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October 22, 2018

Title: Are the Dems Losing Momentum?
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Steve Cortes
with Special Guest

Steve Cortes recently tweeted:  “Rush is spot-on. If we give the Democrats the keys to the car, they're driving it straight off the impeachment cliff in 2019.”

Steve is a Fox News and CNN Contributor, Former Trump Campaign Operative, and has appeared daily on TV news programs for a decade.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the GOP enthusiasm advantage holding, rising, or dropping post-Kavanaugh?

Is the mid-term election a referendum on impeachment? Steve Cortes says that there are much more pressing issues at hand than fighting Kavanaugh and President Trump – like jobs and the economy.

Why should we do all we can to ensure that the Democrats do not get a foot in the door?

Will the Kavanaugh debacle discourage other good, moral, Conservative judges and candidates for running for office?

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July 11, 2018

Title: What do Hispanics Really Want?
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Steve Cortes
with Special Guest

What do Hispanic voters really want? CNN political commentator, Steve Cortes, has some answers!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Steve Cortes recently tweeted: “Would you rather have an ICE agent i next door or an MS-13 gang member?” How did people respond? Click here  for more!

Are some major Democrat leaders totally clueless concerning the real dangers of MS-13 gang members?

Is the current economy only helping those who are already filthy rich? HINT: Nope!

Do Democrat or Republican policies help those in the lower income bracket?

Does “economic anxiety” fuel the division in America?

On to the Hispanic vote…

What is Steve Cortes’s opinion about the future of the Hispanic vote within the Republican Party?

Is President Trump’s approval rate up or down among Hispanic voters?

Where do most Hispanics receive their news information? Is it left or right leaning information?

Listen as Steve offers some statistics from a recent poll concerning the issues Hispanic Americans are concerned about…

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June 4, 2018

Title: Hot Topic: MS-13 Gang Members
Topic: MS-13 Gang Violence
Discussed by Steve Cortes
with Special Guest

Some 60 million Hispanic citizens of America represent and treasure to our country. Many of those came to our country to flee the deadly, violent gangs in their homeland. Now, those gangs, like MS-13, are here – and their membership is increasing rapidly.

Steve Cortes is a CNN Political Commentator. He was also a Trump 2016 Campaign Adviser and member of the Trump Hispanic Advisory Council. Listen as Steve offers some startling facts.

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