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May 6, 2024

Title: The Effects of Protests, Crime, and Illegal Immigration on the Presidential Election
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA and Restoring Justice. Today, Michael discusses the legality of protests and how increasing crime across the nation will affect the November Presidential Election.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is DeRay Mckesson and what law did he break? Does he insist that the First Amendment permits physical assault against police officers? What action did the US Supreme Court take in this case?

Has the “defund the police movement” negatively affected police officers across America? Michael expresses his frustration over Joe Biden’s lack of attention on this issue, which is basically an encouragement to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Are illegal drugs oftentimes the main influencer of criminals’ behavior, especially against police officers?

Will the increasing crime rate and illegal immigrant crisis have an impact on the Presidential Election?

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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May 1, 2024

Title: REPORT: Houston Crimes are Going Unsolved
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Nikki Pressley
with Right on Crime (

The Houston Police Department recently announced that more than 264,000 incident reports have been suspended. And the criminals just keep on committing more and more crimes with little to no punishment.

Nikki Pressley is the Texas state director and chief of staff for Right on Crime within the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Her work focuses on criminal justice and juvenile justice policy.

Click here to read Nikki Pressley’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for more information about the Right on Crime Initiative.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the crime rate really going up while the clearance rate is going down? Nikki explains that it depends on the type of crime and why the clearance rate is a closely guarded secret in many departments.

Why has the Houston Police Department suspended over 264,000 criminal cases? Listen closely as Nikki reveals some SHOCKING information!

Are many police departments across the nation, including in Texas, having a difficult time clearing crimes due to budget cuts?

Do Texas voters support shifting law enforcement resources to solving and preventing violent crimes? Nikki explains how this is one of the top issues currently on voters’ minds and offers some solutions.

Are criminals concerned with the brief incarceration they may experience if they are caught?

Click here  to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the parent company for Right on Crime.

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April 29, 2024

Title: Texas Won’t Tolerate Antisemitism
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA and Restoring Justice. Today, Michael offers his opinion and details about a recent pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas campus where roughly 50 people were arrested.

Click here to read more from the University of Texas on this serious incident on their campus.

Click here to read the latest press release from the Jewish Syndicate News on pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some are saying that unnecessary and excessive force was used by law enforcement to arrest protestors at UT. What is Michael’s opinion? Michael explains why law enforcement personnel always needs to be one step ahead over the criminals they encounter, saying: “You can always back off, but it’s hard to add on.”

Did the quick, overwhelming response by law enforcement catch the leftist agitators by surprise?

There have been other pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the nation. How were those handled? Can other universities learn from the leadership of the UT President?

Do journalists and photographers have a free pass to ignore police orders? Michael discusses Constitutional law regarding “freedom of the press”.

Is there documented proof that many of the pro-Palestinian protestors are paid?

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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April 23, 2024

Title: The Effects of Protests, Crime, and Illegal Immigration on the Presidential Election
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA and Restoring Justice. Today, Michael discusses the legality of protests and how increasing crime across the nation will affect the November Presidential Election.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is DeRay Mckesson and what law did he break? Does he insist that the First Amendment permits physical assault against police officers? What action did the US Supreme Court take in this case?

Has the “defund the police movement” negatively affected police officers across America? Michael expresses his frustration over Joe Biden’s lack of attention on this issue, which is basically an encouragement to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Are illegal drugs oftentimes the main influencer of criminals’ behavior, especially against police officers?

Will the increasing crime rate and illegal immigrant crisis have an impact on the Presidential Election?

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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April 16, 2024

Title: Mexican President is No Friend to the US
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Melissa Ford
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Melissa Ford is the Policy Director for the Secure and Sovereign Texas Initiative within the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Melissa debunks remarks made by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on 60 Minutes concerning his nations’ crime statistics and the murder of Mayoral Candidate, Berta Gisela Gaitan.

Click here to read Melissa Ford’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Berta Gisela Gaitan was the third political candidate to be assassinated in recent weeks. Did Mexican President Obrador deny that her murder was politically motivated?

During his appearance on 60 Minutes, did Mexican President Obrador dismiss his nation’s crime problems and accusations of his administration’s own corruption? Melissa Ford reveals some horrible information about the dangers that truly exist in Mexico, especially for visitors, sharing about a recent experience she had.

Did Mexican President Obrador really state during the 60 Minutes interview that “violence isn’t a threat to Democracy”?

Was Mexican President Obrador gaslighting the American people and the viewers of the 60 Minutes program? Melissa Ford discusses some more of the lies he told.

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the parent company for the Cannon.

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April 8, 2024

Title: Police Shootings in America
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Dr. Currie Myers
with Dr. Currie Myers (

Part 1 of 2

Dr Currie Myers is considered “America's Criminologist”. He is an applied criminologist, academician, author, consultant, and retired sheriff of Johnson County, Kansas. Dr. Myers is on faculty in the criminology department at Benedictine College and is a Public Safety Adviser to Americans for Prosperity.

Click here to read Dr. Myers’ op-ed on this subject.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is crime increasing in the United States? Dr. Myers discusses Biden’s recent FALSE claim that its “safer now” in America and the TRUE statistics straight from the government.

Do many people not believe the statistics about the increase in crime across America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Police Shootings in America
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Dr. Currie Myers
with Dr. Currie Myers (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are police shootings increasing in the United States?

Are many unarmed individuals shoot by police? Dr. Myers explains that this is another area where the American public is being gaslit by the media, revealing the TRUE numbers and discussing why unarmed individuals are shot by police.

Is the number of law enforcement officers killed or injured in the line of duty increasing or decreasing?

What is the FBI’s “Unified Crime Report”? What has changed since 2019 and how has the change effected the crime statistics? THIS IS SHOCKING INFORMATION THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!!

Click here to read more from Dr. Myers on this and other topics.

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March 12, 2024

Title: Los Angeles: Let’s Arm Non-Citizens and Give them a Badge
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Police recruitment is dire in many locations. Is this why LA is turning to non-citizen criminals to fill the need? Are other cities following suit?

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA, a non-profit helping communities provide bulletproof vests for their first responders. Today Michael discusses whether or not non-citizens, who may not owe allegiance to the US, should have the right to carry a firearm and the authority to arrest legal US citizens.

Click here for more information about Michael’s new initiative, Restoring Justice US.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, we let anyone and everyone into our country. Next, we recruit the most physically fit to become police officers. Then, we arm them, give then a badge, and the authority to make arrests. What’s wrong with this picture? Is this a disaster waiting to happen?

Do foreigners have any Constitutional right to bear arms, make arrests, and even disarm a US citizen who does?

Can a city grant citizenship to an illegal immigrant, especially criminals, in order to become police officers?

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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January 24, 2024

Title: REPORT: Uvalde Shooting
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Part 1 of 2

What can we learn from the Justice Department’s report on the Uvalde shooting?

Michael Letts has some answers today. Michael has over 30 years of law enforcement experience and is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA, a non-profit helping communities provide bulletproof vests for their first responders.

Click here to learn more about Michael’s new initiative, Restoring Justice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the biggest takeaway from the DOJ’s Garland Report?

What is NOT present in the report?

Does the Garland Report suggest more (or ALL) law enforcement agencies partake in “active shooter training” to avoid future incidents such as this?

What should the first officer on the scene have done?

Should any of the other officers be punished for their actions/inactions in Uvalde?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - REPORT: Uvalde Shooting
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do law enforcement agencies study the results of active shooter/mass shooter cases to learn from them and correct mistakes?

The government has the capacity to monitor social media accounts for specific words/phrases that could help identify and stop mass shooters/shootings. Should they do this, in Michael’s opinion?

Has every active shooter over the past decade posted their intentions on social media prior to their criminal activity?

Has the Biden Administration failed to provide the proper funding to police, including mental health support?

How can people properly prepare for active shooter situations?

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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Title: REPORT: Uvalde Shooting
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Lee Williams
with Second Amendment Foundation (

What can we learn from the Justice Department’s report on the Uvalde shooting?

Lee Williams is the Chief Editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Reporting Project and is a frequent contributor to Ammoland News and Armed American Radio.

Click here for more about the Second Amendment Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will lives be saved because of the 600-page Garland Report?

Are many police officers fearful their actions may cause them to get fired and or charged criminally or civilly?

What will deter future active shooter situations?

What does the Garland Report suggest for civilians and guns?

Click here to help support the Second Amendment Foundation.

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January 4, 2024

Title: Crime is UP UP UP in New York City
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Crime is up across the nation, and first responders need our help!

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA, a non-profit organization helping communities provide bulletproof vests for their first responders. Today, Michael discusses the rising crime rates and how you can help.

Click here for more information about IN-Vest USA.

Click here for more information about Michael Letts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the morale of first responders at rock bottom, especially in Democrat-run cities?

Have many police officers quit in recent years throughout the nation? Michael discusses the grim numbers in New York City and why his organization will be heading there soon to hand out free bullet-proof vests to officers.

The newly elected Mayor of NYC promised to be tough on crime. Is he fulfilling that promise?

Do Democrat elected officials have a clue on how to solve the crime wave sweeping across America? Michael Letts gives his blunt and honest opinion…

Many voters do not feel safe in their homes or communities. Democrats will not reverse this fear before November. What is Michael’s solution?

Will the Liberal drumbeat and chorus of “You Must Hate Trump” drown out the fear voters have of being a victim of a crime?

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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October 24, 2023

Title: Who Has Higher Crime Rates: Blue or Red States?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

The Heritage Foundation recently reported that homicide rates are much higher in Democrat-run blue counties over Republican-run red counties and have been for over two decades. This contradicts statements by California Governor Gavin Newsom, who insisted that "8 of the top 10 murder states are red.”

Today, Michael Letts offers his take on this report. Michael is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA, a non-profit organization helping communities provide bulletproof vests for their first responders.

Click here for the latest from Michael Letts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Red States have higher homicide rates that Blue States?

Have Democrats become masters at shifting the narrative? Do they continually bend the statistics/facts to support their narrative for stricter gun control laws?

Why do Blue Counties have higher crime rates, including higher homicide rates, as compared with Red Counties? Michael Letts offers facts, not made-up lies or twisted information, and explains why the overall crime rate everywhere is increasing.

Do law enforcement agencies need more or less funding? Do law enforcement agencies need more bullet-proof vests? Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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October 3, 2023

Title: No Fear of God is Contributing to Crime Sprees Across the Nation
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Joshua Arnold
with The Washington Stand (

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer for the Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council. Today, Joshua discusses the crime sprees happening all across America, specifically in Washington, DC.

Click here to read Joshua Arnold’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Like many American cities, is our nation’s capital experiencing a surging crime wave?

What are WDC residents saying about the crime wave? Joshua discusses some rather controversial quotes that even the MSM is reporting.

Are fewer adults attending Bible-believing, Bible-reaching churches? Are fewer adults reading their Bible on a daily basis? Joshua reveals some very grim statistics.

Are too many children growing up without knowing the Word of God? Joshua quotes Jeremiah 17:9 and Deuteronomy 31:13.

Is it ever too late for someone to come to Jesus? Is it ever too late to share the love of Jesus with someone else?

Click here to help the Family Research Council as they continue the fight to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Biblical Worldview.

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October 2, 2023

Title: “Organized Looting” is Getting Out of Control
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has defended looters as “needing bread to feed their families”. Is this just an excuse, though? What is the real reason looting has gotten out of control in many cities?

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA, a non-profit organization helping communities provide bulletproof vests for their first responders. Today, Michael discusses the judges’ ruling in a recent officer-related shooting in Philadelphia and the dangerous – and organized – looting that followed.

Click here for more information about Michael Letts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has any MSM outlet reported the truth about the officer-related shooting in Philadelphia? SHORT ANSWER: Nope. Michael gives the details – the TRUE details.

Were the majority of the rioters/looters in Philadelphia adults trying to “feed their families” or were they teenagers just causing mayhem?

Why do rioters/looters believe they have a “right” to riot/loot?

Can looting and rioting happen anywhere, anytime?

How do we restore equal justice under the law? Michael believes it first starts at home, teaching our children to respect the law. He also discusses the need for our elected officials to Back the Blue and for our law enforcement and judges to be firm and consistent in cracking down on criminals who break the law.

Must changes be made to the public education system in order to achieve a respect for law enforcement once again?

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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September 4, 2023

Title: No Fear of God is Contributing to Crime Sprees Across the Nation
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Joshua Arnold
with The Washington Stand (

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer for the Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council. Today, Joshua discusses the crime sprees happening all across America, specifically in Washington, DC.

Click here to read Joshua Arnold’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Like many American cities, is our nation’s capital experiencing a surging crime wave?

What are WDC residents saying about the crime wave? Joshua discusses some rather controversial quotes that even the MSM is reporting.

Are fewer adults attending Bible-believing, Bible-reaching churches? Are fewer adults reading their Bible on a daily basis? Joshua reveals some very grim statistics.

Are too many children growing up without knowing the Word of God? Joshua quotes Jeremiah 17:9 and Deuteronomy 31:13.

Is it ever too late for someone to come to Jesus? Is it ever too late to share the love of Jesus with someone else?

Click here to help the Family Research Council as they continue the fight to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Biblical Worldview.

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August 18, 2023

Title: No Fear of God is Contributing to Crime Sprees Across the Nation
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Joshua Arnold
with The Washington Stand (

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer for the Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council. Today, Joshua discusses the crime sprees happening all across America, specifically in Washington, DC.

Click here to read Joshua Arnold’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Like many American cities, is our nation’s capital experiencing a surging crime wave?

What are WDC residents saying about the crime wave? Joshua discusses some rather controversial quotes that even the MSM is reporting.

Are fewer adults attending Bible-believing, Bible-reaching churches? Are fewer adults reading their Bible on a daily basis? Joshua reveals some very grim statistics.

Are too many children growing up without knowing the Word of God? Joshua quotes Jeremiah 17:9 and Deuteronomy 31:13.

Is it ever too late for someone to come to Jesus? Is it ever too late to share the love of Jesus with someone else?

Click here to help the Family Research Council as they continue the fight to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Biblical Worldview.

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August 4, 2023

Title: Portland on Fire
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping communities provide bulletproof vests for their first responders. Today, Michael discusses the horrific situation unfolding in Portland and other Democrat-run cities across the nation.

Click here for more on this issue.

Click here  for more information about IN-Vest USA.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does the City of Portland currently look like? Do other major Democrat-run cities across the nation look similar to Portland?

How have these cities, specifically Portland, changed over the past few decades?

WWhy are these cities experiencing a massive crime spike? Michael discusses the ultra-Left-wing organization Black Lives Matters and the rapid destruction of the real estate market, forcing people to leave their homes.

Changes in various criminal laws have given criminals a “free pass” for many crimes. Do the citizens understand the problem?

What are some necessary steps for reducing crime sprees in cities across the nation?

Are criminals now using assault rifles in many crimes, knowing that police officers’ bullet-proof vests will not protect them? Michael reveals how 90% of police officers do not have the necessary equipment! This is unacceptable!

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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June 14, 2022

Title: Mass Shootings: What is the Solution?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Part 1 of 3

Michael Letts is a pro-police advocate who serves as Founder and CEO for IN-Vest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to officers across the country. Today Michael discusses a new report by the FBI showing an increase in “active shooter incidents” for the past year, with a 52.5% rise from 2020 to 2021. What’s even more startling is that the numbers actually show a higher increase between 2017 and 2021, by 96.%.

Click here to read the full report from the FBI government website.

Click here to read more from Michael Letts and others at IN-Vest USA about current issues affecting our country.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

BOTTOM LINE: Does gun control work?

According to the FBI, which state ranks the highest in the number of “active shooter incidents”?

BUT WAIT A MINUTE! Doesn’t California have the most restrictive gun safety laws in the nation? Michael Letts points out that all of the states that have a high number of shootings are run by Democrats, except Texas.

California, New York, and other states have universal background checks, assault weapons bans, high-capacity magazine bans, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, and red flag laws. Are these laws working? Michael discusses an interesting pilot program being implemented in Philadelphia…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Mass Shootings: What is the Solution?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are “Red Flag Laws”?

Did the shooter in Uvalde have a history of mental illness? Do the shooter’s parents or grandparents have a history of mental illness?

In recent history, has every single mass shooter posted “red flags” on social media? YES – without exception.

Does the FBI really monitor social media accounts? If so, is this a violation of our First Amendment rights?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Mass Shootings: What is the Solution?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Terry shares about his own uncle, who had a history of PTSD and violent behavior. He owned guns and Terry felt that he shouldn’t have the guns in his house anymore. What happened?

Without Red Flag Laws in Texas, what can we do to protect ourselves? Where do we go from here?

Does America have a “gun problem” or a “heart problem”? Michael believes that every action is caused by the heart. He goes on to discuss the importance of bringing God back to our schools and into our hearts.

IN-Vest USA has provided over 10,000 FREE bullet-proof vests to law enforcement officers across the country. Click here to donate to their cause.

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January 13, 2022

Title: Is Looting Becoming Normal Across America?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

REPORT: Mobs of thugs from 30-80 strong from Minnesota to California are targeting Best Buy's, Home Depots, and other high-end stores – walking off with hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise. As of this date, police have made no arrests.

Michael Letts, the CEO and Founder of IN-Vest USA, comments on the recent criminal activity and offers some advice for shoppers during the holiday season.

Click here for more information about IN-Vest USA.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is lawlessness across America escalating out of control? br />
DDo stores have the right to protect their stuff? Michael believes that business owners need to take action now in the halls of Congress. “It’s now or never,” he says.

How can stores protect the innocent shopper and protect their stuff at the same time? Michael discusses the importance of supporting law enforcement.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please consider donating to IN-Vest USA to help purchase live-saving vests for first responders. Click here to donate.

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January 7, 2022

Title: Was it an armed insurrection? January 6, 2021
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Part 1 of 3

On January 6, 2021, was our Capitol invaded by a disorganized group of Trump Supporters or was this disorganized group of concerned US Citizens infiltrated by just a few paid saboteurs? Is Trump to blame? Or are the people who acted solely responsible?

Furthermore, was it an exercise of free speech or an outright invasion?

Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their first responders.

Click here for more information about IN-Vest USA.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Democrat-controlled January 6th Commission ignoring facts about the incident on January 6, 2021?

Are transcripts of 911 calls and other investigative reports normally released to the public?

Are there thousands of hours of video from security cameras that have not been released from the incident at the Capitol on January 6, 2021?

Did US Capital Police open the doors to buildings or did terrorists overrun police positions and smash through doors and barricades?

Have the transcripts of the contingency plans prior to January 6, 2021, between the Sergeant of Arms for the US House and the Speake been released?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Was it an armed insurrection? January 6, 2021
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Michael know of any situation when a Congressman or Congresswoman has been denied access to a criminal in jail to get their side of the story? Did this really happen to members of the group that organized the coup against the Capitol on January 6, 2021?

Has this same thing happened to any violent rioters and protestors who burn down buildings and block emergency vehicles’ access to hospitals and highways?

Was the incident on January 6, 2021, meant to overthrow the government?

Did the invaders have guns, knives, or other weapons? Did veteran Ashley Babbitt have a weapon?

Have requests to release the transcripts from January 6, 2021, been vehemently denied?

Is there iron-clad evidence that the Sargeant at Arms, Capitol Police, National Guard, and Speaker knew about the protest beforehand? More on this in the next segment…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Was it an armed insurrection? January 6, 2021
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

There is sworn Congressional testimony that there was concern and knowledge days prior to Jan 6, 2021, of a possible “Coup Attempt”. Where are the plans for various contingency action?

Were there plans for tactical gear, vests, and other equipment? Are these plans being hidden form us?

Will we ever know the truth? Michael closes the interview with this statement: “They’re avoiding the most crucial questions that need to be asked. Until that happens and there is transparency, it is not out of the realm of reasonableness that anybody question why.”

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December 3, 2021

Title: Is Looting Becoming Normal Across America?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

REPORT: Mobs of thugs from 30-80 strong from Minnesota to California are targeting Best Buy's, Home Depots, and other high-end stores – walking off with hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise. As of this date, police have made no arrests.

Michael Letts, the CEO and Founder of IN-Vest USA, comments on the recent criminal activity and offers some advice for shoppers during the holiday season.

Click here for more information about IN-Vest USA.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is lawlessness across America escalating out of control? br />
DDo stores have the right to protect their stuff? Michael believes that business owners need to take action now in the halls of Congress. “It’s now or never,” he says.

How can stores protect the innocent shopper and protect their stuff at the same time? Michael discusses the importance of supporting law enforcement.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please consider donating to IN-Vest USA to help purchase live-saving vests for first responders. Click here to donate.

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November 17, 2021

Title: Fighting Back Against Crime in NYC
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

From a recent article in the NY Post: “Mayor-Elect Eric Adams has vowed to restore the NYPD’s plainclothes anti-gun unit, as well as to push the Legislature to fix the no-bail law to let judges send dangerous perps to jail. But far more needs doing, all across the criminal-justice system, after years of ill-conceived reform.”

Michael Letts is the Founder and President of IN-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bullet-proof vests for their police forces through education, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.

Click here for more information about IN-Vest USA.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Hawk Newsom, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, tell NYC Mayor-Elect Eric Admas: “There will be fire and there will be bloodshed”?

Is the Anti-Crime Unit as proposed by NYC Mayor-Elect Eric Adams a good path? Michael reveals that violent crime in NYC has risen by 30% and the Anti-Crime Unit is an absolute necessity to bring law and order back to the streets.

Has there been an increase in violent crime across America since the “Defund the Police Movement”?

Is it more dangerous to be a First Responder on the streets today as compared to one, five, or ten years ago? Michael discusses the incredibly hard situations First Responders are placed in on a daily basis resulting in extremely low-moral.

How does IN-Vest USA support our First Responders?

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October 1, 2021

Title: Crime is on the Rise
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Part 1 of 2

The Broken Windows Theory: “Visible signs of disorder and misbehavior in an environment encourages further disorder and misbehavior, leading to [more] serious crimes.”

During the nearly national lockdown during 2020, the murder rate skyrocketed when compared to 2019. Is the Broken Window Theory in play?

Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of IN-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization, which helps hundreds of communities provide thousands of bullet-proof vests for their police forces. Today, Michael discusses the rising crime rate across the nation and some solutions for keeping your family and community safe.

Click here to learn more about Michael in IN-Vest USA.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much has the murder rate in America skyrocketed since 2019?

IIs the murder rate higher in large or small cities? Michael explains that it is happening all across the country, saying: “People are taking advantage of ignoring the law, disregarding the law, and taking matters into their own hands because they feel like law enforcement is not respected the way it used to be.” This is sad, but true.

Have Mayors across the country abdicated their elected duties to protect their citizens? Are rogue District Attorneys not prosecuting violent crime and letting accused violent offenders run free with little to no bond?

HHas the National Fraternal Order of Police tied the dramatic rise in violent crime to anti-police animus?

Are the MSM and the Biden Administration reporting that overall crime is down? Michael says they are referring to property crime, not violent crime and murders; those numbers are way, way up.

Why do some police departments not supply their agents with bullet-proof vests

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Crime is on the Rise
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If cities dismantle their police department structure, what happens when a crime is reported? Are social workers physically equipped to help in every criminal situation?

A recent survey of criminal justice experts said that increasing police budgets would improve public safety. Will more police funding create more law-abiding citizens? Obviously not, BUT… listen as Michael explains what must be done.

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August 23, 2011

Title: Are there really 900,000 criminal members in 20,000 gangs in 2,500 cities across America?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Major Heuszel answers:
1. How many gangs are in Harris County, Texas?
2. Are there areas in Harris County that law enforcement officers will not go?
3. Is the MS-13 Gang active in Harris County?

Major Heuszel describes how the gangs now recruit young teenagers to carry their drugs and to sell their drugs. Why? Listen for the answers….

Major Heuszel advises parents: 1. Know where your kids are. 2. Know who their friends are. 3. Know what they are doing – at all times!

Send us your comments.

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August 22, 2011

Title: Are there really 900,000 criminal members in 20,000 gangs in 2,500 cities across America?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Rick Oltman
with Immigration Tea Party (

Rick Oltman answers:
1. Has crime been underreported for decades?
2. Is the federal government ignoring the southern border which is an open conduit for criminal activity?
3. Are there really 900,000 criminal members of 20,000 gangs run by the illegal drug traffickers, and found in 2,500 cities across America?

Rick quotes from the 2010 U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ)’s National Drug Assessment. [Understand that this report came out in 2010.]

Enough is enough. No more open borders. Send us your comments.

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August 5, 2011

Title: When the Fed’s Say Violent Crime is Down In America, Do You Feel Safer?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Alan Jacobson
with Alan Jacobson (

Part 1

Our guest today has worked with F.B.I. profilers for nineteen years. His books are fiction…but based on facts with the names changed to protect the innocent and the victims.

Criminals do not read that statistics say crime is down. They continue to look for victims. But how can you reduce your chances of becoming a victim?

Alan has written many best sellers, False Accusations, The Hunted, The 7th Victim, Crush, Velocity, and just released Inmate 1577.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Alan Jacobson
with Alan Jacobson (

Our guest today, who has worked with F.B.I. profilers for nineteen years, suggests ways to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

1. Be aware of your situation. Be proactive to avoid certain areas.

2. Make yourself less of a target. An offender is looking for an easy “mark”. Walk fast, look around, and avoid talking on your phone going to and from your car. Pull your drapes or blinds at night and install lighting around your home.

3. Put up a fight. Listen in to find out why Alan recommends putting up a fight.

Log onto and sign up for his e-mail alerts and to receive a free, 22-page Personal Safety Booklet co-written by FBI profiler Mark Safarik and Alan Jacobson.

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October 19, 2007

Title: A Best of Segment: Foreign Governments Should Not Tell Texas Courts What To Do
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Jose Ernesto Medellin confessed to and was convicted of the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. The Mexican Government should butt out!

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October 16, 2007

Title: Foreign Governments Should Not Tell Texas Courts What To Do
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Dr. Jerome Corsi
with Jerome Corsi (

Jose Ernesto Medellin confessed to and was convicted of the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls in Houston. The Mexican Government should butt out!

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March 7, 2006

Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Jim Sedlack
with American Life League (

Planned Parenthood hid the rape of an 11-year-old little girl and then helped her obtain birth control pills! They posted her story on their website until we exposed this heart-breaking story. Jim Sedlak is with the American Life League. Visit for more information on how you can stop abortion.

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December 16, 2005

Title: Planned Parenthood conceals the rape of an 11-year-old girl and then brags about it!
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Jim Sedlack
with American Life League (

Planned Parenthood hid the rape of an 11-year-old little girl and then helped her obtain birth control pills! They posted her story on their website until we exposed this heart-breaking story. Jim Sedlak is with the American Life League.

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