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February 12, 2019

Title: The Green New Deal: NOT A Good Deal
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

According to an American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy report,  households already pay over seven percent of household income on home energy costs, more than three times the proportion paid by higher-income households on average.

Craig Richardson, President of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, explains Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) dangerous “Green New Deal”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will AOC’s “Green New Deal” do more harm than good to those already living in poverty?

Is AOC’s “Green New Deal” a rainbow-covered unicorn-fantasy?

Is a complete overhaul of the American energy system over the next ten years achievable?

Are many other concerns today (the homosexual agenda, gun rights, and even abortion) relevant to this discussion about environmental issues?

Listen as Craig Richardson explains how the Left’s ideas are not new; they’re just using a new (dangerous) face. “You don’t compromise with terrorists,” Craig warns.

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June 12, 2018

Title: Gas Money or Tithe?
Topic: Changes to Your Budget If Energy Prices Double
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

How would your life be adversely affected if the cost of gasoline was double and your electric bill was triple what it is today? Do you have discretionary income that would allow for such an increase? Would you automatically cut back on your tithe to the church?

Craig Richardson is the President of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Today, Craig will be discussing how cash-hungry mayors are hoping to win against big oil companies – risking the future for everyone.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are some cities, counties, and even Parishes across America filing suit against big oil, such as Exxon?

Some of these same cities now blame big oil for potential future coastal flooding due to melting ice caps. However, when the mayors and town leaders requested bond money, they did not mention this potential “problem” to investors. What’s UP with that?

Are these same leaders ignoring the carbon they themselves emit because of their own buses, airports, ports, and other carbon-using industries?

Why has Craig Richardson’s organization filed numerous Freedom of Information Acts requests concerning this issue?

Are organizations like the Energy and Environment Legal Institute needed for this very reason?

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May 3, 2017

Title: Brown Shirt Tactics Deployed by Dem’s
Topic: Brown Shirts in the US of A
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Has the leadership of today’s political Left resurrected the tactics of Hitler’s Brown Shirts?

Craig Richardson will be discussing the Left’s aggressive attempts to influence the public concerning environmental issues – and big, big money.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do American voters truly believe that humans are causing catastrophic, cataclysmic climate change? Is there undeniable proof of this?

Do voters really worry about the environment like the Left claims?

What was the true purpose of the “March for Science” and the “People’s Climate March”?

Who is Tom Steyer? Who does he donate big, big money to? Is Steyer the definition of a hypocrite?

Tune in to the next segment as Craig and Terry discuss the Brown Shirt Tactics.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Brown Shirt Tactics Deployed by Dem’s
Topic: Brown Shirts in the US of A
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Conservatives disrupt the “March for Science” and the “People’s Climate March”?

On the flip side... Does the Left often loudly protest anything Conservatives do? Craig says: “Part of it is them [the Left] acting like petulant children. The bigger issue is that they’re trying to shut down speech and that’s when it gets frightening.”

Were Hitler’s Brown Shirts trained to disrupt meetings so vehemently that the opposition just quit holding meetings altogether? Is this what the Left is doing now – shutting down everyone who disagrees with them?

What is the truth about climate change?

Where does the Left get their money?

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March 28, 2017

Title: Being a Convenient Environmentalist
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

The media is beside itself over possible contacts between President Trump and Russia.  However, where is the outrage over liberal billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer’s Russian connections?

Craig Richardson, President of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, poses this question: When is it convenient to be an environmentalist?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Russia really desire to destroy America’s oil and gas production?

Who is Tom Steyer?

Is Tom Steyer an environmentalist now only AFTER he made millions of dollars with the coal industry?

After he became close friends with Obama, did Steyer help shape the former President’s energy policy?

Is this information about Steyer readily available on a Google search?

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February 10, 2017

Title: Trump’s Energy Plan
Topic: Donald Trump, Energy, and the Environment
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

The White House webpage on “climate change” was one of the first things to go after Donald Trump was sworn-in as the 45th POTUS. It was replaced with President Trump’s new “America First Energy Plan”.

Craig Richardson sheds some light today on what is working regarding oil production in America, what is not working, and Trump’s plans for the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is America’s water and air cleaner today as compared to most of the 20th Century?

Have American consumers and businesses benefited from oil prices that hover around $50 a barrel as compared to $100+ per barrel?

If the Trump administration relaxes the strangling rules placed on exploring, producing, and refining petroleum products, what will happen? Listen as Craig discusses the four issues of outrageous concern from the left and the MSM.

Could royalties from oil, gas, and coal production be significant to go towards rebuilding our roads, schools, bridges and public infrastructure, and to pay for our national debt?

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January 17, 2017

Title: Money and Power Rule
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

Part 1 of 2

New guest, Craig Richardson, is the President of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, and is a seasoned professional with more than twenty-five years of experience. He previously served as Executive Director of the American-Danish Business Council, a group he helped establish at the request of the Danish Embassy.

Today, Craig will be discussing how money and power only equal more money and more power in the political world, especially concerning Energy and the Environment.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Nelson Rockefeller once said: “The trick is not to own anything, but to control everything.” How has the Rockefeller family influenced the environmental movement in America? Are they involved with the UN as well?

Have the radical environmental groups taken over organizations like National Geographic, the Weather Channel, and even NASA?

Wait…but aren’t we all for cleaner air and water and saving the earth??? What’s the big deal?

Are big oil companies colluding to further their industry and promote their bottom line?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Money and Power Rule
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Craig Richardson continues to reveal information he obtained through the Open Records Act in regards to non-profit organizations, ExxonMobil, and the Rockefellers. This evidence is extremely enlightening when trying to understand the left’s goal and intention concerning Energy and the Environment.

What is the Energy and Environment Legal Institute doing to fight the leftist environment mentality? Craig says this of their efforts: “It’s a monumental struggle, but in the end that’s what we’re here for.

For more information and to help the Energy and Environment Legal Institute in their fight against Big Money and Big Power, click here.

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