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December 1, 2014

Title: The Executive Order has been Made. What's Next?
Topic: Executive Orders
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

While an Executive Order is not in the actual Constitution, it is not un-Constitutional. An Executive Order is usually just the President trying to clarify a law – not actually writing the law itself. That’s the problem with Obama’s Amnesty order – he wrote a new law into existence.

Yes, practically every other US President issued Executive Orders; however, they were not rewriting the law or establishing a new one. Even Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation is not an Executive Order. Listen in as historian and best-selling author Dr. Jerome Corsi explains the difference.

Do the state’s challenges to Obama’s Amnesty Order stand a chance? What are some of the areas that have been declared “legal” by Obama? Is there anything still “illegal”? What about Congress? Very few Executive Orders have ever been overturned by Congress. Can the new Congress strike Obama’s Amnesty plan down? Should they even try? During the “Lame Duck Session”, current Republicans have a chance to stop all funding for the Amnesty plan. Will they?

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