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February 11, 2016

Title: Did the Super Bowl Offend You?
Topic: Super Bowl
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

White people are the only race who can be racist, right? White people aren’t allowed to be offended about anything, right? I don’t want to seem harsh or cruel or judgmental, but the halftime show for Super Bowl 50 was one of the worst, most distasteful displays I have ever witnessed.

Christopher Harris is a black man. What were his thoughts about Beyoncé and her grotesque performance? Christopher was curious about the actual lyrics of the song she sang. In his opinion, they are laughable; they aren’t even worthy of being called a song. (Editor’s Note: I looked up the lyrics, too. They are so awful. Do yourself a favor and don’t even bother. God is NOT smiling about this song, I can guarantee it.) Christopher Harris also discusses the President, the First Lady, Black Lives Matter, and their connection to Beyoncé and her family. Let this be a warning for all…

On the other hand, Lady Gaga’s performance of the National Anthem was beautiful and respectful in every way. She didn’t try to over-sing the popular song. Sure, her outfit was a little sparkly and her eye shadow might have been a little distracting, but her reverence to first responders and the military was wonderful to witness.

What did Christopher Harris think about Lady Gaga’s rendition? He says, “I was on the edge of my seat, praying.” But, why? Listen in!

Another trending issue on social media is the Doritos commercial with the pregnant mom in the sonogram room. NARAL, a pro-choice organization, was very vocal in their disapproval of the commercial for “humanizing a fetus”. Christopher Harris is a Christian, but also believes in the science of humanity. Christopher has an excellent explanation for why he firmly trusts the science of DNA. You must hear it!

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