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March 29, 2019

Title: ITC Fire: Your Rights for Compensation
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Eric Dick
with Eric Dick Law Firm (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

The Intercontinental Terminal Company fire in Deer Park affected thousands of people. Were you one of them?

Attorney Eric Dick offers a warning for everyone who may be rushing to receive compensation from ITC…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has ITC established a “get help hotline”? Should people call this hotline?

Is ITC only “allowing” people to file a claim for a few months? Is this legal? Or does the law allow for two years?

Will ITC be fair in their compensation? Or will they deny and delay for as long as they can?

What about businesses? Can they file a claim for lost revenue?

How can residents begin to protect themselves starting now?

Many insurance company adjusters are instructed to say “Oh that isn’t covered…”? Do many simply lack the proper training? Eric Dick recommends hiring an attorney who specializes in this type of damage. Let them do the work!

Click here  for more information on how to protect your rights.

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April 20, 2017

Title: Acts of Compassion Being Criminalized
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Eric Dick
with Eric Dick Law Firm (

When did helping others in the name of love and compassion become a criminal act? More importantly – WHY is it a criminal act?

Attorney, political activist, and Vice President of the Board of Trustees for HCDE, Eric Dick, is here today to offer some insight into this harsh reality. What can we do to change this law?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it our responsibility to help feed and clothe the needy, including the homeless?

A while back, tens of thousands of signatures were gathered on a petition when the City of Houston criminalized feeding the homeless. What happened with that petition?

Listen as Eric Dick discusses the lawsuit he has been hired to handle against the City of Houston concerning this issue.

How much money could you be fined if you feed more than five people during a 24 hour period?

Can ordinary citizens obtain a permit to distribute food to random people on the street? SHORT ANSWER: NO! Listen as Eric explains…

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September 21, 2015

Title: Kubosh for City Council
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Michael Kubosh
with Michael Kubosh for City Council

Michael Kubosh has been an outspoken critic of several issues facing Houstonians in recent years, specifically concerning the use of red light cameras and fines against those wishing to feed the homeless. He is also very involved with the HERO Ordinance in Houston – fighting those who wish to allow men into women’s restrooms.

It is important to not only know the issues, but know who you are voting for. Listen in as Michael Kubosh discusses these and other issues.

To learn more about Michael Kubosh and his bid for re-election to Houston City Council, Position #3, click [here].

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April 24, 2015

Title: What's UP in Houston?
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Michael Kubosh
with Michael Kubosh for City Council

Michael Kubosh is on the Houston City Council, Position 3. He is here today to give an update on several issues. First, he discusses the controversy surrounding red light cameras. Currently, there are no red light cameras operating in the city of Houston. But what will the future hold?

Michael also explains in more detail the ban on feeding the homeless. This is a very touchy subject for many people, especially Christians. It is still illegal to feed the homeless and you can be given a $2,000 fine for doing so. Michael believes the ordinance is not merely about pushing the homeless out of the city. He says, “We are criminalizing the giver.”

Another issue Michael Kubosh is very involved in is removing over 125 vehicles from the various bayous around the city. This may seem like a non-issue, but it is actually a very hot topic. The police department said not to worry about it, but thankfully the mayor listened to the people on this one! Many crimes might finally be solved by removing these vehicles that have been submerged – some for decades! “We might even find Jimmy Hoffa!” Michael jokes.

Finally, Michael prays for revival in America. May God give us His wisdom and may our nation will return to Him.

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February 11, 2014

Title: Texas Senatorial Race Debate
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 3

The left-leaning liberal media always tries to pigeon-hole Conservatives when asking questions. Senator Patrick is a seasoned radio talk show host as well as a State Senator. He knows the games they play. He isn’t afraid of standing up for God, Country, and Liberty.

Listen in as he talks about some of the questions he and other candidates were asked recently at an open Townhall debate.

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Title: Population and Tax Inflation
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 2 of 3

The Democrats are chomping at the bit to overtake Texas. If this happens, America will cease to exist as we know it.

1,500 people a day are moving to Texas and it is projected that 20 million people will be added over the next 30-40 years. What is to be done about the increasing population?

Another issue facing Texans is increasing home owners taxes. With the economy as bad as it is – and no hope of it getting better any time soon – many home owners are being taxed out of their homes. What is Senator Patrick’s plan?

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Title: We Cannot Afford to Educate and Medicate them All
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 3 of 3

Senator Patrick is a staunch pro-life supporter. He believes that protecting the unborn is vitally important.

But what about border security? Nearly half the voters in Texas are frustrated over the thousands and thousands of illegal aliens who are flooding our state daily. What does Dan Patrick plan to do as the next Lt. Governor?

And, finally, businesses are coming to Texas is droves. Where will the excess money go? Should we send the money elsewhere or keep it here?

LLog on to  for more information about Dan and his bid for Texas Lt. Governor.

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January 3, 2014

Title: Issues Affecting Texans
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

One in ten students in America attends schools in Texas. If the Texas Education System was combined into one company, it would be the sixth or seventh largest company in the world.

Senator Dan Patrick discusses what should be the number one focus of parents as their students return to school this fall.

Senator Patrick also discusses the innovations he has implemented in the prison system in Texas.

Listen in.

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September 4, 2013

Title: Issues Affecting Texans
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

One in ten students in America attends schools in Texas. If the Texas Education System was combined into one company, it would be the sixth or seventh largest company in the world.

Senator Dan Patrick discusses what should be the number one focus of parents as their students return to school this fall.

Senator Patrick also discusses the innovations he has implemented in the prison system in Texas.

Listen in.

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