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December 11, 2019

Title: Rick Perry
Topic: Rick Perry
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The Houston Chronicle editorial board missed the mark in its criticism of our outgoing Secretary of Energy, slamming Rick Perry for – get this – doing his job.

Former Texas State Representative Jason Isaac is the Senior Manager and Distinguished Fellow for “Life: Powered Project”, a division of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Jason discusses all the accomplishments the American Oil and Gas market has achieved under the leadership of Rick Perry.

Click here for more from Jason and Life:Powered on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As Energy Secretary, did Rick Perry promote the use of fossil fuels, oil, gas, and coal throughout America and around the world?

How did the Houston Chronicle editorial board criticize Rick Perry? Was this criticism warranted?

Is the US now the leader in liquefied natural gas? Why is this important to us and our allies?

Jason Isaac discusses how as much as 65% of the pollutants in California are actually from China…

Are renewable energy sources available today to completely replace all fossil fuels?

Jason states this fact: “The battery technology that exists on earth today to store electricity would keep the lights on in New York City for less than an hour.” Unless we want to live in the dark ages again, we are definitely not ready for a complete overhaul!

What technological breakthroughs are necessary to achieve this?

More on this in the next segment!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Rick Perry
Topic: Rick Perry
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

China and India both signed and agreed to the terms of the Paris Climate Accord. Why, then, aren’t they reducing their pollutants? Why aren’t they being hounded by the environmental activists? Jason reveals that the pollutants from China can be felt all the way to Denver!

Are Germany, France, and Spain meeting their targets under the Paris Climate Accord? What about Africa?

Again, Jason reveals some startling information, this time concerning the average life span in those countries compared to people living in America. People are dying from freezing to death in some European countries due to their strict “renewable energy only” policies!

Can third world countries bring their citizens up out of poverty without affordable, reliable energy resources?

In America, what would change if we went to 100% solar or wind energy? What technology would be required? How much would this cost the average family?

Did you know that some countries require the electricity to be turned off every night at dusk until dawn the next morning? Guess what happens to their food supply? It perishes! Do you want to have to visit the grocery store every day just to get food? I don’t! Jason points out that this is just one more way to keep the government in control…

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