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July 30, 2015

Title: Sex Education and Teens
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The CDC recently released some new data that is very troubling regarding teens, sex, and STD’s. When the CDC first started tracking this information about twenty-five years ago, they observed that teens were avoiding or delaying their initial sexual encounter until they were much older. Unfortunately, that trend is over – and it all began shortly after the Obama administration changed the sex education policy for the nation.

Valerie Huber  is the President and CEO of National Abstinence Education Association.  Valerie discusses the CDC data, Obama’s involvement, and what we, as parents and grandparents, must be doing. She also reveals how less than five percent (5%) of the 1 Billion Dollars is being spend on sexual avoidance programs for teens, aka abstinence programs.

FACT: 90% of new AIDS cases in the United States are in the 13-young 20’s age group. What is your teen doing at their friend’s house or when you’re not home?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Sex Education and Teens
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

When it comes to sex and the important of abstinence, Valerie Huber says that parents must be very clear in their values to their kids. “It’s not a preaching session; it needs to be a conversation where your child is comfortable. Be very specific. Be honest. Confess your mistakes.

Too many people, parents included, see nothing wrong with teens having casual sex. After all, the kids are going to do it anyway, so why not let them! No, no, no! Valerie gives some great advice to parents in this second segment.

She also stresses the importance of the church’s role in offering abstinence only education seminars and classes for the teens and college students. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes in your past. Valerie says, “Your past can be a teaching mechanism for future generations.” Please contact your youth and college ministers at you church and encourage them to provide abstinence only education classes.

To learn more about abstinence education, click [here].  

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April 30, 2015

Title: Mom Against Abstinence goes Crazy in Twitter Tirade
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

We don’t teach students how to responsibly drive fast and race their cars. We don’t teach our kids how to safely rob a bank or gas station. We don’t teach kids how to carefully start a building fire. We don’t even encourage bad eating habits for our kids! So why should we continue to teach them about safe-sex when abstinence education is proven to be the better solution?

The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) has followed the recent stories surrounding the account of a mother who sat in on her son’s abstinence class at Michigan’s East Lansing High School and live tweeted selected parts of the classroom presentation. The mother, Alice Dreger, is author of a new book, Galileo’s Middle Finger, and a professor at Northwestern University. Click [here]  to see some of the Tweets Ms. Dreger shared about the class.

Valerie Huber is the President/CEO of NAEA. Valerie believes that Ms. Dreger entered the class with a specific agenda in mind: To destroy the credibility of Sexual Risk Education, which teaches and promotes abstinence as favorable over safe-sex practices. Of course the MSM took Ms. Dreger’s Tweets as gospel without reaching out to the school to fact check.

Ms. Dreger wasn’t just appalled that the students were being taught that abstinence is the best option; she was enraged that they weren’t being told that sex is great – no matter what, when, or how old you are! Listen in as Valerie explains more about what Sexual Risk Education teaches, the benefits, and the results.

Click [here]  for more on this issue.

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June 19, 2014

Title: New Survey about Teens and Sex
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

How did your teen handle the 110 mile per hour driving test required in order to pass driver’s ed?

I’m sure you’ve taught your son the exact way to rob a bank – and safely, so no one gets hurt, right? Certainly you’ve made sure your son or daughter knows where to hide a gun or knife in their backpack or purse so they won’t get caught.

All of the above is asinine. No parent (no sane, responsible parent, anyway) would ever dream of letting their kids drive way too fast, rob a bank, or take a weapon to school – on purpose!

Then why do we allow our public school to indoctrinate sex, sex, and sex more into our kids’ brains? Parents, it is past time for us to stand up and say “enough is enough!”

The good news, however, is that a new survey of teens says they are having less sex and more teens are not even sexually active.

Listen in as Valerie Huber, with the National Abstinence Education Association, gives more details.

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July 26, 2013

Title: Criminalization of Abstinence Education
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

An Obamanite says that teaching abstinence education not only exposes students to ideas, but is also is designed to shape student behavior. Therefore, it must be criminalized.

This Obama judicial nominee also characterizes abstinence education as being retrogressive gender ideology, and to prescribe chastity and maternity for women while assuming lustfulness and autonomy for men is criminal.

We really can’t make this stuff up. Obama and his followers are just wrong.

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February 25, 2013

Title: Abstinence Education Reallocation Act in Congress
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

Part 1 of 3

It’s not often that you hear about politicians from opposite sides of the spectrum working together for the good of our children. But, in a rare move, Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL) and Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-IL) have come together and co-written HR718, or the “Abstinence Education Reallocation Act”.

Valerie Huber, with the National Abstinence Education Association, explains HR 718 and how it could affect your kids - in a good way!

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

The argument against abstinence-only education is that “teens will be teens” and “they’ll have sex anyway so we might as well give them condoms and free birth control”. No, they won’t. Not all of them, anyway. The rise in teen pregnancies since “sex-education” became a part of every high school’s curriculum across the nation proves that.

Valerie is pushing for HR 718 to pass because it will correct the 16:1 funding disparity between contraceptive-centered vs abstinence-centered sex education. Let’s teach our kids how to be and stay pure and healthy.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

Please, please, please contact your Congressman and encourage him/her to support HR 718. The Capitol switchboard phone number is (202) 225-3121 or you can log on to to send a secure email.

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April 11, 2012

Title: ABSTINENCE WORKS! New Study Shows Abstinence Education Works Wonders!
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Valerie Huber answers:

Are you saying that the SRA program really works?

Are we like uncontrollable dogs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Valerie Huber
with We Ascend (

What are the benefits of waiting?

What are the basic principles of the SRA program?

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February 12, 2010

Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Dr. Gene Rudd
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Abstinence works. For all ages. But teenagers are especially prone to believe the lie that condom use is 100% safe 100% of the time. More and more parents across the country are encouraging their school districts and local/state governments to teach abstinence education over comprehensive education. Dr. Gene Rudd is with the Christian Medical and Dental Association. To learn more, log on to

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November 21, 2007

Title: New study shows: abstinence education delays sexual behavior.
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

New study concludes abstinence education is effective. Democrats want to cut its funding – go figure!

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