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November 9, 2016

Title: When Will the Madness End?
Topic: Bacon Double Cheeseburger
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

So, there is a man in England who legally changed his name to Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Yes, you read that correctly. Bacon Double Cheeseburger is the man’s new name. Why in the world that someone would do such a thing? Is there anything wrong with it? After all, he's not hurting anyone. If he wants to suffer the raised eyebrows and snickers likely to come his way every time he introduces himself, that's nobody's business but his own, is it?

Or maybe it is. In his op-ed on the issue, Rabbi Yonason Goldson says, “There's a reason why customs and conventions take hold, because the unwritten rules that govern a society are what holds a society together. We don't want to legislate these implicit laws, but when we discard them then the fabric of our culture begins to unravel, to everyone's detriment.

Just a few generations ago, this type of crazy behavior was completely unheard of. Maybe a celebrity or two would change their name or wear a wild outfit, but that was not reality; it was simply a celebrity trying to gain attention. The “real world” still thought such acts were laughable. Now, “there’s a desperate need for people to attract attention to themselves,” Rabbi Goldson believes. “It’s a loss of modesty.”

Listen in as he uses Biblical and historical references to urge people to return to simpler, happier times. “When we start saying that these little things don’t make a difference anymore, then we’re on the proverbial slippery slope. Eventually big those won’t make a difference.

To order Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s book, “Proverbial Beauty: Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages”, click here.

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November 8, 2016

Title: Four Lessons for Successful Leadership through Calm and Crisis
Topic: Leadership Usually Just Happens
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Part 1 of 2

On November 9th, we will get up, do our routine, and get on with life. But what happens when, not if, life throws you a curve ball? When you find yourself in the middle of a crisis, what do you do?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson recently opined “Four Lessons for Successful Leadership through Calm and Crisis”. He is with us today to help you be the best leader you can possibly be.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Rabbi Goldson uses Tom Hanks, portraying the pilot, Sully, to provide some teachable moments. Why are the dramatic events of that fateful flight useful in leadership traits?

When faced with crisis or problems, do too many people fail to look outside the box?

How can we learn to persevere, battle through, and never give up hope?

Listen in as Terry discusses a book review he did once, “Everything is Going to Be OK”. The author shared many obstacles, battles, set-backs, and disappointments throughout his life, but he always told himself: “Everything is Going to Be OK”. Is this a good life lesson?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Four Lessons for Successful Leadership through Calm and Crisis
Topic: Leadership Usually Just Happens
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The sages of the Talmud teach: “In a place where there are no leaders, strive to become a leader.” Must we all be willing to take our talents and abilities to the next level?

Must we all be willing to do something, each and every day, to stabilize our family, help someone in our community, and to stand up for what is morally and ethically right, no matter the consequence?

To read Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s paper “Four Lessons for Successful Leadership through Calm and Crisis” click here.

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October 3, 2016

Title: America Divided
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Americans are so fragmented, is there any hope for healing? The most obvious solution is to carve up the country as was done with the former Yugoslavia.

Guest Rabbi Yonason Goldson doesn’t really want this, nor does he believe this solution feasible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The American population has split into four camps: Liberals, Utopians, Reactionaries, and Pragmatists. Listen in as Rabbi Goldson expands on these four camps.

Healthy debate is intended to bridge differences and promote understanding. Why isn’t it working? “Too many of us don’t want to talk…we don’t want to have to defend our position,” the Rabbi believes.

With easier access to more information, shouldn’t voters be making better, not worse, choices? Rabbi has a suggestion here that some may not like, but listen with an open heart and open mind.

Is restoring national unity a lost cause or is there hope?

To read Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s article on this issue, click here.

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July 21, 2016

Title: America Divided
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Americans are so fragmented, is there any hope for healing? The most obvious solution is to carve up the country as was done with the former Yugoslavia.

Guest Rabbi Yonason Goldson doesn’t really want this, nor does he believe this solution feasible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The American population has split into four camps: Liberals, Utopians, Reactionaries, and Pragmatists. Listen in as Rabbi Goldson expands on these four camps.

Healthy debate is intended to bridge differences and promote understanding. Why isn’t it working? “Too many of us don’t want to talk…we don’t want to have to defend our position,” the Rabbi believes.

With easier access to more information, shouldn’t voters be making better, not worse, choices? Rabbi has a suggestion here that some may not like, but listen with an open heart and open mind.

Is restoring national unity a lost cause or is there hope?

To read Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s article on this issue, click here.

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June 14, 2016

Title: A Hero from the ACLU
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Just when you thought there was no hope for sanity left in America, the light of reason breaks through the clouds of ideology, if only for a moment. Maya Dillard Smith, head of the Georgia ACLU, recently resigned her position citing her organization's unwillingness to discuss any perspective or opinion out of sync with its own advocacy for transgender bathrooms.

Rabbi Yonason Goldson is a Jewish author and speaker. He is from California but left as soon as he could! He has traveled the world (some of it hitch hiking!) and met his wife in Israel. Today, he will be discussing the importance – and bravery – of Ms. Smith’s resignation and the impact her decision could have.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The last verse of the last book of Judges gives a dire warning that we in America – and the world – must heed carefully. What is that verse? Are we seeing this played out today?

We are doing a great disservice to ourselves and to our children because we blur the lines of morality,”  Rabbi Goldson states. Does this lead to moral and legal anarchy?

What is the difference between “mores” and “morals”? Is there a different set of mores and morals in different cultures?

So, who is Maya Dillard Smith and what happened to cause her voluntary resignation from the ACLU?

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May 13, 2016

Title: Why Settle for $15 per Hour? Aim Higher!!
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

My Grandma always told me: “Shoot for the stars – you might hit the moon!

Rabbi Yonason Goldson is with us today to discuss the millennials dumb idea of only asking for $15 per hour when they could be asking for a salary of $100,000 a year! He says, “It’s somewhat refreshing that in this age of entitlement, people are saying they don’t want government assistance. But is $15 per hour actually going to help?” That’s the big question of the day.

One of the problems, however, with the whole “livable wage” argument is that minimum wage jobs are not designed to be support a family! Minimum wage jobs are for teens and college students who need spending money to take their girlfriend to dinner and to save for college and beyond. Minimum wage jobs are for people in between jobs until they get back on their feet or for a second income if needed.

What causes the “wage gap” in American, though? Why do sports stars and actors in Hollywood make millions upon millions of dollars when teachers sometimes live on food stamps? Society doesn’t always recognize the true value of a person’s ability. Yonason Goldson says, “Life is not fair. And if we want to live in society where there is freedom and liberty, inequality is a byproduct of that.”

I think the government should just pass a law which makes everyone’s pay equal – no matter what. The CEO makes $15 per hour. The janitor makes $15 per hour. The middle man makes $15 per hour. Why not? That’s fair, right? Yonason says, “This is the messiness of living in a free society. We want a society that is as fair as we can make it.” That does not include, however, a $15 per hour wage for people flipping burgers or making copies in an office.

Listen in as Rabbi Yonason Goldson discusses more on this issue – why it is happening, where it began (i.e. public schools and sports teams), and what we can do to stop the madness.

You can order a copy of one of Yonason’s many books here.

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April 21, 2016

Title: Why do Bad Things Happen?
Topic: Bad Things Happen to Good People
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Why is there evil in the world? The Michigan shooter drove through the streets of Kalamazoo for seven hours, killing and wounding random people – all while still working his job as an Uber driver. How can someone do this? How can they be so cold – so heartless? How can one have faith in God when you witness such awful, horrid behavior?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson is the author of “Proverbial Beauty” and has been speaking on social and political issues for decades. He an interesting commentary  on his website about the recent Michigan shootings and the issue of faith. Rabbi Goldson discusses the age-old question: “Why is there evil in the world?” First, he says, “This is one of the most persistent, philosophical questions that have challenged thinkers since the beginning of time…The classic approach to this is found in the book of Job.” Listen in as Rabbi Goldson reminds us of the story.

Rabbi Goldson also makes this statement, which is absolutely true: “We all get religious when things go wrong.” When things are going well, no one ever goes to their pastor or Rabbi asking, “Why are things so great right now?” Everyone always wonders why things are going wrong. He goes on to say in response to the “free will” debate: “There has to be the appearance of evil so we can recognize that there is a higher reason to do good than simply because we will be rewarded for it.

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Title: Be Noble and Consistent
Topic: Christian Values
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Madeleine Albright, the first woman to serve as U. S. Secretary of State, declared, "There's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other!" Then, Gloria Steinem, the decades-old feminist, chimed in: "When you're young, you're thinking: 'Where are the boys?’ The boys are with Bernie.” They were both referring to the fact that women who don’t vote for Hillary Clinton for POTUS were stupid.

Why such a double standard for women? Don’t they know that their statements are only making matters worse?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson has some interesting thoughts on this topic, as well. “These are women who are enormously accomplished. I don’t think that she [Madeleine Albright] really appreciates what she’s saying.” For her to suggest that women should vote for Hillary simply because she is a woman is absolutely “demeaning”.

The Rabbi goes on to discuss racism and sexism and how it will always exists in the world. Furthermore, inconsistency is part of human nature; so is violence, lust, greed, gluttony, and laziness. “Just because something is an impulse, doesn’t mean it should be indulged,” the Rabbi points out. “What makes civilization “civilization” is when we overcome the animal part of ourselves and grab a hold of the godly part of ourselves. When we become noble. That’s what human beings should strive to be.” Wow! What a statement. I think that one is going on Facebook!

Listen in as Rabbi Yonason Goldson discusses the inconsistency in society, especially in the media. We have become a society of ideology – my people are right and your people are wrong. We must start offering the same respect to our opponents as we offer to our allies.

We also need to be consistent in our integrity. “When we see hypocrisy in others, it makes it that much easier to excuse it in ourselves,” Rabbi Goldson points out. We all suffer as a society when people begin to make excuses for their behavior and blame others for their own mistakes. Despite this, however, we should always move forward.

For a FREE preview of Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s great new book, “Proverbial Beauty”, click [here].

BONUS: For those in the Houston area who are curious as to why Terry didn’t endorse Ron Hickman for Harris County Sheriff, he talks briefly about it in this segment. Listen in!

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March 22, 2016

Title: When Will the Madness End?
Topic: Bacon Double Cheeseburger
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

So, there is a man in England who legally changed his name to Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Yes, you read that correctly. Bacon Double Cheeseburger is the man’s new name. Why in the world that someone would do such a thing? Is there anything wrong with it? After all, he's not hurting anyone. If he wants to suffer the raised eyebrows and snickers likely to come his way every time he introduces himself, that's nobody's business but his own, is it?

Or maybe it is. In his op-ed on the issue, Rabbi Yonason Goldson says, “There's a reason why customs and conventions take hold, because the unwritten rules that govern a society are what holds a society together. We don't want to legislate these implicit laws, but when we discard them then the fabric of our culture begins to unravel, to everyone's detriment.

Just a few generations ago, this type of crazy behavior was completely unheard of. Maybe a celebrity or two would change their name or wear a wild outfit, but that was not reality; it was simply a celebrity trying to gain attention. The “real world” still thought such acts were laughable. Now, “there’s a desperate need for people to attract attention to themselves,” Rabbi Goldson believes. “It’s a loss of modesty.”

Listen in as he uses Biblical and historical references to urge people to return to simpler, happier times. “When we start saying that these little things don’t make a difference anymore, then we’re on the proverbial slippery slope. Eventually big those won’t make a difference.

To order Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s book, “Proverbial Beauty: Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages”, click here.

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February 29, 2016

Title: Why do Bad Things Happen?
Topic: Bad Things Happen to Good People
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Why is there evil in the world? The Michigan shooter drove through the streets of Kalamazoo for seven hours, killing and wounding random people – all while still working his job as an Uber driver. How can someone do this? How can they be so cold – so heartless? How can one have faith in God when you witness such awful, horrid behavior?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson is the author of “Proverbial Beauty” and has been speaking on social and political issues for decades. He an interesting commentary  on his website about the recent Michigan shootings and the issue of faith. Rabbi Goldson discusses the age-old question: “Why is there evil in the world?” First, he says, “This is one of the most persistent, philosophical questions that have challenged thinkers since the beginning of time…The classic approach to this is found in the book of Job.” Listen in as Rabbi Goldson reminds us of the story.

Rabbi Goldson also makes this statement, which is absolutely true: “We all get religious when things go wrong.” When things are going well, no one ever goes to their pastor or Rabbi asking, “Why are things so great right now?” Everyone always wonders why things are going wrong. He goes on to say in response to the “free will” debate: “There has to be the appearance of evil so we can recognize that there is a higher reason to do good than simply because we will be rewarded for it.

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Title: Be Noble and Consistent
Topic: Christian Values
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

Madeleine Albright, the first woman to serve as U. S. Secretary of State, declared, "There's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other!" Then, Gloria Steinem, the decades-old feminist, chimed in: "When you're young, you're thinking: 'Where are the boys?’ The boys are with Bernie.” They were both referring to the fact that women who don’t vote for Hillary Clinton for POTUS were stupid.

Why such a double standard for women? Don’t they know that their statements are only making matters worse?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson has some interesting thoughts on this topic, as well. “These are women who are enormously accomplished. I don’t think that she [Madeleine Albright] really appreciates what she’s saying.” For her to suggest that women should vote for Hillary simply because she is a woman is absolutely “demeaning”.

The Rabbi goes on to discuss racism and sexism and how it will always exists in the world. Furthermore, inconsistency is part of human nature; so is violence, lust, greed, gluttony, and laziness. “Just because something is an impulse, doesn’t mean it should be indulged,” the Rabbi points out. “What makes civilization “civilization” is when we overcome the animal part of ourselves and grab a hold of the godly part of ourselves. When we become noble. That’s what human beings should strive to be.” Wow! What a statement. I think that one is going on Facebook!

Listen in as Rabbi Yonason Goldson discusses the inconsistency in society, especially in the media. We have become a society of ideology – my people are right and your people are wrong. We must start offering the same respect to our opponents as we offer to our allies.

We also need to be consistent in our integrity. “When we see hypocrisy in others, it makes it that much easier to excuse it in ourselves,” Rabbi Goldson points out. We all suffer as a society when people begin to make excuses for their behavior and blame others for their own mistakes. Despite this, however, we should always move forward.

For a FREE preview of Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s great new book, “Proverbial Beauty”, click [here].

BONUS: For those in the Houston area who are curious as to why Terry didn’t endorse Ron Hickman for Harris County Sheriff, he talks briefly about it in this segment. Listen in!

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