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May 23, 2012

Title: The Case That Barak Obama is not Eligible to Be President.
Topic: Obama's Birth Certificate
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Part 1 of 2

What do you make of Barak Obama's being born in Kenya as stated on a promotional brochure by his PR firm?

If an American citizen gives birth to a child in a foreign country, fathered by a non-American citizen, does this disqualify the child from becoming President of the United States? (hint: don't both parents have to be natural citizens of the U.S?)

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama's Birth Certificate
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Let's go back to the time when Barak Obama lived in Indonesia - was Obama registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and as a Muslim?

What about a cultural museum in Kenya in the village of Kogelo which honors the birth place of President Barak Obama - does it matter?

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