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September 26, 2022

Title: Hispanic Voters Leaning More Conservative
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Matt Carpenter is the Director of FRC Action. Today, Matt discusses information that indicates Hispanic voters are leaning more and more Conservative Republican.

Click here for more on this topic (article written by FRC’s Digital Marketing Specialist, Marjorie Jackson).

Click here for more from Matt Carpenter.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do many illegal immigrants come to the United States of America? Do they know that the US border is completely wide open? Do they know that the Biden Administration will not deport them?

Why are Hispanic Americans (especially those who were born in America or came to America legally) changing their voting behavior? Matt Carpenter says, “They don’t want to replicate Latin America government”, explaining that many of their families fled Communist/Socialist countries to live in America and they see the current Administration making the same mistakes their home countries made.

What are some of the statistics from across the country concerning the vote-swings in recent elections?

What are the main issues Hispanic voters are focused on? In addition to border security, Joe Treviño mentions the economy, crime, public education, and the transgender agenda.

Will Hispanics be the backbone of saving America from turning to a Socialist/Communist stronghold?

How should Republicans be reaching out to the Hispanic community? Joe Treviño shares how one woman he talked to said: “We’re just like you. Just talk to us.”

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August 2, 2022

Title: Biden and the Democrats Can’t Stop Alienating Working Class Voters
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Matt Carpenter is the Director of FRC Action. Today, Matt discusses the voter base the Democrats are clamoring for and the voter base that is gradually shifting toward the Right.

Click here to read Matt Carpenter’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more from Matt Carpenter on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Democrat party’s base become concentrated among college-educated white voters?

Are Democrats focused on different issues than Republicans? Matt believes gender identity and abortion are at the top of the list, but also reveals how the majority of Americans (on both sides of the aisle) are concerned with inflation, especially high gas prices.

Are many Hispanic voters offended when referred to as Latinx? Are Hispanic voters offended when compared to “tacos”?

Hispanic and Asian voters showing signs of fatigue with Democrats. How can Republicans capture their vote? Matt mentions the recent victory in Texas by Congresswoman Myra Flores, saying: “I think this trend is playing out in a positive direction.”

Can Republicans afford to stay stagnant, praying voters will just magically vote RED in November?

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July 22, 2022

Title: Biden and the Democrats Can’t Stop Alienating Working Class Voters
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Matt Carpenter is the Director of FRC Action. Today, Matt discusses the voter base the Democrats are clamoring for and the voter base that is gradually shifting toward the Right.

Click here to read Matt Carpenter’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more from Matt Carpenter on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Democrat party’s base become concentrated among college-educated white voters?

Are Democrats focused on different issues than Republicans? Matt believes gender identity and abortion are at the top of the list, but also reveals how the majority of Americans (on both sides of the aisle) are concerned with inflation, especially high gas prices.

Are many Hispanic voters offended when referred to as Latinx? Are Hispanic voters offended when compared to “tacos”?

Hispanic and Asian voters showing signs of fatigue with Democrats. How can Republicans capture their vote? Matt mentions the recent victory in Texas by Congresswoman Myra Flores, saying: “I think this trend is playing out in a positive direction.”

Can Republicans afford to stay stagnant, praying voters will just magically vote RED in November?

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June 16, 2022

Title: New Report: More Americans Side with GOP on Hot-Button LGBTQ Issues
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Part 1 of 2

Do you feel like you are standing alone in the midst of a change of moral rights and wrongs in America? Do not take your eyes off the Master, Jesus Christ. You do not stand alone.

Matt Carpenter is the Director of FRC Action, a division of the Family Research Council and a contributor for the Washington Stand. Today, Matt discusses the latest report from FRC Action “More Americans Side with GOP on Hot-Button LGBT Issues”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are flag-waving, hot-dog-loving, apple-pie eating, God-fearing Americans somewhat isolated, crying out to their God: What is happening to our land?

Do many Americans support legislation that would protect the florist, the baker, the photographer, and others from lawsuits for standing for their religious beliefs?

Do the majority of Americans believe the government should not create special classes based on self-identified sexual orientation and gender identity?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - New Report: More Americans Side with GOP on Hot-Button LGBTQ Issues
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most Americans oppose giving medications and providing surgeries for minors for gender transitioning?

Do many Americans want to tell corporations to stay out of cultural and social issues altogether?

The recent poll by FRC Action signals that voters are moving away from support for the LGBTQ movement. Why?

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