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August 29, 2022

Title: Woke Prosecutors on the Defense as Their Cities Are Swept by Crime
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Pat Nolan
with American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice (

Part 1 of 3

New guest Pat Nolan is the Director of the Nolan Center for Justice at the American Conservative Union Foundation. Today, Pat discusses the increase in crime everywhere – especially in Democrat-controlled communities. Click here to read Pat Nolan’s op-ed on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the rise in crime pretty much centered in Democrat-controlled areas? Pat puts it this way: “This is the wild west and there’s no posse coming to get the bad guys!”

Do criminals fear being caught?

Do criminals fear being prosecuted?

Do criminals fear being sentenced to prison time equal to the crime they knowingly committed?

Are even die-hard Democrat voters rejecting the radical woke criminal justice reform policies?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Woke Prosecutors on the Defense as Their Cities Are Swept by Crime
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Pat Nolan
with American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do woke progressive prosecutors blame society rather than the individual for crimes committed?

By blaming society, are offenders freed from the consequences of their bad actions?

When most offenders are released, are they more dangerous than when they went into prison? Pat says: “Most prison do not talk about the morality of crime. Nothing is done to prepare them to be responsible citizens.”

Do 50% of prisoners return to prison within three years?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Woke Prosecutors on the Defense as Their Cities Are Swept by Crime
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Pat Nolan
with American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there better ways to invest $100 billion a year within our criminal justice system? Pat believes the first step is to reform the moral character of prisoners. “Integrity is doing what’s right when no one is looking,” he says.

Are Bible Studies in prisons successful in helping inmates reform their moral character?

Should Federal Prisons require prisoners to take skills classes and/or learn a trade? Pat shares about a prison warden who started a successful program, but it was shut down when he retired. He says: “That’s stupidity.”

The Nolan Center for Justice at the American Conservative Union Foundation exists to advance our core values of liberty, personal responsibility, and fiscal responsibility – all of which are impacted by criminal justice reform. Click here to donate to the Nolan Center for Justice at the American Conservative Union Foundation.

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September 22, 2020

Title: George Soros Funding Prosecutors Across the Country
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Pat Nolan
with American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice (

Part 1 of 2

George Soros has been funding the campaigns of prosecutors intent on creating chaos rather than doing their jobs.

New guest Pat Nolan has more details about this blatant attempt by the Left to control more government. Pat is the Director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Nolan Center for Justice. He is a leader of the Right on Crime project, a national movement of conservative leaders supporting sensible and proven reforms to our criminal justice system.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are George Soros and other wealthy radicals pouring millions of dollars in hard-to-trace dark money to fund District Attorney and other state and local races across the country?

Have George Soros and other wealthy radicals been successful?

What is their goal - their end game strategy? Pat Nolan urges everyone to research two Sociologists from Columbia University – Cloward and Piven – regarding their Socialist ideals. You can click here  to get started...

The Austin City Council recently voted to “defund the police department”. Who is financially responsible for their salary, safety, and welfare now?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - George Soros Funding Prosecutors Across the Country
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Pat Nolan
with American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is criminal justice reform needed?

What areas need the most reform?

The American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice has some great reform suggestions. What are they and how would they work if implemented?

What is still lacking in criminal justice reform in Texas?

Should non-profit organization work to fill in the gap with prison parolees?

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