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March 4, 2021

Title: UPDATE: ERCOT Debacle
Topic: ERCOT Debacle
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 3

Former Texas State House of Representative Jason Isaac discusses the recent ERCOT debacle. What happened? Why? How can we fix it? Jason is a former Texas State Representative and the current Director of the Life:Powered Initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is ERCOT?

What is the PUC – the Public Utility Commission?

Why did Governor Abbott request the resignation of the ERCOT board members?

What is ERCOT’s responsibility? After Jason’s explains their responsibility, he asks this: “Why would we build new thermal generators when you can’t compete with companies that can pay their customers to take their product?”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - UPDATE: ERCOT Debacle
Topic: ERCOT Debacle
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Electrical generating plants need routine maintenance from time to time. Why is the routine maintenance normally scheduled during the winter months?

The cold blast hit Sunday and Sunday night, Valentine’s day, February 14th. Was ERCOT asleep at the switch – literally?

How did the blackout/outage happen?

Was ERCOT’s failure to properly manage the grid a contributing factor to the extended power outages across the state?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - UPDATE: ERCOT Debacle
Topic: ERCOT Debacle
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are people justified in blaming ERCOT for not acting quickly?

How did the coal and natural gas fair during the freeze?

The consumers are the real losers in this whole mess. Should energy companies be penalized?

Will our overdependence on unreliable energy such wind and solar be more costly in the future?

Does the Texas Legislature have time to make changes NOW for the future?

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