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June 2, 2016

Title: Taming the Technology Beast
Topic: Kids and Technology
Discussed by Shatoyia Bradley
with Unhyphenated America (

Media is definitely a wonderful resource, but there is also a dark side that we need to protect our kids from.

New guest Shatoyia Bradley is the Managing Editor of Unhyphenated America. More importantly, however, Shatoyia is the proud wife of a veteran, homeschooling mother of four boys (with a fifth baby on the way!), and an entrepreneur. She is an unapologetic Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a Patriot. She has noticed that even “innocent” cartoons are now sending a secular message to children. The children may not realize it at the moment, but when it is repeated often enough, that message becomes ingrained in them. The commercials are even worse!

Shatoyia believes that parents should have strict controls on all devices their children use. She reveals how children ages eight to ten are spending approximately five and a half hours on media each day. Furthermore, she believes that children are mimicking what they see on the screen. “That’s really a problem, especially when they’re spending so much of that time consuming so many of these things that are communicating all these different worldviews,” Shatoyia states. “They’re like zombies.”

What would Jesus watch – listen to – send to their friends? Shatoyia goes on to discuss how parents must be the best example for their children. For instance: Parents do you demand that your children give their undivided attention to you when you are talking with them? Do you show your children that same respect?

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