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March 19, 2024

Title: State of the Union: Biden’s Fiscal Irresponsibility
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

How is Joe Biden going to make “everyone pay their fair share”?

Tom Schatz is the President of Citizens Against Government Waste. Today, he exposes some of the lies in Joe Biden’s recent State of the Union Address and why consumers (tax payers) need to pay attention to the ever-increasing deficit and inflation.

Click here for the latest from Citizens Against Government Waste.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Biden Administration cut the Federal deficit by more than $1.7 trillion dollars?

During his State of the Union address, did Biden state how his administration cut wasteful government spending?

Has Biden ever acknowledged the massive deficit increase under his presidency?

Who bears the brunt of the cost when inflation continues to increase?

How much is Biden’s new budget? Who is going to pay for it?

Why won’t our representatives in WDC acknowledge that huge debts are unsustainable?

Click here to help support Citizens Against Government Waste.

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March 13, 2024

Title: Is Joe Biden Okay?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Dr. Currie Myers
with Dr. Currie Myers (

Part 1 of 3

What’s UP with Joe Biden’s yelling during his State of the Union Address?

Dr. Currie Myers is considered to be America's Criminologist. He is an applied criminologist, academician, author, consultant, and retired sheriff of Johnson County, Kansas. Dr. Myers is on faculty in the criminology department at Benedictine College and is a public safety adviser to Americans for Prosperity

Click here to read Dr. Currie Myers’ complete assessment on Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have cities across the United States been managed poorly with respect to criminal justice?

Are more and more Americans expressing their fear of crime? Dr. Myers believes the fears are warranted and discusses some of the reasons why crime is on the rise across the nation.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Joe Biden Okay?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Dr. Currie Myers
with Dr. Currie Myers (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does Dr. Myers describe crime in America today? Dr. Myers discusses Biden’s outright lies and the true numbers.

Are more and more citizens becoming more violent and simply out-of-control?

Is retail theft up nationwide, as well?

Some people (ahem…the Left) are now calling illegal immigrants “newcomers”. Is this an accurate and fair term?

How much of the crime committed in the US is by illegal immigrants? Dr. Myers reveals the shocking statistics

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Joe Biden Okay?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Dr. Currie Myers
with Dr. Currie Myers (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we experiencing an increase in violent crime across America? Dr. Myers explains that it depends on the police presence and sentences handed from judges.

Do many criminals also have mental health issues?

Are gun-bans the solution?

Click here to receive email updates from Dr. Currie Myers.

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March 4, 2022

Title: Joe’s “Stake Driven Through Our Union” Speech
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Emery McClendon
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Project 21 member Emery McClendon believes that Joe Biden’s 2022 SOTU speech could more properly be called the “Stake Driven Through Our Union” speech. Today, Emery offers his expert analysis of Joe’s speech.

Click here for more on Emory McClendon.

Click here for more from the NCPPR on this and other issues facing America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Emery McClendon a Conservative? Listen to his fantastic answer!

Has the Democrat Party left behind traditional American values?

What difficulties are Americans facing today that they did not face while Trump was President? Emery says: “We could go on and on, but first of all let me mention the price of groceries and feeding a family…and the high price of fuel.” He goes on to discuss several other issues such as the lack of good jobs, the crisis at the border, and the destruction of our military.

Why should we not believe the sugarcoated words of Joe Biden and his administration?

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November 4, 2021

Title: Are Communist Predators Hiding in Plain Sight in the Biden Administration?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Journalist and speaker Robert H. Knight recently wrote: “Anyone still doubting that we’re in the grip of Marxist handlers in the White House might want to know about Joe Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency.”

Biden has picked a Russian, Communist-trained infiltrator to oversee the banking system in America. No lie. Facts. Robert discusses this bizarre nomination and how a confirmation will affect every American citizen.

Click here  for more on this and other issues from Robert H. Knight.

Questions/Issues Discussed

What is the Office of Comptroller of the Currency and the director’s responsibilities?

Why has Biden picked a Russian, Communist-trained infiltrator to oversee the banking system? Robert reveals who Saule Omarova is and what she has done to “deserve” this nomination from Biden. Robert calls it a “huge power grab” and warns every American citizen to pay attention.

Why did Saule Omarova come to America if she has such Communist ideals?

Is the Biden Administration not even attempting to hide their Communist ties anymore? Or is Biden completely clueless to Saule Omarova’s political stance?

Do the masses care? Or are the masses awakening?

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October 12, 2021

Title: Are Communist Predators Hiding in Plain Sight in the Biden Administration?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Journalist and speaker Robert H. Knight recently wrote: “Anyone still doubting that we’re in the grip of Marxist handlers in the White House might want to know about Joe Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency.”

Biden has picked a Russian, Communist-trained infiltrator to oversee the banking system in America. No lie. Facts. Robert discusses this bizarre nomination and how a confirmation will affect every American citizen.

Click here  for more on this and other issues from Robert H. Knight.

Questions/Issues Discussed

What is the Office of Comptroller of the Currency and the director’s responsibilities?

Why has Biden picked a Russian, Communist-trained infiltrator to oversee the banking system? Robert reveals who Saule Omarova is and what she has done to “deserve” this nomination from Biden. Robert calls it a “huge power grab” and warns every American citizen to pay attention.

Why did Saule Omarova come to America if she has such Communist ideals?

Is the Biden Administration not even attempting to hide their Communist ties anymore? Or is Biden completely clueless to Saule Omarova’s political stance?

Do the masses care? Or are the masses awakening?

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January 12, 2021

Title: Biden’s Cabinet: Will They Unify or Divide?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 3

Some Democrats are grousing that Joe Biden’s cabinet choices aren’t sufficiently Marxist. But do Biden’s picks express unity or more division?

Robert Knight is a contributor to The Washington Times,,, and other publications. He is a frequent guest on The What’s UP Radio Program and other talk shows. Today he discusses facts and myths about the 2020 Election, Biden’s picks for various appointed offices, and what the Democrat Party really stands for.

Robert’s latest op-ed can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is pleading for unity in America?

Since the initial days after President Trump won in November 2016, has there been “healing and unity” preached by the leadership of the Democrat party?

Does the MSM deprive the public of facts?

Are we living George Orwell’s “1984”? Robert says that censorship is not just from the MSM; it’s from social media, too. This is scary stuff!

What is this fabricated office of the “President-Elect”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Biden’s Cabinet: Will They Unify or Divide?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some really want Biden to appoint Bernie Sanders as Labor Secretary?

Has Biden announced how he intends to use the talents of that famous liar Susan Rice?

Ohio Representative Marcia Fudge is Biden’s choice to head the Housing and Urban Development. Who is she and what are her beliefs?

Will Biden’s picks turn America into another Venezuela? Robert Knight mentions a few more of Biden’s picks and how they would absolutely ruin our country.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Biden’s Cabinet: Will They Unify or Divide?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What’s UP with the election in Georgia? If Biden takes the Senate, will our First Amendment rights be thrown out the window?

Robert passionately states: “We have kids and grandkids coming behind us. We have to do everything we can to preserve American liberty for them.”

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December 18, 2020

Title: Biden’s Cabinet: Will They Unify or Divide?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 3

Some Democrats are grousing that Joe Biden’s cabinet choices aren’t sufficiently Marxist. But do Biden’s picks express unity or more division?

Robert Knight is a contributor to The Washington Times,,, and other publications. He is a frequent guest on The What’s UP Radio Program and other talk shows. Today he discusses facts and myths about the 2020 Election, Biden’s picks for various appointed offices, and what the Democrat Party really stands for.

Robert’s latest op-ed can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is pleading for unity in America?

Since the initial days after President Trump won in November 2016, has there been “healing and unity” preached by the leadership of the Democrat party?

Does the MSM deprive the public of facts?

Are we living George Orwell’s “1984”? Robert says that censorship is not just from the MSM; it’s from social media, too. This is scary stuff!

What is this fabricated office of the “President-Elect”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Biden’s Cabinet: Will They Unify or Divide?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some really want Biden to appoint Bernie Sanders as Labor Secretary?

Has Biden announced how he intends to use the talents of that famous liar Susan Rice?

Ohio Representative Marcia Fudge is Biden’s choice to head the Housing and Urban Development. Who is she and what are her beliefs?

Will Biden’s picks turn America into another Venezuela? Robert Knight mentions a few more of Biden’s picks and how they would absolutely ruin our country.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Biden’s Cabinet: Will They Unify or Divide?
Topic: Joe Biden
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What’s UP with the election in Georgia? If Biden takes the Senate, will our First Amendment rights be thrown out the window?

Robert passionately states: “We have kids and grandkids coming behind us. We have to do everything we can to preserve American liberty for them.”

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