-authored Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out and Obamanation.

In his newest book, What Went Wrong, Dr. Corsi tells how Obama’s core does not care what he does, as long as he panders somewhat to them.

Obama’s game plan: demonize your opponent. Lie if you have to, it does not matter. Pander, and then pander some more. Promise the moon. Be Santa Clause…as Rush stated: ‘No one can beat Santa Clause.’

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Title: Obama’s Strategy Worked. Karl Rove’s Failed – 100% of the time.
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 2 of 4

As Obama turned left, no as Obama turned HARD left, Romney went soft.

Dr. Corsi’s newest book, What Went Wrong, is not for the faint of heart. Corsi paints a clear picture of how Obama pandered to his core:

    1. African Americans - who voted 97% Democrat
    2. Hispanics - who voted 77 % Democrat
    3. Single women (the single moms and feminists) - who voted 66% Democrat
    4. Union Workers - who voted 90% Democrat
    5. Youth Voters - who voted 60% Democrat
    6. LBGTQ - who voted nearly 100% Democrat

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Title: Karl Rove Was Wrong…but He Lined His Own Pockets
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 3 of 4

Dr. Corsi paints a grim picture. He explains how the whale-eating dolphin was consumed by the whale.

The Democrats had the better computer geeks.

Romney’s geeks did not beta-test their system and it crashed. Most of their field workers (who were volunteers) were not trained. When Headquarters received so many complaints they sent a 60+ page operation’s manual on the day before the election.

Romney’s system did not work. Rove raised and spent a billion dollars.

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Title: Needed: More true Conservative Republicans and fewer RINOs
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 4 of 4

Romney authored ‘Romneycare’, he was pro-choice, and he was pro-homosexual. So who did not vote for Romney?

The independents rejected the centrists, ‘Me too’, RINO.

There is hope. Over thirty states have Republican governors and/or Republican state legislatures. The Republicans that did win were true Conservative, Tea Party candidates.

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April 18, 2013

Title: Bad Samaritans
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 3

As Christians, we have a duty unto God to show others His love and kindness. But, are we sometimes so afraid of “stepping on toes” that we sit back and allow bad things to happen?

Dr. Jerome Corsi is a New York Times best-selling author and frequent radio guest. He calls the ACLU “Bad Samaritans”. Why? Is it because they are doing evil under the disguise of “equal rights for all”? And just how does the ACLU feel about communism? You might be surprised by the answer. Or, maybe you won’t be.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

The ACLU has twisted and distorted the First Amendment so many times that it’s hard to imagine any hope for the years to come.

And now, many liberal organizations are spreading the “socialism is better” lie and it should come as no surprise that the ACLU is one such group.

But, what can we, as Christians, do about the ACLU? Should we even care?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi’s newest book, Bad Samaritans, focuses on the ACLU and their “bad deeds”.

For more information, log on to

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May 23, 2012

Title: The Case That Barak Obama is not Eligible to Be President.
Topic: Obama's Birth Certificate
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 2

What do you make of Barak Obama's being born in Kenya as stated on a promotional brochure by his PR firm?

If an American citizen gives birth to a child in a foreign country, fathered by a non-American citizen, does this disqualify the child from becoming President of the United States? (hint: don't both parents have to be natural citizens of the U.S?)

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama's Birth Certificate
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Let's go back to the time when Barak Obama lived in Indonesia - was Obama registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and as a Muslim?

What about a cultural museum in Kenya in the village of Kogelo which honors the birth place of President Barak Obama - does it matter?

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June 2, 2011

Title: Is Barack Obama Eligible To Be President?
Topic: Where’s The Birth Certificate?
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 2

Did the President release an accurate and authentic birth certificate? What about his school records from grade school to high school? Where are his college records from Occidental College-Columbia University and Harvard? Renowned reporter with the World Net Daily and Harvard educated bestselling author Dr. Jerome Corsi joins us today discussing the facts about Barack Obama. Log onto  for more!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Where’s The Birth Certificate?
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Where is Barack Obama’s Passport? He traveled to Indonesia as a child and then back to Hawaii and to Pakistan as a young college student. Why won’t he release copies of his Passport? What is he hiding? What about his social security number? IS BARACK OBAMA ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT? Renowned reporter with the World Net Daily and Harvard educated bestselling author Dr. Jerome Corsi continues discussing the facts surrounding Barack Obama. Log onto  for more!

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March 17, 2011

Title: Should the American Taxpayer forgive those who are underwater with the mortgages?
Topic: Foreclosure Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Only 20,000 “homeowners” have had modifications done to date – and there have been nearly 2,000,000 homes foreclosed. The problem is much worse than any politician is letting on and right now all the administration is doing is pandering for votes by trying to make it appear as if they truly care about the little man’s plight. Is it going to get worse in the coming years? Why not just let the market find the bottom on its own and then rebuild from there?

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January 21, 2011

Title: Why Would a Company Pull Jobs AWAY from C-H-I-N-A?
Topic: China
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

U.S. Company Pulls Jobs From C-H-I-N-A! Why? Dr. Jerome Corsi joins us again to discuss why a company is returning ‘good manufacturing’ jobs to America. Is this the start of America rebuilding its manufacturing base? Hint: increasing labor costs; increasing labor unrest; shortage of new workers; increases in shipping costs…

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November 15, 2010

Title: No One Verified if Barack Obama was Qualified to Run for President of the United States
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Segment 1 of 3

Dr. Corsi explains how ‘no one’ no not one person or state verified if Barack Obama was qualified to run for President of the United States. Will that mistake be repeated leading up to the presidential primaries in 2012?

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Title: Here Come the Mexican Trucks
Topic: Mexican Trucks Set to Invade America
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Segment 2 of 3

After America was flooded with cheap labor during the 90’s and the early part of the 21st century, now brace a flood of Mexican trucks. What’s wrong with this picture: unsafe trucks.

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Title: Why Wait On Congress to Pass Cap and Trade. Just Go To Your Pals at the EPA
Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Segment 3 of 3

The far left and their environmental friends have always fought America’s might on numerous fronts. If they cannot shut down our manufacturing sector through Cap and Trade Legislation, they will just ‘hook-up’ with their EPA allies and hog-tie our employers until they throw in the towel and either move overseas or simply shut their doors and wait on the rust!

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October 26, 2010

Title: Drill Baby, Drill. China, that is!
Topic: Drilling Rights
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Segment 1 of 3

America has allowed the English to drill in America along with the Dutch, the French, the Germans, the Saudi’s, so why not allow the Chinese to drill in America? The Chinese are buying up drilling rights between San Antonio and the Mexican border. Is this good for our national security? Dr. Corsi explains his position.

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Title: Drill Baby, Drill. China, that is
Topic: Drilling Rights
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Segment 2 of 3

America is a debtor nation and China holds a huge amount of our debt. What does the Bible say about the debtor being enslaved to the lender? With China buying American assets, will the Chinese control America without firing one shot? Great interview with Dr. Corsi.

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Title: Drill Baby, Drill. China, that is!
Topic: Drilling Rights
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Segment 3 of 3

After all the Obama has accomplished with turning America upside down, now his administration is wanting Americans to consume more corn by increasing the allowable amount of ethanol by 50%. This decreases our miles per gallon, damages our engines, decreases the amount of corn and corn products as food products, and will starve more poor Africans and Hispanics in developing countries. But the Greens love Obama’s policies. For all the details, sign up for the Red Alert published by Dr. Corsi by clicking [here]. For more information about Gilford Securities click [here].

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August 19, 2010

Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 1 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

A Best Of Series featuring Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of The Obama Nation, is back. What was his view of Obama’s State of the Union Address? Log on to  for more information.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Would you like to receive more news from Dr. Corsi? Log on to  to sign up for Dr. Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert e-mail newsletter.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What are the facts surrounding Obama’s birth? Will the truth ever be brought to light? World Net Daily is a great resource for information on a wide range of issues. Log on to  for details.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Whether you are a Democrat, Liberal, Republican, or self-proclaimed Tea Party member, you should be concerned with the direction our Nation is headed. To protect your rights and the rights of generations to follow, the truth must be told! If you would like help contribute to World Net Daily’s fight, log on to

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Topic: Why Israel Can’t Wait
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

A Best of Series with Dr. Jerome Corsi. Is Iran arming the Hezbollah in South Lebanon and the Hamas in the Gaza? If so, is there enough proof for conviction in International Criminal Court? Visit for more on Dr. Corsi.

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Topic: Why Israel Can’t Wait
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What is Dr. Corsi’s opinion of the recent flotilla raids and Obama’s involvement in them? Log on to to order one of Dr. Corsi’s books.

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August 3, 2010

Topic: Freedom
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

The Red Alert updates are now free! Log on to or for more.

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June 9, 2010

Topic: Why Israel Can’t Wait
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Is Iran arming the Hezbollah in South Lebanon and the Hamas in the Gaza? If so, is there enough proof for conviction in International Criminal Court? Visit for more on Dr. Corsi.

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Topic: Why Israel Can’t Wait
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What is Dr. Corsi’s opinion of the recent flotilla raids and Obama’s involvement in them? Log on to to order one of Dr. Corsi’s books.

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March 26, 2010

Title: RED ALERT UPDATES Part 1 of 3
Topic: Red Alert Updates
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi is a contributing writer to World Net Daily. In this first segment he discusses how the 14th Amendment has been misinterpreted. But, can the new “rules” ever be reversed? Log on to for more from Dr. Corsi.

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Title: RED ALERT UPDATES Part 2 of 3
Topic: Red Alert Updates
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Is the US debt level sustainable? Is there any hope of recovery? If so, what’s the solution? If not, what will America do? For a small fee, you can receive Dr. Corsi’s Red Alerts every week via email. Log on to for all the details.

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Title: RED ALERT UPDATES Part 3 of 3
Topic: Red Alert Updates
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

America is still the best country in the world! Log on to to learn how you can help keep it that way!

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February 3, 2010

Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 1 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of The Obama Nation, is back. What was his view of Obama’s State of the Union Address? Log on for more information.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Would you like to receive more news from Dr. Corsi? Log on to to sign up for Dr. Jerome Corsi’s “Red Alert” email newsletter.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What are the facts surrounding Obama’s birth? Will the truth ever be brought to light? World Net Daily is a great resource for information on a wide range of issues. Log on to for details.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Whether you are a Democrat, Liberal, Republican, or self-proclaimed Tea Party member, you should be concerned with the direction our Nation is headed. To protect your rights and the rights of generations to follow, the truth must be told! If you would like help contribute to World Net Daily’s fight, log on to

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January 29, 2010

Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 1 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of The Obama Nation, is back. What was his view of Obama’s State of the Union Address? Log on for more information.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Would you like to receive more news from Dr. Corsi? Log on to to sign up for Dr. Jerome Corsi’s “Red Alert” email newsletter.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What are the facts surrounding Obama’s birth? Will the truth ever be brought to light? World Net Daily is a great resource for information on a wide range of issues. Log on to for details.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Whether you are a Democrat, Liberal, Republican, or self-proclaimed Tea Party member, you should be concerned with the direction our Nation is headed. To protect your rights and the rights of generations to follow, the truth must be told! If you would like help contribute to World Net Daily’s fight, log on to

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October 29, 2009

Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Will America emerge from the economic panic of 2009 as the same sovereign, independent, self-governing nation?

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Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Are we marching “in lock step” with the open border crowd? Log on to for more.

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September 23, 2009

Topic: Israel
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Best-selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, has written a new book: “Why Israel Can’t Wait”. In this first segment today, Dr. Corsi explains why a war between Iran and Israel is unavoidable. Log on to for more info.

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Topic: Google Power Meter
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Google is developing an Internet-based power monitor designed to operate in EVERY home in America. This “Google Power Meter” is designed to measure the precise amount of energy EVERY household consumes, resulting in granting the GOVERNMENT access to data on EVERY household’s energy and carbon footprint. Can you say, “LESS GOVERNMENT CONTROL PLEASE”?!

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September 4, 2009

Topic: Israel
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi recently traveled to Israel and spent time meeting with top security officials. What was revealed in this meeting?

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Topic: Israel
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Log on to to order an exclusive copy of Dr. Corsi’s new book “Why Israel Can’t Wait”.

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Topic: Israel
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Switching topics, Dr. Corsi discusses why the left is using the swine flu as a scare tactic to pass government health care. Log on to for more information on this and other topics.

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July 21, 2009

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Two Constitutional requirements for being President of the United States are: 1)must be over the age of 35; and 2) must be a natural-born US citizen. Does the Messiah satisfy both requirements? Log on to to learn more.

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Why did Oilman T. Boone Pickens finally cry “UNCLE” and throw in the towel? Log on to to learn more.

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

China is currently the front runner for financing the US with nearly $800 BILLION in US Treasury and other US government agency debt. So, what does this mean to Americans? Log on to to learn more.

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July 1, 2009

Topic: The Economy
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s misery index just seems to be creeping higher and higher! With unemployment increasing, will Obama and the Dem’s lose control of the House or Senate in 2010? Visit for more information.

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Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Has corn turned into fuel (ethanol) reached its Zenith? What about coal as the fuel of choice? What about nuclear power? Visit for more information.

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May 4, 2009

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

After 100 days in office, the author of “The Obama Nation”, Dr. Jerome Corsi, raises the issue once again of the Messiah Obama’s nation of birth. What’s the secret? If he was born on US soil, just prove it already! Is the Messiah Obama really a secret leader of a leftist predatory group that is bent on re-shaping America? To order a copy of Dr. Corsi’s book, log on to

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March 5, 2009

Title: THE LATE GREAT USA Part 1 of 2
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Our good friend, Dr. Jerome Corsi, has written another great book - The Late Great USA. Log onto to order your copy today!

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Title: THE LATE GREAT USA Part 2 of 2
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Our good friend, Dr. Jerome Corsi, has written another great book - The Late Great USA. Log onto to order your copy today!

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October 27, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Senatorial training in foreign affairs left over 1,000 dead, displaced over 350,000 Kenyans from their homes, and destroyed some 800 Christian churches – all without damaging a single mosque. But, is the Hollywood-media reporting any of this? NO! We need to stand up and speak – NO SHOUT – the truth to all who will hear. Michelle Obama is afraid of Dr. Jerome Corsi and the truth he speaks – even calls him “evil”. Find out why – listen now.

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October 2, 2008

Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 1 of 3 A Best Of Segment
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Dad, Mom, Maternal Grandparents and his early childhood. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 2 of 3 A Best of Segment
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s mother and father both abandon him. He is raised by his maternal grandparents. His grandfather encourages Obama to befriend and trust one of his drinking buddies – now we know this mentor of young Obama was a member of the Communist Party USA. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 3 of 3 A Best of Segment
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Corsi discusses Obama at Harvard, his first jobs with radical American-haters, his election to the Illinois State Senate and his stand on abortion, gun rights, and other important issues. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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August 25, 2008

Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 1 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Dad, Mom, Maternal Grandparents and his early childhood. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 2 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s mother and father both abandon him. He is raised by his maternal grandparents. His grandfather encourages Obama to befriend and trust one of his drinking buddies – now we know this mentor of young Obama was a member of the Communist Party USA. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Corsi discusses Obama at Harvard, his first jobs with radical American-haters, his election to the Illinois State Senate and his stand on abortion, gun rights, and other important issues. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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August 21, 2008

Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 1 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Dad, Mom, Maternal Grandparents and his early childhood. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 2 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s mother and father both abandon him. He is raised by his maternal grandparents. His grandfather encourages Obama to befriend and trust one of his drinking buddies – now we know this mentor of young Obama was a member of the Communist Party USA. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Corsi discusses Obama at Harvard, his first jobs with radical American-haters, his election to the Illinois State Senate and his stand on abortion, gun rights, and other important issues. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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October 19, 2007

Title: A Best of Segment: Foreign Governments Should Not Tell Texas Courts What To Do
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Jose Ernesto Medellin confessed to and was convicted of the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. The Mexican Government should butt out!

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Title: Foreign Governments Should Not Tell Texas Courts What To Do. Part Two
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Jose Ernesto Medellin confessed to and was convicted of the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. The Mexican Government should butt out!

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October 16, 2007

Title: Foreign Governments Should Not Tell Texas Courts What To Do
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Jose Ernesto Medellin confessed to and was convicted of the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. The Mexican Government should butt out!

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Title: Foreign Governments Should Not Tell Texas Courts What To Do. Part Two
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Jose Ernesto Medellin confessed to and was convicted of the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. The Mexican Government should butt out!

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Title: Foreign Governments Should Not Tell Texas Courts What To Do. Part Three
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Jose Ernesto Medellin confessed to and was convicted of the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. The Mexican Government should butt out!

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June 14, 2007

Title: The Constitution Party and Jerome Corsi Segment 1 of 5
Topic: Constitution Party
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Brief history of our two-party system. Has a “third party” ever been successful? (Hint: Abraham Lincoln)

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Title: Jerome Corsi, for President! Which Party? Segment 2 of 5
Topic: Constitution Party
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Who is Jerome Corsi? Has a “third party” ever been successful? (Hint: Abraham Lincoln)

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Title: What would Jerome Corsi do if he becomes President! Constitution Party? Segment 3 of 5
Topic: Constitution Party
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What could Jerome Corsi do to right what is wrong in America? Has a “third party” ever been successful? (Hint: Abraham Lincoln)

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Title: More with Jerome Corsi and the Constitution Party? Segment 4 of 5
Topic: Constitution Party
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Does Jerome Corsi need your help? Has a “third party” ever been successful? (Hint: Abraham Lincoln)

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Title: Jerome Corsi for President! Would that be a good thing? Segment 5 of 5
Topic: Constitution Party
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

How can you help Jerome Corsi? Has a “third party” ever been successful? (Hint: Abraham Lincoln) For more log onto

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