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March 6, 2024

Title: Biden’s Green Agenda is a Financial Disaster for Minority Communities
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Donna Jackson is the Director for Membership Development for Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Donna gives an update on Joe Biden’s proposed Green Agenda and reveals just how much the “deal” will affect minorities. She says: “The Green Agenda is the end of wealth.”

Click here to read Donna Jackson’s important editorial on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Refresh our memories: What is the Green Agenda? Donna Jackson puts it this way: “It’s a de-human, de-population agenda.”

Is there any equity or any justice in the Green Agenda? Donna explains how the Green Agenda hinders Americans, especially minorities, from owning their own property/land.

Is the Green Agenda focused on offshoring industry and manufacturing, removing good-paying jobs from able-bodied Americans? Donna lists some of the higher paying blue-collar jobs that are becoming non-existent due to the Green Agenda.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden’s Green Agenda is a Financial Disaster for Minority Communities
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the escalating energy costs hurting struggling minorities? Donna discusses how “energy poverty” is causing depression and ruining families.

Does mandating electric vehicles (EV’s) hurt minorities? Donna reveals how this is hurting minorities on TWO continents: slave labor in Africa and higher taxes in America.

Click here to help support Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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June 22, 2023

Title: What do Black Americans Really Need?
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Donna Jackson is the Director for Membership Development at Project 21. Today, Donna shares some of her talking points from her recent testimony before the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Click here to read the full transcript of Donna Jackson’s testimony.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here to subscribe to free emails from the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Project 21 is one of the oldest and largest black conservative think tanks in the country. Why is their fundamental focus to lift people out of poverty and dependence into prosperity and self-sufficiency?

Can individuals and families be lifted out of poverty and dependency on government without good jobs being readily available? Donna explains why the answer is “absolutely not”.

Why did Donna recently testify before the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works?

Can a thriving industry with good paying jobs co-exist with clean air and clean water? Donna explains why the answer is “absolutely”.

Are good jobs a building-block for strong families?

Click here to help support Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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May 19, 2023

Title: Biden Emission Standards Will Devastate Economy, Especially Minority Families and Businesses
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Donna Jackson is the Director of Membership Development for Project 21. She recently testified against new emission standards proposed by the Biden Administration.

Today, Donna discusses the negative effects the new proposed emissions standards will have on minority families and businesses.

Click here to read the press release regarding this serious issue.

Click here to sign up for free emails from the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Click here to help support the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the new emissions standards the EPA is proposing?

Will the proposed new standards make it nearly impossible for manufactures to continue building many popular gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles? Donna explains how the current electrical grid is overloaded and nearly every person in America has experienced at least one blackout. Adding millions of electric vehicles will only exasperate the problem.

Is the EPA planning for more electric generating capacity across America? Donna says: “The technology doesn’t exist. This is just a pretense to take away private vehicles from Americans.”

Is the EPA and Biden Administration ignoring the labor conditions of the people (often child slaves) mining cobalt in the Congo?

Is the EPA and the Biden Administration ignoring the hardship the new proposed rule will have on the poorest in our communities? Donna passionately explains the many reasons why owning an electric vehicle is unattainable for the majority of minorities.

Why do so many minorities still vote on the Democrat ticket when so many of their policies are harmful? Donna has seen a shift in this over the past few years and is hopeful for the next election.

How can we educate minorities about the issues that are affecting them?

Click here for more information about Project 21, a program of the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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January 25, 2023

Title: Minority Communities are Suffering Under the Green Energy Agenda
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Plentiful and affordable energy is necessary for rising above poverty and leaving dependency on government behind. Why can’t the Left realize this?

Donna Jackson serves as the Director of Membership Development for the National Center’s Project 21 Black Leadership Network. She recently presented testimony on this important issue before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce. Today, Donna discusses some statistics straight from the US Energy Information Administration.

Click here to read Donna Jackon’s official statement.

Click here to read more about this topic.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here for more information about the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Donna Jackson testified before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce, did they truly listen to what she had to say?

Are escalating energy costs especially tough on families living paycheck to paycheck? Donna says that too many people are actually living “paycheck to Wednesday!”

Do one-third of households struggle to pay their energy bills? Do one-in-five report reducing or foregoing necessities like food or medicine in order to pay their energy bill?

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE! Are black families and black-owned small business trapped in a never-ending cycle? Donna believes it is a deliberate attack, saying: “They want a permanent government-dependent underclass… [They want to] micromanage every aspect of your life… They’re not only trapping people in poverty; they’re actually pushing middle-class families into poverty.”

Is plentiful and affordable domestic energy a necessary part of the ticket out of poverty and dependence?

The US House Committee on Energy & Commerce is now under Republican control. Was their response to her testimony drastically different than the previous Democrat-controlled Committee?

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January 13, 2023

Title: Minority Communities are Suffering Under the Green Energy Agenda
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Plentiful and affordable energy is necessary for rising above poverty and leaving dependency on government behind. Why can’t the Left realize this?

Donna Jackson serves as the Director of Membership Development for the National Center’s Project 21 Black Leadership Network. She recently presented testimony on this important issue before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce. Today, Donna discusses some statistics straight from the US Energy Information Administration.

Click here to read Donna Jackon’s official statement.

Click here to read more about this topic.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here for more information about the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Donna Jackson testified before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce, did they truly listen to what she had to say?

Are escalating energy costs especially tough on families living paycheck to paycheck? Donna says that too many people are actually living “paycheck to Wednesday!”

Do one-third of households struggle to pay their energy bills? Do one-in-five report reducing or foregoing necessities like food or medicine in order to pay their energy bill?

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE! Are black families and black-owned small business trapped in a never-ending cycle? Donna believes it is a deliberate attack, saying: “They want a permanent government-dependent underclass… [They want to] micromanage every aspect of your life… They’re not only trapping people in poverty; they’re actually pushing middle-class families into poverty.”

Is plentiful and affordable domestic energy a necessary part of the ticket out of poverty and dependence?

The US House Committee on Energy & Commerce is now under Republican control. Was their response to her testimony drastically different than the previous Democrat-controlled Committee?

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June 24, 2019

Title: Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Reparation is the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. Sounds great, right? Sounds like a Christian thing to do, right?

Donna Jackson is a seasoned accountant with public and private sector experience. Donna is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy. Donna is the former controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson, and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has Donna Jackson worked for so many Conservative Republicans?

If Congress should pass a reparation bill to pay money to descendants of American Slaves, would Donna Jackson personally receive a payment?

Our federal government, states, and cities have paid reparations in the past. Should descendants of American slaves receive a payment or payments now?

If descendants of American slaves can be identified today, should the owners and or descendants of the owners be held responsible for any reparation payment?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who should be responsible for the payments? How would/could this be determined?

Donna also briefly discusses in her response how difficult it would be for someone to prove he/she is a full descendant of slaves. Tune in to the next segment for more…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would Barack Obama qualify for reparations?

Rep. Jackson Lee, in promoting the Congressional hearing, has said: "While we have focused on the social effects of slavery and segregation, its continuing economic implications remain largely ignored by mainstream analysis. These economic issues are the root cause of many critical issues in the African-American community today, such as education, health care and criminal justice policy, including policing practices."

What is Donna Jackson’s response to this statement?

Are most – if not every – poor, black communities in America run by Democrats?

Bottom Line: Are reparations good or bad?

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May 22, 2019

Title: Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Many people, including Donna Jackson, believe that most able-bodied individuals should be held to work requirements in order to qualify for food stamps. Donna  is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy. Donna is the former controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson, and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should there be stronger work requirements in order for most able-bodied individuals to qualify for food stamps?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals go hungry?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals find jobs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is job training helpful?

Why does Donna believe in free markets and entrepreneurship, rather than government, as a means of lifting people out of poverty?

How did Donna Jackson help many parents out of poverty in Arkansas?

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April 15, 2019

Title: Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Many people, including Donna Jackson, believe that most able-bodied individuals should be held to work requirements in order to qualify for food stamps. Donna  is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy. Donna is the former controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson, and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should there be stronger work requirements in order for most able-bodied individuals to qualify for food stamps?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals go hungry?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals find jobs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is job training helpful?

Why does Donna believe in free markets and entrepreneurship, rather than government, as a means of lifting people out of poverty?

How did Donna Jackson help many parents out of poverty in Arkansas?

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