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November 6, 2014

Title: Obama is More Toxic than Ebola
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root, author of the national bestseller “The Murder of the Middle Class”, is back to discuss the difference between Obama and Ebola. Wayne says, “Ebola is bad, but Obama is fatal!” Wayne sure doesn’t beat around the bush!

There has only been one death in the US from Ebola and a handful of other cases. Thousands of people die from the flu every year, so why should we fear Ebola? Wayne poses this question: “What if Latin or Central America gets hit with an Ebola pandemic? They will be running for our OPEN borders to seek medical care!” People should not live in fear, but should still be vigilant and be cautious, especially the President and our leaders. Listen in as Wayne talks about why a speech he was supposed to give in Dallas got canceled!

So, why does Wayne think Obama is so much worse than Ebola? The cost for treating, containing, and decontaminating Ebola is expensive, but Obama has cost us so much more! Nearly $4 TRILLION dollars has been spent keeping 103 MILLION people in America on welfare and 50 MILLION on food stamps over the last FIVE years. Not fifty years. Not 25 years. Not 10 years. FIVE YEARS and $4 TRILLION DOLLARS.

And don’t even get Wayne started on the rising cost of healthcare! He is outraged that his monthly insurance coverage for his family has TRIPLED since the implementation of Obamacare. Wayne says that Ebola isn’t the real threat. Obamacare is!

Wayne even goes as far as to claim Americans will all be killed if Obama is not stopped and removed from office quickly. He says Congress must stand up and finally tell Obama “We aren’t going to fund your special projects until you fix the border and deal with Ebola.” Can this happen? Will the new Republican Congress be able to stop Obama in his tracks? Should Americans start a civil disobedience revolution?

Listen in to hear the rest of the story and then share this segment with your friends. Log on to  to order Wayne’s new bestseller “The Murder of the Middle Class”.

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February 20, 2014

Title: What Can Stop Obama’s Executive Orders?
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Alan Keyes
with Loyal to Liberty

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Alan Keyes is a former Presidential Candidate. He reminds us that Congress is the key to ensure that America does not fall into a dictatorship. Dr. Keyes also reminds us that if a President is impeached, all of “followers”, or people he has appointed, must go as well.

What about the budget? How is that handled? If a government shut-down isn’t the answer, what is? Can we just simply cut-off money to the Executive Branch?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Alan Keyes
with Loyal to Liberty

The current members of the House of Representatives and the Senate do not have the guts to impeach President Obama. Americans must vote for those who are willing to stand up and say “Enough is enough!”

Will you take the pledge to vote for principles? Will you vote at all?

Remember, early voting for the March Primary has begun in Texas. You can find all the information about sample ballots and locations on our home page.

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August 14, 2012

Title: What Are The Skeletons in Obama's Closet?
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Part 1 of 2

How many interviews did you conduct yesterday?

What is the big skeleton that you believe is lurking in Obama's closet?

What is the Obama administration doing to keep the focus off of him and the American public finding out about this skeleton?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

What does Romney need to do?

What do you believe Obama is hiding in his college records?

Why is the media not trying harder to uncover Obama's college records?

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August 10, 2012

Title: President Obama's "Progress" and The Democracy of The Dead.
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Part 1 of 2

If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con', and since congress is the opposite of progress, do the progressives really give us something that we want and desire for America?

Did your pro-choice friends in a different century actually say "we will NEVER force you to pay for our abortions!"? What happened?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Didn't Bill Clinton get behind the Defense of Marriage Act from a federal standpoint? Are liberals fickle? Are they sheep like?

If the democrats had embraced gay marriage as part of their platform in 1970 or even 1990 - yes or no - would they win?

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April 12, 2012

Title: We The People of The United States v. Obama & Obamacare!
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Are you incensed at the way President Obama is chastising the U.S Supreme Court before they even ruled on Obamacare?

Does he know which way the Supreme Court is leaning, hence his outburst? Did he step across the imaginary line and go too far?

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February 24, 2012

Title: What If? Just What IF We Removed Wartime Conscience Exemptions?
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Part 1 of 2

Are we facing an assault on the conscience of millions of pro-lifers when it comes to abortion?

Would liberals applaud the Church in that it demanded humane treatment for wartime non-combatants/wounded/POWs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Is the Church firmly against the unjust violation of human life? Is conscientious objection a precious right in this nation?

Have "abortion rights" become so sacred to liberals that they are willing to sacrifice conscience exemption at the altar of Roe v. Wade? Do they really want to head down this road?

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November 15, 2010

Title: No One Verified if Barack Obama was Qualified to Run for President of the United States
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Segment 1 of 3

Dr. Corsi explains how ‘no one’ no not one person or state verified if Barack Obama was qualified to run for President of the United States. Will that mistake be repeated leading up to the presidential primaries in 2012?

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August 19, 2010

Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 1 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

A Best Of Series featuring Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of The Obama Nation, is back. What was his view of Obama’s State of the Union Address? Log on to  for more information.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Would you like to receive more news from Dr. Corsi? Log on to  to sign up for Dr. Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert e-mail newsletter.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What are the facts surrounding Obama’s birth? Will the truth ever be brought to light? World Net Daily is a great resource for information on a wide range of issues. Log on to  for details.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Whether you are a Democrat, Liberal, Republican, or self-proclaimed Tea Party member, you should be concerned with the direction our Nation is headed. To protect your rights and the rights of generations to follow, the truth must be told! If you would like help contribute to World Net Daily’s fight, log on to

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July 9, 2010

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

Dr. Richard Land, the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, called Obama’s recent address to the nation a “marriage proposal”. Why? Visit for more on this issue.

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July 8, 2010

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

Dr. Richard Land, the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, called Obama’s recent address to the nation a “marriage proposal”. Why? Visit for more on this issue.

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February 3, 2010

Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 1 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of The Obama Nation, is back. What was his view of Obama’s State of the Union Address? Log on for more information.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Would you like to receive more news from Dr. Corsi? Log on to to sign up for Dr. Jerome Corsi’s “Red Alert” email newsletter.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What are the facts surrounding Obama’s birth? Will the truth ever be brought to light? World Net Daily is a great resource for information on a wide range of issues. Log on to for details.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Whether you are a Democrat, Liberal, Republican, or self-proclaimed Tea Party member, you should be concerned with the direction our Nation is headed. To protect your rights and the rights of generations to follow, the truth must be told! If you would like help contribute to World Net Daily’s fight, log on to

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January 29, 2010

Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 1 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of The Obama Nation, is back. What was his view of Obama’s State of the Union Address? Log on for more information.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Would you like to receive more news from Dr. Corsi? Log on to to sign up for Dr. Jerome Corsi’s “Red Alert” email newsletter.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

What are the facts surrounding Obama’s birth? Will the truth ever be brought to light? World Net Daily is a great resource for information on a wide range of issues. Log on to for details.

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Title: THE OBAMA NATION Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Whether you are a Democrat, Liberal, Republican, or self-proclaimed Tea Party member, you should be concerned with the direction our Nation is headed. To protect your rights and the rights of generations to follow, the truth must be told! If you would like help contribute to World Net Daily’s fight, log on to

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July 21, 2009

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Two Constitutional requirements for being President of the United States are: 1)must be over the age of 35; and 2) must be a natural-born US citizen. Does the Messiah satisfy both requirements? Log on to to learn more.

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Why did Oilman T. Boone Pickens finally cry “UNCLE” and throw in the towel? Log on to to learn more.

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

China is currently the front runner for financing the US with nearly $800 BILLION in US Treasury and other US government agency debt. So, what does this mean to Americans? Log on to to learn more.

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May 4, 2009

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

After 100 days in office, the author of “The Obama Nation”, Dr. Jerome Corsi, raises the issue once again of the Messiah Obama’s nation of birth. What’s the secret? If he was born on US soil, just prove it already! Is the Messiah Obama really a secret leader of a leftist predatory group that is bent on re-shaping America? To order a copy of Dr. Corsi’s book, log on to

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November 3, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Soldier Joe
with Special Guest

A soldier, who served in Iraq, shares a touching testimony in this YouTube clip. Log onto to watch the video clip.

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October 27, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Senatorial training in foreign affairs left over 1,000 dead, displaced over 350,000 Kenyans from their homes, and destroyed some 800 Christian churches – all without damaging a single mosque. But, is the Hollywood-media reporting any of this? NO! We need to stand up and speak – NO SHOUT – the truth to all who will hear. Michelle Obama is afraid of Dr. Jerome Corsi and the truth he speaks – even calls him “evil”. Find out why – listen now.

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Scott Wheeler
with National Republican Trust

If elected, Obama will be the most radical Democrat ever elected President. Scott Wheeler, Executive Director of one of America’s leading PACs, the National Republican Trust, exposes more hidden truths behind Obama’s agenda. Log onto to help support their efforts and to learn more on this and other issues.

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Professor Dr. Warren Throckmorton
with Grove City College (

Guest Dr. Warren Throckmorton tells the whole truth behind “Plumber Joe” and the Obama quote. Also, did Obama sell his soul to the Democratic Socialists of America? What do they advocate? What will happen “the day after”? Log onto for more.

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Cliff Kincaid
with America's Survival (

If Obama, for whatever reason, applied for a Top Secret Security Clearance conducted by the FBI, would he pass? If he would not pass, is the main stream media giving him a free pass and free ride? Log onto for more information.

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October 23, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Scott Wheeler
with National Republican Trust

If elected, Obama will be the most radical Democrat ever elected President. Scott Wheeler, Executive Director of one of America’s leading PACs, the National Republican Trust, exposes more hidden behind Obama’s agenda. Log onto to help support their efforts and to learn more on this and other issues.

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October 21, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Professor Dr. Warren Throckmorton
with Grove City College (

Guest Dr. Warren Throckmorton tells the whole truth behind “Plumber Joe” and the Obama quote. Also, did Obama sell his soul to the Democratic Socialists of America? What do they advocate? What will happen “the day after”? Log onto for more.

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October 13, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Barack Obama
with Candidate for Office

Found on You Tube, this compilation of cartoons and clips from movies correctly sums up Obama’s capability of running our country – or lack thereof. Log onto to see the video clip.

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October 9, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Barack Obama
with Candidate for Office

Found on You Tube, this compilation of cartoons and clips from movies correctly sums up Obama’s capability of running our country – or lack thereof. Log onto to see the video clip.

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October 3, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Barack Obama
with Candidate for Office

Found on You Tube, this compilation of cartoons and clips from movies correctly sums up Obama’s capability of running our country – or lack thereof. Log onto to see the video clip.

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October 2, 2008

Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 1 of 3 A Best Of Segment
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Dad, Mom, Maternal Grandparents and his early childhood. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 2 of 3 A Best of Segment
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s mother and father both abandon him. He is raised by his maternal grandparents. His grandfather encourages Obama to befriend and trust one of his drinking buddies – now we know this mentor of young Obama was a member of the Communist Party USA. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 3 of 3 A Best of Segment
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Corsi discusses Obama at Harvard, his first jobs with radical American-haters, his election to the Illinois State Senate and his stand on abortion, gun rights, and other important issues. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: Obama and Abortion Survivors. A Best of Segment
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Dr. Paul Kengor, Professor at Grove City College –, discusses Obama and Abortion Survivors and how did Obama vote!

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Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Cliff Kincaid
with America's Survival (

If Obama, for whatever reason, applied for a Top Secret Security Clearance conducted by the FBI, would he pass? If he would not pass, is the main stream media giving him a free pass and free ride? Log onto for more information.

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September 25, 2008

Title: Obama The Harvard Lawyer
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Brett Joshpe
with Author

Brett Joshpe, co-author of “Why You Are Wrong About the Right”, discusses Obama’s years at Harvard Law School and is Obama out-of-touch with most Americans?

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September 8, 2008

Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Cliff Kincaid
with America's Survival (

If Obama, for whatever reason, applied for a Top Secret Security Clearance conducted by the FBI, would he pass? If he would not pass, is the main stream media giving him a free pass and free ride? Log onto for more information.

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August 28, 2008

Title: Obama Picks Attack Dog As Running Mate
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by George Landrith
with Frontiers of Freedom

George Landrith, President of Frontiers of Freedom –, describes Joe Biden an “Attack Dog”. Why?

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August 27, 2008

Title: Obama and Abortion Survivors
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Dr. Paul Kengor, Professor at Grove City College –, discusses Obama and Abortion Survivors and how did Obama vote!

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August 25, 2008

Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 1 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Dad, Mom, Maternal Grandparents and his early childhood. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 2 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s mother and father both abandon him. He is raised by his maternal grandparents. His grandfather encourages Obama to befriend and trust one of his drinking buddies – now we know this mentor of young Obama was a member of the Communist Party USA. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Corsi discusses Obama at Harvard, his first jobs with radical American-haters, his election to the Illinois State Senate and his stand on abortion, gun rights, and other important issues. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: Obama Confirms Relationship with Red Communist Mentor
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Cliff Kincaid
with America's Survival (

Cliff Kindaid, with Accuracy in Media –, states: Obama Confirms Relationship with Red Communist Mentor vindicating author Jerome Corsi and his new best seller The Obama Nation.

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Title: Obama’s Global Tax Proposal
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Jonathon Moseley
with Accuracy in Media (

Writing for Accuracy in Media –, freelance reporter Jonathon Moseley further exposes Obama’s Global Tax Proposal.

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August 22, 2008

Title: Obama Confirms Relationship with Red Communist Mentor
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Cliff Kincaid
with America's Survival (

Cliff Kindaid, with Accuracy in Media –, states: Obama Confirms Relationship with Red Communist Mentor vindicating author Jerome Corsi and his new best seller The Obama Nation.

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Title: Obama’s Global Tax Proposal
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Jonathon Moseley
with Accuracy in Media (

Writing for Accuracy in Media –, freelance reporter Jonathon Moseley further exposes Obama’s Global Tax Proposal.

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August 21, 2008

Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 1 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s Dad, Mom, Maternal Grandparents and his early childhood. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 2 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Obama’s mother and father both abandon him. He is raised by his maternal grandparents. His grandfather encourages Obama to befriend and trust one of his drinking buddies – now we know this mentor of young Obama was a member of the Communist Party USA. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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Title: The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi, Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Dr. Corsi discusses Obama at Harvard, his first jobs with radical American-haters, his election to the Illinois State Senate and his stand on abortion, gun rights, and other important issues. Pick up a copy (or two or three) of The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi. You must know the facts, and facts will set you free!

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