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May 17, 2016

Title: What are You Doing after You Vote?
Topic: Make a Real Difference
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Disclaimer: We will be discussing lies parents tell their children about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. If you don’t want your children to hear the truth about these fictional characters just yet, listen to this segment when they are out of ear shot.

Recent studies have revealed that over 80% of children who are raised in a Christian home abandon their faith by the age of 18. Guest Christopher Harris believes “we are constantly losing the cultural battle, and we will continue to lose up until Christ returns”.

Christopher goes on to explain that too many parents assume that their values and beliefs will just automatically be passed on to their children. However, as we have seen throughout history – and especially within the last few decades – this is not the case. “From the moment your kids hit the public school system, they are being indoctrinated,” Christopher says. Parents must stand up and express their concern about the issues and topics their children are studying in school or nothing will changes.

Are we failing to teach our children to look toward Jesus Christ as an example of how to live? Children see us – imperfect parents, who mess up daily – and think they can live as we do. Christopher says, “Perfection is not required for greatness.” Listen in as he explains this statement and gives some suggestions on what parents can do starting tonight to ensure their children will “keep the faith” long after they leave home.

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