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April 16, 2024

Title: President Trump’s Latest Remarks on Abortion
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Ben Johnson is a writer for The Washington Stand. Today, Ben discusses President Trump’s recent statements on abortion. Where do you stand?

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Roe v. Wade allow abortions in every state? What was the law in each state before Roe v. Wade?

Over the years, has the US Supreme Court allowed some restrictions for abortion at the Federal level? Ben Johnson discusses some of the history behind abortion laws.

What is Ben Johnson’s opinion about President Trump’s recent statements on abortion?

Could abortion ever be completely banned in the US via a Constitutional Amendment?

What can we do between now and the Presidential Election in November? Ben Johnson urges pro-life activists to pray, speak up, and vote for life!

Click here to help support The Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council.

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March 14, 2024

Title: 5 Lies and Myths from Joe Biden SOTU Address
Topic: Bideneconomics
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

The fallout continues over Joe Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address, and his errors, lies, and misstatements continue to pile up.

Today, The Washington Stand columnist, Ben Johnson, discusses five false claims Biden made during his speech – and the TRUE facts about each claim.

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this topic. Click here for more on the same topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Biden claim that he created 15 million jobs and 800,000 new manufacturing jobs?

Are wages up and inflation down under the Biden Administration?

Did President Trump “ban Muslims”?

Has the Biden Administration really made the rich “pay their fair share” of taxes?

Have Federal taxes increased or decreased for those making less than $400,000 per year?

Click here to help support The Washington Stand, a division of the Family Research Council.

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November 27, 2023

Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Ben Johnson is Senior Reporter and Editor at The Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council. Today, he discusses a new study by the American Enterprise Institute’s Survey Center on American Life.

Click here to read Ben Johnsons’ op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Recent polls indicate that support for same-sex marriage is not readily supported by Gen Z adults. Why is the LGBTQ agenda losing support? Ben Johnson discusses the good and the bad news.

Is there evidence that Gen Z’ers are going to be more Conservative than their Millennial counterparts on other issues as well?

How do most Americans view gay or lesbian couples raising children? Click here for the Pew Research study.

Do most Americans accept transgender males using female facilities? Click here to view the results of this study by Public Religion Research Institute, a left-leaning organization.

Click here to help support The Washington Stand.

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November 24, 2023

Title: Shocker: Gen Z’ers Support for Same-Sex Marriage Falls Short
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Ben Johnson is Senior Reporter and Editor at The Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council. Today, he discusses a new study by the American Enterprise Institute’s Survey Center on American Life.

Click here to read Ben Johnsons’ op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Recent polls indicate that support for same-sex marriage is not readily supported by Gen Z adults. Why is the LGBTQ agenda losing support? Ben Johnson discusses the good and the bad news.

Is there evidence that Gen Z’ers are going to be more Conservative than their Millennial counterparts on other issues as well?

How do most Americans view gay or lesbian couples raising children? Click here for the Pew Research study.

Do most Americans accept transgender males using female facilities? Click here to view the results of this study by Public Religion Research Institute, a left-leaning organization.

Click here to help support The Washington Stand.

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September 15, 2023

Title: American Library Association Advocates for Indoctrination of Children in Public Schools
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

The President of the American Library Association, Emily Drabinski, recently stated: “Public education needs to be a site of Socialist organizing.” What in the world? Are parents really okay with this?

Ben Johnson is a writer with The Washington Stand, an online publication of the Family Research Council. Today, Ben reveals disturbing details about the 2023 Socialism Conference. Everyone – with or without children – must pay attention to this important issue!

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Socialism 2023 Conference? What do it members advocate? Ben discusses some of the sponsored events, panels/topics, and other outrageous things that occurred at the conference.

Did members of the Socialism 2023 Conference advocate for the abolishment of the family, replacing mothers and fathers with collective parenting?

Does Emily Drabinski advocate turning libraries into centers of radical agitation? Ben reveals some very shocking information about what is already happening in schools all across the nation.

Is Emily Drabinski working to educate the coming generations using subversive reading materials to bring about a cultural revolution?

Click here to help support The Washington Stand.

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August 9, 2023

Title: SURVEY: Dems Believe Violence is the Answer
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Ben Johnson is a senior reporter and writer for the Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council. Today, Ben discusses a recent survey conducted by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats (CPOST).

Click here to read Ben’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

According to the CPOST survey, how many Americans support the use of force/violence to reinstate abortion right in the US? Ben Johnson reveals that the shocking number has DOUBLED in the past six months and hundreds of attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches have already taken place across the nation.

Are some LGBT activists now angry at their own organizations for not pushing MORE LGBT agendas? Ben discusses a crazy story about Target…

Is this growing force akin to Hitler’s Brown Shirts?

Does the ideology of the left make for a graceless faith that visits retribution upon its perceived enemies – anyone who disagrees with them?

Must we normalize respect for the human person and its logical conclusion that the ends do not justify any means? Simon reminds us that, as Christians, we are commanded to treat all of God’s children with love and respect; we do not have to “agree” with them to love them and show them God’s love, mercy, and grace.

Click here to help support the Washington Stand.

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June 21, 2023

Title: Durham Report Exposes Gaslighting
Topic: Gaslighting
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Courts have ruled that politicians can knowingly lie with no consequences. It is up to the public to decipher fact from fiction.

Ben Johnson is a senior reporter and editor at the Washington Stand. Today, Ben discusses the recently exposed Durham Reports about the false claims that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 Presidential Election.

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more about Ben Johnson.

Click here to help support the Washington Stand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “gaslighting”? Have government organizations been gaslighting the American public since 2016?

Were any laws broken? Ben Johnson discusses foreign governments trying to bribe Hillary Clinton.

Can/will charges be filed based on information in the Durham Reports?

Will those guilty lose their jobs or pensions and possibly go to jail? Ben Johnson believes there is zero chance under the Biden Administration.

Is Congress taking action on this issue?

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May 23, 2023

Title: Durham Report Exposes Gaslighting
Topic: Gaslighting
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Courts have ruled that politicians can knowingly lie with no consequences. It is up to the public to decipher fact from fiction.

Ben Johnson is a senior reporter and editor at the Washington Stand. Today, Ben discusses the recently exposed Durham Reports about the false claims that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 Presidential Election.

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more about Ben Johnson.

Click here to help support the Washington Stand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “gaslighting”? Have government organizations been gaslighting the American public since 2016?

Were any laws broken? Ben Johnson discusses foreign governments trying to bribe Hillary Clinton.

Can/will charges be filed based on information in the Durham Reports?

Will those guilty lose their jobs or pensions and possibly go to jail? Ben Johnson believes there is zero chance under the Biden Administration.

Is Congress taking action on this issue?

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January 30, 2023

Title: Do Americans Want Stronger Pro-Life Legislation?
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Part 1 of 2

According to a recent Marist Poll, the majority of Americans (even women) support stronger pro-life legislation.

Be Johnson is a staff writer for the Washington Stand and a pastor of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church. Today, he discusses the encouraging details of the poll.

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more information about Ben Johnson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should pro-life activists double-down on our message – never giving up on the fight for life?

How can we better convey the pro-life message? Ben Johnson reminds us that God demands us to bring our best and urges pro-lifers to keep preaching the truth and not resort to lies, like the pro-choice crowd.

The abortion issue will never go away. Should pro-life candidates continue to run on a pro-life platform?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do Americans Want Stronger Pro-Life Legislation?
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does the recent Marist Poll reveal about the opinion of the majority of Americans about abortion and pro-life legislation? Ben Johnson reveals some encouraging information – especially among Democrat voters.

Ben Johnson has talked with and counseled many, many women who have had abortions. How many of them have regretted that decision?

What are several of the top areas where legislation can be passed to save more babies? Ben Johnson believes that states must be willing to act on this issue, specifically discussing “abortion by mail pills”.

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January 6, 2023

Title: Is the Transgender Agenda Losing Support? Let’s Pray It’s So!
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Ben Johnson has been a reporter for the Daily Wire, served as U.S. Bureau Chief of LifeSiteNews, the Executive Editor at the Acton Institute, and Managing Editor of Ben is currently pastor of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church and a writer for the Washington Stand.

Today, Ben discusses some of the results concerning the Transgender Agenda from the 2022 American Values Survey.

Bottom Line: Ben says: “Open restrooms and showers are only supported by people with an ideological commitment to radical transgenderism, people who don’t believe in absolute truth, and people too young to know any better.”

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more information about Ben Johnson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do left-wing LGBTQ activists say they represent the “right side of history”?

Why do more Americans support restroom privacy laws? Ben discusses the most common argument being used across the nation and why many independent voters have flipped their support in recent years.

Where do the majority of college-educated Caucasian Democrats who are not affiliated with any religion stand on this issue?

Does the media truly have an affect on how people view this issue? Ben believes that there is a “difference in the informational ecological system”, explaining that left-leaning news outlets do not report the assaults that take place, basically denying the public of the facts.

Why does this issue need to be discussed more often, especially in the Conservative, Christian community?

Click here for more from the Washington Stand.

Follow Ben Johnson on Twitter.

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November 9, 2022

Title: Protecting Pro-Life Pregnancy Clinics
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

In a recent memo, the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, National Counterterrorism Center, and US Capitol stated that domestic violent extremists show an increase likelihood of targeting their “ideological opponents.” Which is more likely to be attacked, though: abortion providers or pro-life pregnancy clinics?

Ben Johnson is a Senior Reporter and Editor of the Washington Stand, a division on the Family Research Council, and previously worked as a reporter for The Daily Wire. Ben is currently the Pastor of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church.

Today, Ben discusses the recent horrible attacks on pro-life pregnancy clinics/centers and the lack of prosecution for those responsible.

Click here to read Ben’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more from Ben Johnson at the Washington Stand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Biden called for thorough investigations of violence against pregnancy resource clinics/centers and a robust investigation of the group Jane’s Revenge?

Which side of the debate is more likely to suffer violence: pro-life clinics/centers or abortion providers? Click here for more information about the CPRC’s report.

The National Abortion Federation released a report alleging 128 attacks on abortion providers in 2021. What information have they released about theses alleged attacks? HINT: None!

Do we need to double down on our efforts so save life from the womb to the tomb? Click here to help the Family Research Council and the Washington Stand as they fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for Americans.

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June 24, 2022

Title: What You Need to Know About the Texas GOP Platform
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The Texas Republican Party recently held its convention to affirm its platform on many issues, such as the homosexual agenda and life from conception to natural death. The Left went crazy – as usual.

Ben Johnson is a Senior Reporter and Editor of the Washington Stand, a division on the Family Research Council. He previously worked as a reporter for The Daily Wire and co-authored a book with David Horowitz. Ben is currently the Pastor of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church.

Today, Ben Johnson discusses what everyone needs to know about the recent convention.

Click here to read Ben Johnson’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the MSM pitch a major screaming fit when the majority of Texas GOP convention attendees affirmed natural marriage between one man and one woman?

Did the attendees affirm the right to life from birth until natural death?

Did the attendees reject Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH)? How do the majority of Texans stand on this issue? Ben Johnson says: “Did you ever think that Drag Queen Story Hour would be something that we would be talking about?” He further reveals that the vast majority of Americans disagree with DQSH – no matter their political party; he also reads from the document that was passed.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What You Need to Know About the Texas GOP Platform
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Ben Johnson
with The Washington Stand (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Main Stream Media pitched a screaming fit because the majority of convention attendees affirmed natural marriage. Was this ever in doubt in Texas?

The attendees also affirmed the right to life from birth until natural death. Is this surprising for the majority of Texans?

Did the attendees reject Drag Queen Story Hour? How do the majority of Texans stand on this issue?

What is “grooming”? Are many public-school programs essentially “grooming” children and parents have no clue? Ben Johnson discusses a gay man who is a drag queen who admits that children have no business being anywhere near Drag Queen Story Hour. He also discusses some dangerous and troubling curriculum.

If a random adult showed little kids pictures from the current sex-ed material being taught in elementary schools across the nation, would they be arrested and charged as a pedophile? Why do public school teachers get a free pass for showing our children the same thing?

Is the Left mad because Texans haven’t given in and gone silent?

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