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October 14, 2016

Title: Brownshirts in the US of A
Topic: Brownshirts in the US of A
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Recently, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck was invited to speak at the University of California – Irvine. His speech was intended to build a bridge amongst students, but instead it only caused more fiction and hatred from Black Lives Matter activists. Christopher Harris, with Unhyphenated America, has been following the story and is here to give more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Democrats are using the same tactics today that Hitler used with his “brownshirts” in 1921. The BLM “brownshirt puppets” are the new Democrat overseers. Listen in as Christopher Harris describes some of their despicable behavior.

What kind of reaction did the brownshirt BLM crowd have to LAPD Chief Charlie Beck’s presence on campus?

What happened to those supporting the police? Hint: It wasn’t pretty!

Why does the brownshirt BLM crowd get away with assaulting pro-police supporters when others (aka Christians) would be arrested and thrown in jail for far less?

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